
Stop False Allegations of Domestic Violence

Public Comments (14,604)
  • Sep 13th, 2011
    Someone from Cerritos, CA writes:
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    I was a thrown with a DV order, in the meantime it allowed the mom to take my kid away, of course there was NO DANGER to anyone, in fact 2 weeks prior there's messages saying how great I am, because I didn't want to continue a relationship with the Mother, These things are used as stragedy, eventually when you prove those charges are wrong, its too late, the primary attachment is lost and it is a vicious scheme that is being played out in court. The courts need reform also. You have these Judges that love drama and sit there acting like their God giving all sorts of speeches about their lives. Its about the children, not the $$$ game custody has turned out to be.

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  • Sep 12th, 2011
    Someone from Staten Island, NY signed.
  • Sep 12th, 2011
    Someone from Oro Grande, CA writes:
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    My son is having parole violated because of falsee accusations from his girlfriend of abuse. His kids told the copss he did not touch her and that she hit him with a lamp. The kids told the police their Mom hurts herself and blames their Dad. She is a self mutilator. He told her he cant stay with her and she tells him that if he leaves he is going back to prison and she callls the police and they ignore the kids and he's back in jail for no reason. It is not fair that he's in jail and she is the guilty one.

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  • Sep 12th, 2011
    Someone from Astoria, NY signed.
  • Sep 12th, 2011
    Someone from Akron, OH writes:
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    While all allegations need to be taken seriously, many times false allegations are made by one party to drive a wedge between one parent and their child. This must be addressed!

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  • Sep 11th, 2011
    Someone from Kissimmee, FL signed.
  • Sep 11th, 2011
    Someone from Liberty, TX signed.
  • Sep 11th, 2011
    Someone from Winchester, CA writes:
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    My Son has been falsely accused of DV, he spent 13 days in jail and paid 6K for an attorney. His case was dismissed in Criminal Law, all discoveries showed no crime was commited, just a dispute that should have been handled differently by law enforcement. The Family Law court in CA has its own way of running things and they will not allow the dismissal to be heard, so he is still trying to deal with the fact of false allegations there. When is the abuse of falsely accusing others going to stop!

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  • Sep 11th, 2011
    Someone from Chicago, IL signed.
  • Sep 11th, 2011
    Someone from New York, NY writes:
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    GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY!!!! Until proven innocent. After $20,000.00 worth of attorneys fees I was still forced into another $2500 worth of a SCRAM bracelet fees (because she accused me of being a lousy drunk too) and a years worth of mandated weekly "therapy" that cost's me $150 a pop and presto....a broke innocent man. God bless America. Justice IS blind.

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  • Sep 10th, 2011
    Someone from Windsor, OH writes:
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    My fiance and I recently was awared custody of his 11 year old daughter because it was proved in court that the mother is unable to provide a stable environment. We was awared custody 2 weeks ago, and the mother vouched their would be war. 2 nights ago, we had two sheriffs show up on our doorstep to drag my finace out of our home and place him under arrest for domestic violence!! I had been home with him all night!! The arresting officers told us that the alleged "victim" had a witness to put my finace at the seen of the crime which happened to be her aunt! To top things off the officer proceeded to tell us both the woman had been drinking yet not one drop of alcohol had been on my finace's breath. My fiance had to spend the night in jail and now we have to hire an attorney to prove his innocence. What kind of justice is this?????? Obviosly they made the whole story up and the police officers treated us like we were criminals! Soemthing needs done, how is it possible that we have no laws to protect individuals in cases like these???!! Where are our rights???

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  • Sep 10th, 2011
    Someone from Warner Robins, GA writes:
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  • Sep 9th, 2011
    Someone from Hyattsville, MD writes:
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    My brother is the victim of exactly what this petition describes. The mother of his son attacked him, an alteraction ensued and she sustained injuries. My brother also sustained injuries but the poor investigative work of the police department did not document my brother's injuries. The sad thing is that she has done this before, and in that case tried to get her mother to lie that she saw my brother strike her, but thankfully, her mother would not lie and the charges were dismissed. In this current instance, there were no witnesses and it is simply his word against hers. She has consistently used the system to control her relationship with my brother, most recently in a child custody case. I understand that victims need to be protected, but if you attack someone, and because of your attack you are injured, the fault should not fall on the person protecting themselves. I am disheartened by the fact that our justice system turns a blind eye to this clear injustice. Something truly needs to be done. Women shouldn't be able to cry wolf and ruin a man's life.

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  • Sep 9th, 2011
    Someone from Mission Viejo, CA writes:
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    Something needs to be done to fix this broken system. It's unfair and many live have been injured as a result of false domestic violence report.

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  • Sep 8th, 2011
    Someone from Whitman, MA writes:
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    My daughters mother attacked me because I was 15 minutes late dropping my daughter off on court ordered visitation. She then went the next day and filed a false restraining order on me (to cover up her own violent actions) I spent many years in court trying to protect my daughter because mother is a drug user. I have full custody of my daughter now, but it took many many years in court and lots of money for lawyers to merely protect my daughter. Mother was arrested for writing phony drug prescriptions our daughter was 9 when I finally got my daughter only because her mother was in Jail.

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  • Sep 8th, 2011
    Someone from Middleburg, FL signed.
  • Sep 8th, 2011
    Someone from Vancouver, WA writes:
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    i was pressured to plead 3 felonies for being a hero

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  • Sep 7th, 2011
    Someone from El Paso, TX signed.
  • Sep 6th, 2011
    Someone from Atlanta, GA signed.
  • Sep 5th, 2011
    Someone from Tilton, NH signed.
  • Sep 4th, 2011
    Someone from Candia, NH writes:
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    I can vouch personally that men also abuse the law by filing false allegations. It is becoming increasingly obvious to me that my boyfriend Kevin (or Ray, which is his real name instead of the alias he chooses to use), of 12 years, although charming to outsiders, is a master manipulator with absolutely no conscience, who will stoop to any low in order to avoid being exposed as unfaithful. His mindset on this is so extreme that it really does appear to have crossed the line into a mental disorder. I am respectable woman who, because I have no close family, tend to be too tolerant and attract manipulative men. Kevin and I have been together off and on (always at his whim) for years, and he has a history of provoking arguments with me, such as claiming it is none of my business when he disappears for the weekend/month, then walks into my life again as if he has done nothing wrong. The first 3 years that I lived with him, if I did not comply with his weekly demands to leave our/his house for no reason, he would physically pick me up and throw me off the porch. The man has the physique of of Arnold Schwartzenegger, while I am about 125lbs. Since he is also a goodlooking man, I began suspecting that his routine arguments and imaginary accusations (anything to pick a fight) were contrived to hide his weekend infidelities. Unfortunately, I am not the type of person who is able to condemn someone without proof. I wish I had been treated as fairly by the local police. When I started to stand up to him verbally, his violence against me escalated, including choking. The amazing part of this is how often he has called the police and accused ME of violence. And they usually took his word for it, despite no injuries on him. We live in a small town named Candia NH, where he and his family have a well-known business on the same property as the house. I assumed that this is the reason he has been able to maneuver them into taking his side. Not that it stopped him from actually framing one point, after throwing me out for the weekend, he invited me over to talk, we were totally civil, I went outside to get something from my car, and he locked me out. While my keys were in the house and I was barefoot outside in winter in the country. He then said he would call the police if I didn't leave. When I tried to tell him through the window that I couldn't leave because my keys were inside with him, he stood there and drowned me out with his laughter. I was considering crawling through the window to get my keys. When the police were about to pull into the driveway 10 minutes later (people can be seen approaching from a half-mile away), he quickly tossed my keys out of the window right next to me, so that it looked as if I could have left if I was willing. Yes, I was arrested. Trespassing and burglary (for sticking my arm through the window trying to point to my keys). Later, I was stupid enough to accept his explanation that he couldn't hear me (

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  • Sep 3rd, 2011
    Someone from Fort Myers, FL signed.
  • Sep 2nd, 2011
    Someone from Trinity, AL signed.
  • Sep 2nd, 2011
    Someone from Trinity, AL signed.
  • Sep 2nd, 2011
    Someone from Leavenworth, WA signed.
  • Sep 2nd, 2011
    Someone from Moulton, AL writes:
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    Illegal immigrant women are doing this as a qucik way to gain citenship.They get what's called a U visa, so men beware.This happened to my son and he's innocent. Congress please do something about this injustice to our innocent men.

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  • Sep 1st, 2011
    Someone from Mount Orab, OH signed.
  • Sep 1st, 2011
    Someone from Yuba City, CA signed.
  • Sep 1st, 2011
    Someone from Colliers, WV writes:
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    Dear Governor, I am writing you in regards to my son, a seventeen year veteran that has served his country proudly and now is getting abused by a distortion of the law. He asked for the divorce due to the fact that his in-laws would never stay out of his marriage, and the soon to be ex and her family have found loophole after loophole to manipulate him to supporting not only his children which he has never once said he wasn?t going to do, but to support his ex-wife and her parents. She went from a perfectly healthy woman before the divorce proceedings started to an invalid without any shred of medical documentation. She has since sought to gain disability and once again not only is he being forced to pay alimony and now his and mine tax dollars are going to pay her even more. I pose you this question if she is in such dire straits that she cannot work how she in reality can take care of their children? They have two homes and he cannot even live in the one home because she manipulated the law to get her best friend in the other home and he has no recourse to evict them and she also is collecting the rent from that home and he receives not a dime of that. I was once proud to say my son and I are veterans but now I am ashamed that the state has treated my son like a third class citizen and they wonder why they can?t get people to volunteer for the armed services.

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  • Sep 1st, 2011
    Someone from Redondo Beach, CA signed.
  • Sep 1st, 2011
    Someone from Weirton, WV writes:
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    To all, To Senators, Congressmen, Representatives, Governor and friends: I hope this letter gets read and I hope that I can make changes to a few things because of this letter. That?s the purpose of my writing it and wanting to put the word out there that something needs done with our system. I?m not a politician but I am an American who just suffered through the worst year of his life and it?s not even over. Most of it is because our laws are intended to protect those who need help or assistance and our programs are set up to be there to keep others from going hungry, without home or having no insurance. But they are written in such a way to be manipulated as well and if one has the time to study them and read over them they realize that there are loop holes and that?s where everything falls apart. What I?m focused on in this letter is attempting to levy for stronger laws against false allegations of domestic violence (if they are proven to be false) and fraud against our Medicare system as well as our other programs that assist those in need. My name is Paul Anthony Minger. I am a 36 year old, soon to be divorced, father of two beautiful daughters, who is a 17 year veteran of the Army/Army Reserves. I'm also an 11 year veteran of the oil field industry working on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico for a company out of Houston known as Transocean. I've proudly served my country in Iraqi Freedom in '04-'05 and deployed to Afghanistan with DCP1 in '09-'10 to be part of USFOR-A out of Kabul. I'm a soldier who believes in serving his country, fighting for his flag and stands proud for having defended for our freedom. I'm not a man who takes credit for all that he has done but instead believes in the people who stands by me and pass credit off to them in believing in me. I take great pride in all that I have done in the military and in my career. My greatest enjoyment from serving doesn't come from medals, ribbons or coins but instead from the handshakes and thank yous that I receive when passing someone while I?m in uniform while walking in an airport or after telling someone that I have served. If all this sounds cloche to you then that reflects on where we are going in this nation and this past year has tested me my own faith in the way we do things and how it reflects on my way of life for me and my daughters. Last September I asked my wife, of 6 and a half years, for a divorce after realizing that our marriage was in serious trouble after counseling wasn?t working for us. It wasn?t healthy for our two daughters and I realized that we weren?t going to work unless I could figure out a way to get along with her parents and I knew that wasn?t going to happen. I actually came to the table with pen and paper and I was going to sign over most of the personal assets to her to make it easier on the kids. She looked at me and told me that our lawyers would handle everything. I knew I better hurry up and get an attorney for myself bu

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  • Sep 1st, 2011
    Someone from Weirton, WV writes:
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    To all, To Senators, Congressmen, Representatives, Governor and friends: I hope this letter gets read and I hope that I can make changes to a few things because of this letter. That?s the purpose of my writing it and wanting to put the word out there that something needs done with our system. I?m not a politician but I am an American who just suffered through the worst year of his life and it?s not even over. Most of it is because our laws are intended to protect those who need help or assistance and our programs are set up to be there to keep others from going hungry, without home or having no insurance. But they are written in such a way to be manipulated as well and if one has the time to study them and read over them they realize that there are loop holes and that?s where everything falls apart. What I?m focused on in this letter is attempting to levy for stronger laws against false allegations of domestic violence (if they are proven to be false) and fraud against our Medicare system as well as our other programs that assist those in need. My name is Paul Anthony Minger. I am a 36 year old, soon to be divorced, father of two beautiful daughters, who is a 17 year veteran of the Army/Army Reserves. I'm also an 11 year veteran of the oil field industry working on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico for a company out of Houston known as Transocean. I've proudly served my country in Iraqi Freedom in '04-'05 and deployed to Afghanistan with DCP1 in '09-'10 to be part of USFOR-A out of Kabul. I'm a soldier who believes in serving his country, fighting for his flag and stands proud for having defended for our freedom. I'm not a man who takes credit for all that he has done but instead believes in the people who stands by me and pass credit off to them in believing in me. I take great pride in all that I have done in the military and in my career. My greatest enjoyment from serving doesn't come from medals, ribbons or coins but instead from the handshakes and thank yous that I receive when passing someone while I?m in uniform while walking in an airport or after telling someone that I have served. If all this sounds cloche to you then that reflects on where we are going in this nation and this past year has tested me my own faith in the way we do things and how it reflects on my way of life for me and my daughters. Last September I asked my wife, of 6 and a half years, for a divorce after realizing that our marriage was in serious trouble after counseling wasn?t working for us. It wasn?t healthy for our two daughters and I realized that we weren?t going to work unless I could figure out a way to get along with her parents and I knew that wasn?t going to happen. I actually came to the table with pen and paper and I was going to sign over most of the personal assets to her to make it easier on the kids. She looked at me and told me that our lawyers would handle everything. I knew I better hurry up and get an attorney for myself bu

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  • Aug 31st, 2011
    Someone from Austin, TX writes:
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    I am a victim of childhood abuse, am 71 years old, a retired Nicu-Newborn nurse, will never forget what I have gone through, but I am LIVID when I hear these judges granting restraint orders, etc, on the WHIM of a documented LIAR !! and that they are RUINING lives with these decisions! JUDGES, you will be held accountable to the Lord above, if no other here on earth. Granny B., Texas

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  • Aug 31st, 2011
    Someone from Beaufort, SC writes:
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    I'm military, married to a former military member that knows the system which gave her a great advantage of knowing just what to say to get what she money, career and son taken away. This needs to stop. Being falsely accused and having nowhere to turn with no one to talk to is horrible. Especially as you watch your career and child get ripped away by a very cunning and deceitful DOCUMENTED liar and philanderer. No help on my end...I'm just fighting for air. Hopefully I can find help...someone has to be out there.

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  • Aug 31st, 2011
    Someone from Beaufort, SC writes:
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    I'm military, married to a former military member that knows the system which gave her a great advantage of knowing just what to say to get what she money, career and son taken away. This needs to stop. Being falsely accused and having nowhere to turn with no one to talk to is horrible. Especially as you watch your career and child get ripped away by a very cunning and deceitful DOCUMENTED liar and philanderer. No help on my end...I'm just fighting for air. Hopefully I can find help...someone has to be out there.

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  • Aug 31st, 2011
    Someone from Marshfield, MA signed.
  • Aug 31st, 2011
    Someone from Beaufort, SC writes:
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    I'm military, married to a former military member that knows the system which gave her a great advantage of knowing just what to say to get what she money, career and son taken away. This needs to stop. Being falsely accused and having nowhere to turn with no one to talk to is horrible. Especially as you watch your career and child get ripped away by a very cunning and deceitful DOCUMENTED liar and philanderer. No help on my end...I'm just fighting for air. Hopefully I can find help...someone has to be out there.

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  • Aug 30th, 2011
    Someone from San Angelo, TX writes:
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    What is the worst is that when an individual is arrested on an accusation. you have to pay for a bail bond, hire an attorney, and the arrest will remain for ever, even if the charge was never filed. The "victim" should be responsible for the cost of a false report.

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  • Aug 30th, 2011
    Someone from Saint Paul, MN signed.
  • Aug 30th, 2011
    Someone from Austin, TX writes:
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    Its not fair for men not to be able to get the proper justice that they need in the untited states to protect their lives as well.

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