
Unfair child support laws

Public Comments (14,822)
  • Nov 26th, 2016
    Tonya S. from New Bern, NC writes:
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    AGREED! My ex pays $400 a month for his child while her mother collected benefits and child support, but would rather cohabitate instead of getting married to her 3+ year boyfriend who makes over 50k a year. I had a Deadbeat Dad, but the system has missed the point. Co - Parent!!! 50/50- Plain & Simple.

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  • Nov 25th, 2016
    Sherry H. from Dittmer, MO writes:
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    As a mother I could not agree more. My ex and I do what is best for our daughter. I would never expect him to have to pay my bills I would have regardless if we had our child or not. When she needs something we get it done he does provide the insurance that is all. We do what is best for her. I do not want it to where he cannot have a home or be able to spend money on her when he has her because half of his check is going to me and my new husband. We do need reform. How does putting a man in prison help to funny not only are we paying for his stay we are paying for his children as well. I was raised along with my other five siblings by my mother who received 40.00 dollars a week child support and no help from the state not even medicaid. I had a great childhood I wanted for nothing, so I know it can be done. Here is my thing how do we women look when we fought for equal rights but yet I want you to have to pay me an astronomical amount of money to support me. My opinion is do not have kids unless you can support them on your own because you never know what can happen.

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  • Nov 25th, 2016
    Someone from Miami, FL writes:
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    Disgusting my ex made more kids and never ever sees put kids! R u kidding he won't even pay $320 a moth for 2 kids. I never saw my kids while they were 5. Who is this jokester who wrote that?

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  • Nov 25th, 2016
    Someone from Lancaster, OH writes:
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    I work 3 jobs I'm a single mother. I wish I could spend time at home with my kid's rather than a daycare provider raising them. Instead the father rarely spends time with his kids and if I can't get emotional support for our kids the least he could do is provide for them financially. I actually worked the whole time I was pregnant while he sat at home because he refused to participate in financial support. I think it's a falacy that single mother's have no financial responsibilities. I agree there are some incredibly horrible parents out there but if we want to create a reform it really needs to be individualized.

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  • Nov 25th, 2016
    Someone from Lancaster, OH writes:
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    I work 3 jobs I'm a single mother. I wish I could set at home. Instead the father rarely spends time with his kids and if I can't get emotional support for our kids the least he could do is provide for them financially. I actually worked the whole time I was pregnant while he sat at home because he refused to participate in financial support. I think it's a falacy that single mother's have no financial responsibilities. I agree there are some incredibly horrible parents out there but if we want to create a reform it really needs to be individualized.

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  • Nov 25th, 2016
    Someone from Toomsboro, GA writes:
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    With child support being so high the paying parent can hardly support themselves and they are already working long hours to make ends meet,so if the paying parent is always working how can they spend time with their children the law is so unfair and bias the nonpaying parent is living on high cotton and having a good time while the paying parent can't afford to pay their bills and often times have to file bankruptcy cause the law has broke them it doesn't take that much money a month to raise a child all I have to say is the paying parent gets the short end of the stick and it needs to be stopped.

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  • Nov 24th, 2016
    Someone from Brooklyn, NY writes:
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    A woman that I met online was very nice at first we were only friends and hung out occasionally on weekends. Time went by and we became sexual, come to find out that she was in the middle of a divorce and a lot older than she claimed to be when I met her online. After I found out the news I was immediately turned off and attempted to distance myself. As she began to realize that I wanted know part of her she decided to pull the I'm pregnant card. Obviously I was younger in school and not ready for a kid with a woman who was currently married. Since that day she has harassed me with child support harassed my girlfriend for over six years. I told her do what you have to you can't break what me and my girl have. I feel the child support system is extremely biased and men are being harassed by women. Not all men are bad and child support is an attempt to support only the child but the mother as well. There needs to be some reform. Not all man are bad child support needs a major over haul.

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  • Nov 22nd, 2016
    John D. from Folsom, PA signed.
  • Nov 22nd, 2016
    Someone from Burleson, TX writes:
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    There shold be one amount across the board that should be paid in child support, regardless how much the dad makes. Why does it take more to raise one child in a home then it does to raise another in another home. Women who want to trap guys and get pregnant just for a income is child abuse in my opinion, it is not in the best interest of the child!

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  • Nov 21st, 2016
    Anthony R. from Berlin, NJ signed.
  • Nov 21st, 2016
    Someone from Fort Myers, FL writes:
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    Pretty crazy my support has been readjusted 2 times in one month. I now pay $900 a month and only make $15 an hour while she lives at home with her mom and dad for the last 10 years without a job the whole time and collects food stamps. I've paid my support faithfully and get screwed for doing the right thing, now I understand why some dads get job that pay under the table so they can at least have a roof over their head. 50/50 my butt it's more like100/0, I wish I was the one born with the vagina so I could live free and not have any worries.

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  • Nov 21st, 2016
    Antonio S. from Tampa, FL writes:
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    Good father and person suffering from this unfair child support system.

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  • Nov 21st, 2016
    Someone from The Colony, TX signed.
  • Nov 21st, 2016
    Someone from Brooklyn, NY writes:
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    How does a mediator make Billions if money is transferred from Non-Custodial to Custodial. I wrote it down and questioned this because if I owe $1 in Child Support and I give this same $1 to the Child Support System to transfer to my child's mom how did the Child Support system make a profit off of my $1? And how is it that not even the President can intervene with this (Separate) Corporation that has nothing to do with the Government?

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  • Nov 20th, 2016
    Someone from Pattersonville, NY writes:
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    great example: I am a father of 3. the older two have moved out and the youngest lives with me full time. I pay her $200 a week for literally nothing. None of my kids live with her. The reason I don't take her back to court? The system is corrupt and somehow I would lose. Bunch of man hating female judges.

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  • Nov 20th, 2016
    melissa p. from Vero Beach, FL signed.
  • Nov 19th, 2016
    Someone from North Richland Hills, TX signed.
  • Nov 19th, 2016
    Someone from Graniteville, SC writes:
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    I'm In South Carolina where you have women who want to be lazy and live off of someone else's success. It's not that fathers are not supporting the kids, it's the fact that the father is not supporting the woman. It's normally the good fathers that end up on child support

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  • Nov 19th, 2016
    Someone from New York, NY writes:
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    This is why friend of mine had a kid with a ***** who did this (Made babies based on his earnings and as soon as she realized she was prego she broke up with him for no reason, even admitted to one of our friends that is why she did it) Welp, 2 babies were born. And Guy is back in his home country not paying a dime. This ***** is suffering looking for a baby daddy with a lose skin around her stomach from C section lmao

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  • Nov 19th, 2016
    Someone from Santa Ana, CA writes:
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    This needs to change not fair to have one parent support the child only. It makes women weak and greedy. We need a change to the mothers with entitlement.

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  • Nov 19th, 2016
    REMO W. from Grand Rapids, MI writes:
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    comment to Mandi N. of Texas child support is only supposed to be for kids basic needs only (food plus clothes) thats it. It is not the electric bill, not activities for school, not rent/mortage. As an adult you are supposed to provide a home with your own money instead of trying to gouge/extort/chase a guy. Like many ladies, you think your entitled to a free ride just because you have a kid. Kids are not supposed to be bags of cash (get it?) If you cant/wont take care of your kid there is/was abortion, adoption, leave kid at a fire dept without any financial penalty. You ladies got a great opt out method if you cant go thru the courts to extort a guy. Ladies have opt out methods without being monetarily responsible. Men should also have an opt out of financial responsibility if a lady chooses to have a kid -----and the guy does not want it. Seems a lot of ladies would abort if they knew could not make money off the kid. Its really sick. Sick to use kids as pawns as for cash. To ladies who choose bad guys to create kids with------------suck it up. Either put up for adoption or raise the kid alone. You ultimately make the final decision. You have opt outs. Hope Trump does something about these biased laws and make ladies stop using kids as pawns for cash. It should be 50/50 parenting AND NO MONEY CHANGING HANDS

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  • Nov 18th, 2016
    Someone from Pattersonville, NY writes:
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    I think we are missing the big picture here. Relationships don't always work out, that we know. You have to understand that unless you were unwillingly raped, you consented to sex with a man who is now your child's father. Being a father should be considered a privilege, not a burden, and when you start dragging them to court and restricting visitation, you deserve to not get a dime. Child support is to help out, not set you up so you don't have to work. Tow your own line and teach your child what it is to live life like normal people do. Working hard, struggling to find a moments time to yourself and doing it all over again when you wake up the next day. Don't teach your kid that if you work the right angle, they can live off of someone else...

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  • Nov 18th, 2016
    M H. from Batavia, OH writes:
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    i pay almost 700/m for two kids. i stay with family member 200 miles away from my kids because i cant afford to provide a home for my kids. why is there no help for fathers who do work and help(way too much) for mothers who receive child support and dont..smdh!!!!

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  • Nov 18th, 2016
    Someone from Covington, KY writes:
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    I agree

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  • Nov 18th, 2016
    ANNA A. from West Sacramento, CA writes:
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    Women should not stay at home when they could be working. Unless you are disabled it should be a must to work full time. I think part time should be an option if a person makes twice minimum wage.

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  • Nov 18th, 2016
    Russell S. from Wappingers Falls, NY writes:
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    I do not believe that overtime should be allowed to be included into the child support calculation. The labor laws state that after 40 hours a week, the employer has to pay overtime. How can the court make you work overtime.

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  • Nov 18th, 2016
    Mandi N. from Keller, TX writes:
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    I'm not sure what spreadsheet you are referring to, but in Texas it is 20% of the NCPs income. As it stands right now, I am getting 1800 a YEAR to help in raising my son because that is all his father is ordered to pay based on his part time status. In the past 3 years he had held several jobs making around 45,000 per year and so when you consider how he chose to change jobs making only 9,000 per year and only have that income considered for his payment, he's really only paying 4-5% of what he is capable of earning. That is 150 dollars per month and when you consider the amount it costs for clothes, extracurricular and school activities, school fees such as pictures and cafeteria lunch costs, medications, tutoring, gas expenses transporting him/her around to Boy Scout meetings, sports practices/games, and social events with his/her peers it adds up real fast. That is not including the costs of the rent/mortgage to keep a roof over their head and the utilities to keep him/her warm or cool and the cost of groceries to keep them healthy and nourished. The cost I pay for my son's medical insurance premiums is 279 a month and automatically deducted from my paycheck and that is nearly twice the amount his father pays in support, and no, he is not ordered to reimburse me for any of those premiums. The point is is that kids DO cost a lot of money if what you want for them is to be involved and develop socially, emotionally, physically, mentally, and academically. My son is not spoiled and doesn't have all the latest and greatest stuff because I can't afford that lifestyle for him. But I will do what it takes to provide a stable and healthy home environment even if it means I'm the one that needs to work the overtime to make it happen. There is nothing wrong with wanting the absolute best that one can feasibly and consciously afford. That is not to say that I don't see some despicable custodial parents being greedy and selfish either. I work in a children's hospital where some moms just blow me away with their behavior and attitude towards their child's father who actually does pay what is ordered and willingly pays more because he wants to know that his child is being cared for. Those are the dads that can put aside their bitterness about having to give their ex wife money and give from their heart keeping their eye on the prize and that is being an intentional, supportive, dependable, and loving father to their child. I feel that the argument in this entire thread is that ALL moms, or custodial dads receiving support, all sit at home with their hands out saying "gimme gimme gimme". That is not only uninformed, but ignorant. Some moms can't work because of a disability and having a disability does not disqualify them from being the right choice in some cases to raise the child(ren). My cousin is deaf and suffers from seizures, but that doesn't make her an unfit parent. And she relies on not only her ridiculous disability income, but the child support for her son to help make the things he needs to live and thrive possible. I'd love to work only part time based on what the petition here states, but I can't because not all dads, or noncustodial moms, care about doing what is right and pulling their weight for the sake of their child.

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  • Nov 18th, 2016
    Ardwens O. from Naples, FL writes:
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    I completely agree, these so call laws/statute doesn't look out for the parent paying child support. I don't mind paying for my children but it needs to be fair!!

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  • Nov 18th, 2016
    William E. from Mooresville, NC writes:
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    The spreadsheet in numbers to itemize the child support are too high and it does not cost that much to raise a child. I have been charged extremely too much and there is no way input at all from the mother for income to take care of our child. I also have my child 50% of the time and have to provide for her on my side as well. My child does not receive all the money for care and her mom is left keeping the rest. This law is disgusting and it is only hurting one of the parents and the child that is involved. I have worked very hard to try to provide for my child Mccarty and college which now I cannot do because I have to pay child support that goes by merrily to the mother and not my child. The government has wrecked my child's life for anything in her future as far as finances are concerned!

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  • Nov 18th, 2016
    Someone from Santa Cruz, CA signed.
  • Nov 17th, 2016
    Mandi N. from Keller, TX writes:
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    Though I'm sure your argument has several valid truths, there are still the immense number of dads or NCPs out there that continue to play the system to their advantage. I'm a mom and custodial parent and rather than sitting at home collecting a support check as you put it, I just started picking up a 4th 12 hour night shift working a total of 48 hours a week at the hospital because my son's "father" refuses to work more than 20 hours a week at minimum wage when he used to hold down a full time job making twice that amount. He took a 70% pay cut just in time for my case to be reviewed by the attorney general's office and rather than looking at his past employment for the 3 years we've been divorced, they went with what he is making right at this moment and he played that violin sob story all through the trial. I just got my modification ruling in the mail today where the judge didn't base the child support on what he is capable of making, but what he chooses to make. Only in Wichita Falls, Texas can you expect deadbeat dads to be let off the hook by deliberately playing the system. It's always been a broken system and I don't see it ever changing. The only people we can hold accountable our ourselves so rather than fight a broken system or lazy parents (both moms and dads), I will pull up my big girl pants and do what needs to be done to raise my son in a safe, happy, and healthy home.

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  • Nov 17th, 2016
    Ramon R. from lehigh acers, FL writes:
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    Yes somebody's finally doing something about it. Sometimes it's not even the custodial parent that wants more money it's the Department of Revenue /child support department that manipulates them to enforce it and get more money out of the non-custodial parent 2 keep there agency going . I see things from both sides I'm a custodial parent and a non-custodial parent

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  • Nov 17th, 2016
    Kenneth M. from Birmingham, AL writes:
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    I'm on Social Security and the court won't modify my child support and I don't get that much a month and is overpaying my baby mothers and I can't afford to live

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  • Nov 17th, 2016
    Someone from Seattle, WA writes:
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    I luckily have an OK ex wife, not great but it could be worse. she works and after all my deductions union dues taxes i make less take home than her. I agree after the child reaches an age where they can go to school and not in the custody, she should be required to work to help support the child. further more, infidelity should be a disqualifier for some of the usual benefits women ( as a general rule because the man usually works while she does not) get like alimony/ spousal support, she should receive a lower amount in child support for the " home wrecking" actions she is guilty of ,if guilty of. in no fault states it doesn't matter who did what with the exception of domestic violence. I suggest adding infidelity to what qualifies as DV

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  • Nov 17th, 2016
    William N. from Delaware, OH writes:
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    The state of Ohio used income I no longer make to base my child support. I am made to supply health coverage and I have rent, utilities, insurance, maintenance, etc....and she lives with her aunt rent free on Medicaid and food stamps. I can't get anything done about this, because everyone just tells me that's just how it is and wants me to send thousands on a lawyer. The state of Ohio can force a father to pay child support before a judge can about for anything and the child support agency can do this with out factoring in bills. I haven't seen my kids on over 7months but she gets a check on time though!!#

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  • Nov 17th, 2016
    Morgan B. from Culloden, WV writes:
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    My mom took my son now my husband and I are paying back support if she could my afford to take care of my son to were she needed state help why did they give him to her on top of that visitation was based on her discretion and I only have seen him once in three years. Now I have two kids and am not asking it the system is setting me up for failure HELLLLLLP!

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  • Nov 17th, 2016
    Someone from Palmyra, IN writes:
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    Totally agree. Women get tax breaks tang childsupport foodstamps etc.... What do us men get? Grief and a empty wallet.

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  • Nov 17th, 2016
    Someone from Valley Lee, MD writes:
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    I agree that the non-custodial parent should be paying the custodial parent child support. As a very active father, I have been temporarily awarded 50/50 joint legal and physical custody of my three sons. However, I still have to pay her child support for some reason. Their mother refuses to get a job, and has told me numerous times that she will "milk me" for all of the child support she can get. This is our current system, under the current laws. This needs to change, because I have heard of numerous men and women taking advantage of this system. I am hoping to gain primary physical custody of my sons, and not owe the ex any support whatsoever. The current system rewards incredibly negative behavior and allows for one spouse not to work. Men and women are perfectly capable of being good earners, and national child support guidelines need to be established that will require the custodial parent to earn. Kids are somewhat expensive, but the amounts given to the spouse choosing not to work should not subsidize them in any way. I really hope our new President can fix this since he has been through divorce.

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  • Nov 17th, 2016
    Someone from Valley Lee, MD writes:
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    I agree that the non-custodial parent should be paying the custodial parent child support. As a very active father, I have been temporarily awarded 50/50 joint legal and physical custody of my three sons. However, I still have to pay her child support for some reason. Their mother refuses to get a job, and has told me numerous times that she will "milk me" for all of the child support she can get. This is our current system, under the current laws. This needs to change, because I have heard of numerous men and women taking advantage of this system. I am hoping to gain primary physical custody of my sons, and not owe the ex any support whatsoever. The current system rewards incredibly negative behavior and allows for one spouse not to work. Men and women are perfectly capable of being good earners, and national child support guidelines need to be established that will require the custodial parent to earn. Kids are somewhat expensive, but the amounts given to the spouse choosing not to work should not subsidize them in any way. I really hope our new President can fix this.

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  • Nov 17th, 2016
    Someone from Cheltenham, PA writes:
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    They need to use net income not gross income in pa. Other incomes in household should be considered if mother is not working and receiving support. The state should stop getting money from the government for increasing child support payments from the payees. Give full custody to higher incomed parent, if they choose, instead of always giving to lower incomed parent, so the state can get the most money from the government.

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