
Urge the CDC to take action against surging unexplained disease

Public Comments (2,563)
  • Sep 26th, 2015
    Someone from Lake Elsinore, CA signed.
  • Sep 26th, 2015
    Someone from Yukon, OK signed.
  • Sep 26th, 2015
    Someone from Mcminnville, OR signed.
  • Sep 25th, 2015
    Someone from Broken Arrow, OK signed.
  • Sep 24th, 2015
    Someone from Brooklyn, NY writes:
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    I also am a suffering also my 2dogs please help us it will be a horrifying end should this persists

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  • Sep 22nd, 2015
    Someone from Salinas, CA signed.
  • Sep 21st, 2015
    Someone from Littleton, CO writes:
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    My mother suffers from this and cannot find help. It's devastating. They keep trying to put her on medication for schizophrenia. Please help her and all the others with this terrible illness.

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  • Sep 16th, 2015
    Someone from Auburn, CA writes:
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    I have a friend who has had a lump under his skin for a while. It pulsates and moves. He's been able to pull a piece of it out. He's videotaped it moving and I personally have watched it. He had been going through some drug trials, they now won't let him do any more and won't acknowledge his situation. His primary physician has deemed him a "picker"

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  • Sep 15th, 2015
    Someone from Orange Beach, AL writes:
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    Please stop telling people they are delusional. I have never been delusional in my lIfe abd I'm nit now. The open oozing sores on my skin won't Heal are REAL. Yes, I have made some worse by picking them - no doctor will even get close enough to look do I've tried to diagnose myself with a small hand lens. I am sick in many ways - chronic nausea, exhaustion, disrupted and disordered sleep, abdominal pain and swelling. I am now too sick to go to the doctor anymore. I subsist from day to day. Please help us.

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  • Sep 14th, 2015
    Someone from Woodland Hills, CA writes:
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    Thank God for this petition. I slept in a bed at Hollyhock on Cortes Island and felt something crawling all over me - in my eyelashes, everywhere. I woke up and didn't see anything. The housekeeping staff turned the bed over and saw tiny red dots of debris. In the 6 weeks since, i have tried Borax, bleach, tea tree oil, dry mustard, and diatomaceous earth. I vacuum daily, wash everything I own in hot water, we have a housekeeper come once a week, I even freeze my shoes nightly. We sleep on an air mattress and bleach it down daily. Still we are itching and feeling like something is crawling! I went to my general doctor and dermatologist but there are few to no marks on my skin. Research definitely needs to happen in this area.

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  • Sep 14th, 2015
    Someone from Phoenix, AZ writes:
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    I can't even make it to Dr I am so sick. I can't go through another day of this. It's destroyed my life my relationships . This is the most devastating thing I could imagine and to top it off no one believes you I never felt more alone.

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  • Sep 13th, 2015
    Someone from Sparks, NV signed.
  • Sep 13th, 2015
    Someone from Staten Island, NY signed.
  • Sep 12th, 2015
    Someone from Sparks, NV signed.
  • Sep 12th, 2015
    Someone from Westminster, CO writes:
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    I started this once and it disappeared. I am 70 years old and have been fighting these bites for over a year. Sadly, my indoor cats have this now as well. I have seen every doctor, CU Infectious Disease Center, contacted CDC, Dermatologists, PCP and so on. One Dermatologist tried different ointments, creams, and pills, a chest x-ray and so on. She at least tried, the others did not. I was told by the others that I am Delusional. They did not really check me or my specimens said it was nice meeting me. The mysterious bugs have left marks on me, some I picked and made it worse. I am smoking more than ever due to the anxiety and depression this is causing. It has changed my life totally. I have these in my apartment and in my car, and again, on my cats. I can only go out a little, I am humiliated. CDC said they could not help me, maybe if I had a letter from the doctor. No one knows what this is an and I have seen some horror stories online. every time you go to the doctor they ask if I have been in other countries. No, I say. Then I think how many are in our country that may bring these things in to our. Right where I live there is about 50% or more from Mexico, Peru, Africa, Nigeria, and more. Most are hard working, but I think how they also bring their families later. What kind of bugs are they bringing here. What I have are mostly, small and opaque, sometimes tan, and sometimes look like a microscopic worm. When they bite, they bite hard. I know I do not want to die yet, on the other hand, a person cannot live like this. I have little income so if I get rid of everything I have no way of replacing it. I have to go to a Laundromat since we have none in the apartments. It is hard on me and I seem to have lost faith, too tired to do anything anymore. I am almost certain I do not have Morgellons but not certain. I thought it was bird mites from the Swallows here but then after reading so much, I have no idea. I know I cannot get rid of them. I have given up. I think they should never have done away with DDT, as much I hate to say that. I for natural things, but the bugs exist beause we do not fight them. Now, with a weakened immune system from two surgeries, I am infested, as is everything I own. And, no one cares and if you tell anyone, they are squeamish. Doesn't anyone hear my crying, everyone's crying. Does anyone know anything about this? Sorry this is so long. I do not sleep because of this and am my wits end. Thank you. L.

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  • Sep 11th, 2015
    Someone from Excelsior, MN writes:
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    The professional community if doctors and PCOs has labeled "delusional parasitosis" an epidemic if microscopic biting mites which is absolutely real. I am a senior citizen who has been suffering from this infestation for one year. There is no help available from professionals. It is a nightmare and something must be done. I know I am not alone. There are millions of us.

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  • Sep 10th, 2015
    Someone from Metairie, LA signed.
  • Sep 9th, 2015
    Someone from Orange, NJ signed.
  • Sep 9th, 2015
    Someone from Nashville, TN signed.
  • Sep 9th, 2015
    Someone from Bowling Green, KY writes:
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    I once had a life, laughter, a career, a home, friends, a great relationship with my daughter and a future. Now after suffering from this "plague" for over two years now all of what I use to call my life has been taken away from me along with my self-esteem, self-worth and the faith that I can go to a physician in hopes of some relief. How is it that so many are looked over considered "crazy" just because what they are facing is not "recognized" by those who do not want to face the truth that this is real and does exist. What will it take for this to be taken seriously? Death? Is that what only draws attention, causing enough excitement in order for action to be taken.This is sad, lives are being destroyed and instead of trying to help the plan is to just call us delusional- send us on our way to possibly spread this horrible "life-threatening" illness to others. Is there a waiting period? to see just how bad this can get, to watch it manifest into a more severe state at which at that point it will draw the interest of those who could have prevented it? are we guinea pigs. How can it be said that if it is not been "recognized" by a certain group (people, not the creators who know what all exists on this planet) that there is no such thing? Help should be available for those who suffer from this not judgement and abandonment. Our lives are just as important as those who have been diagnosed with a "recognized" illness. To treat us as if we are dogs infested with fleas just scratching for some relief. Those affected by this are forced to become slaves, held captive to what lies underneath what should be our barrier for protection, now "destruction of life". I am nothing more than a vessel, existing only for the preservation of this disease. Help! I want to live again!

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  • Sep 8th, 2015
    Someone from Duncan, AZ signed.
  • Sep 7th, 2015
    Someone from Brooklyn, NY signed.
  • Sep 7th, 2015
    Someone from Ellettsville, IN writes:
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    I've suffered for 9 years now. I'm NOT nuts - it's NOT in my head, I'm a normal, happy, positive wife and mother of 6. I'm educated, a tool designer in the Aerospace Industry, retired and enjoying playing "soccer-mom" for the last of my kids still at home. Mine began on my arm, leading to both arms, then to my legs. I gave up on Doctors long ago after many visits, lost wages and huge doctor bills. I've been "on my own" with this from the start. Since my "outbreak", I know 2 others that have become afflicted with the same symptoms - THIS IS REAL. Is it related to something the government doesn't want to be public knowledge? GMO? Monsanto related? WHAT?? We all just want it to go away - Why should we suffer to keep your secrets?

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  • Sep 7th, 2015
    Someone from Lanoka Harbor, NJ writes:
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    I just found out less than a week ago I had this horrific thing. The first day I realized what it was the stress of it made it way worse. I woke up covered In Scratches. It looked like I was clawed in my sleep. I started reading and researching and I want to let everyone know what has worked best for me. The first day I frosted myself like a cake in Vaseline. From the top of my head to my toes. The Vaseline turns to warm goo that oozes off of you and the Morgs come out of your skin like mad. I then bought Hibiclens soap at CVS and use that topically every shower. I cut out all my coffee, sugar, have been eating very lightly and have only been eating veggies and a little meat. I believe 10000% our diets have a huge impact on our suffering. About day three I poured half a glass of water and two heaping spoons of baking soda. I was so desperate. I read baking soda stabilizes your PH. So I quickly drank the mixture. About ten minutes later I got so tired I could barely pick myself up to walk. I sat down for a little bit and shortly thereafter went to the bathroom. The baking soda makes you do that! Anyways I woke up the next day with more energy then I've had in months. I also take garlic pills collagen vitamin D and A few other vitamins but I believe the baking soda is the trick. Some people haven't had luck with it but maybe they just didn't drink enough of it. I strongly suggest anyone suffering to try this ASAP. And also if you don't change your diet, this isn't going to alleviate at all. Sugar and carbs are key. I hope even one person gets relief from this. God help us all. It's a sin and when you have nowhere to turn but the internet, you kind of lose hope. Keep on keeping on .....

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  • Sep 6th, 2015
    Someone from Neosho, MO writes:
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    People, please, please do not commit suicide. We can get through this together. Please visit - It is completely free. Also, if people tell you this is impossible, below is a recent scientific paper that says this is a growing epidemic. This can be so very isolating and no one believes, but right now, we have to come together and find a cure for ourselves.

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  • Sep 5th, 2015
    Someone from New Knoxville, OH signed.
  • Sep 4th, 2015
    Someone from Allston, MA writes:
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    P.S. It should also be noted to the nurse who wrote two letters back and to the medical community in general that these things carry secondary infections. So no suprise she has strange symptoms. I myself with the exact onset of this thing have been stuck on the toilet for years now. The situation is nasty and i fear we are certainly headed for an epidemic. God help us!!!!

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  • Sep 4th, 2015
    Someone from Allston, MA writes:
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    Is any body there??? Collembola springtails rat mites dog mites bird mites scabies morgellons etc etc etc point is people have microscopic skin infestestations DESTROYING their lives and a fair amt of ppl too not just a few and doctors act like everyone is nutz. One more pharmacuetical cream that kills them via their nervous system isnt going to cut it!!!!!!!! Maybe a high pressure dermal air system to dry them out (blow dryer not strong enough we need something that exerts no joke real pressure on skin to traumatize the bastards somethng you need to wear goggles with). I have entered a phony name and email because i am commiting suicide over this if i dont get it straightened out (very) soon not because im depressed or feel sorry for myself but because im in physical agony diseased infested and contagious. I dont want to go out with some newspaper announcing my name and that ive got bugs- cooties so prefer the dignity of dying in anonymity. This isnt going away by itself wake up cdc start telling docs and derms to start taking hard to diagnose microscopic skin infestations seriously Raise awareness and start a team to work on a sure fire cure that is accesable and not designed just to make drug companies a quick buck off of peoples pain. Creams dont go deep enough anyway. Something sonic or something that maybe requires cutting edge brainstorming. The itching the biting the burrowing the crawling movement sensation the holes in my skin the whole thing is beyond beyond and I can't take it anymore. Just my paper towel and laundry bill alone is enough to drive one into bankruptcy. Because they overran my home environment ive spent the last two-three years sleeping under parked cars because I cant lay down in my environment without getting massively attacked I cant even sit down in my apt. to tie my shoes. Often i just dont sleep and broke out my front teeth from fainting from sheer exhaustion. Of course their are species of mites going above neckline many flesh eaters and OFCOURSE they can go inter-species animal to human back and forth flesh is flesh WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!!!! Start having an open mind and acknowledge the severity of problem. Some types of flesh eating bird mites under ideal conditions last eight months off host so stop everyone with rolling out the standard 3 day crap. God help us. Lastly as a mention to others these things love cloth just more knowledge helps. Vinyl car seats no guarentee but cloth is really dangerous. Also blow dryer does help inside bed but dont burn down house! Again God help us.

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  • Sep 4th, 2015
    Someone from Allston, MA signed.
  • Sep 2nd, 2015
    Someone from Yukon, OK signed.
  • Sep 2nd, 2015
    Someone from Kearny, NJ writes:
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    Address this problem! People are suffering immensely!

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  • Sep 1st, 2015
    Someone from Olivehurst, CA signed.
  • Sep 1st, 2015
    Someone from Cantonment, FL writes:
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    I am a nurse for a dermatologist and have had this for ironic huh? I haven't even went to my boss and told him I have this happening to me because so many people have come to him for the same thing (probably how I got it) and got sent to a psychologist and put on psychotic medication!!! I just couldn't bare the thought of even tarnishing my relationship with my boss whom I've worked for for over 5 years and up until now thought was a I suffered until I got REALLY sick and went to several doctors... And dentists (because I had many teeth decay within a week and I had beautiful healthy teeth before!!!) I also Went to the ER a couple times and finally ended up in an infectious disease dr and thought I was finally going to get help. She didn't even look at me physically just asked a couple questions and since I was now having joint pain and facial numbness she sent me for lyme test, I thought it was a waste of time however it came back positive so now I have 2 illnesses the government are ignoring and I am so exhausted...but the worst part is my one year old, 7, and 9 year olds as well as my husband are all infected. They ran some tests on the baby which turned up nothing because he spiked a 104 fever, went lethargic and quit eating for a month except milk which was enough to keep him functioning at the minimum. He is now 15 months old and not walking or really eating solids much which he did before this happened!! He is either wiping his eyes, ears, nose, crying, getting whelps or pulling at his's the most gut wrenching feeling to know what is wrong with your baby but no one will listen to u. Because I am in the medical field I have not yet had to endure being called crazy by doctors although one ER dr acted like's much worse tho, my mother and grandmother think it's so bizarre and far fetched that we have barely spoken and we were always close. It's effected every single aspect of my entire families life!! We have abandoned our home, uprooted our children to stay with my's been so hard and painful.. it's hard to have hope it will ever end. I have been out of work for months, "sick" I told him and he knows I don't miss work ever so they have been really nice letting me take time away... This has taken our lives and I'm begging for my one year old baby to please help us he is tormented and that's what is unbearable. From a sick, broke, sad, scared, hopeless, homeless, desperately broken mother, Jan

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  • Sep 1st, 2015
    Someone from Brandywine, MD writes:
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    Seeing these comments are truly heart breaking. I'm not experiencing any burrowing of mites, but I'm truly afraid that there are no definitive methods to remove these minute, jumping biting mites. Somehow these mites arrived in my car, through a rider. I'm going to fumigate my car and my home while being prepared to follow 80% of what I've read. Borax and Salt, sticky roller to capture, vacuuming, steaming, peppermint soap, ammonia and borax spray, dishwashing liquid for capture, alcohol and bleach 80/20 spray. And I have no pets!!! Bed Bug and Flea Fogger... CDC I truly need you all to share a solution NOW!!!

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  • Sep 1st, 2015
    Someone from Wilmington, DE writes:
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    this is probably a method of population control. think about it. why else would they refuse to respond.

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  • Aug 31st, 2015
    Someone from Scottsdale, AZ writes:
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    I have been sick a year. It's real , Dr won't acknowledge because they don't know how to treat. I've never had an illness like this. It's a nightmare worst part is we suffer in silence.

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  • Aug 31st, 2015
    Someone from Dallas, TX signed.
  • Aug 30th, 2015
    Someone from Frisco, TX signed.
  • Aug 29th, 2015
    Someone from West Plains, MO signed.
  • Aug 29th, 2015
    Someone from Marietta, GA signed.