

Public Comments (4,911)
  • Apr 6th, 2017
    Erik J. from Bountiful, UT signed.
  • Apr 6th, 2017
    Zachary D. from Linn Creek, MO writes:
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    If ur to stupid to understand that u have to b able to drive to work inorder to have any amount of income to pay ur debts then idk what to tell u other then trade me for a few days and get arrested in front of ur kids and rack up all kinds of debt everywhere u can .... stupid to take our means of transportation back and forth to work and think that we can not only pay our regular bill but accualy think we can all the sudden pay more is cruel and sick

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  • Apr 5th, 2017
    Someone from Travis Afb, CA signed.
  • Apr 5th, 2017
    Britney K. from Clarksville, AR writes:
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    I know someone who was unemployedfor 9 months, picking up side work where he could find it, buying clothes and shoes for his kids. Got behind and a warrant was​ issued and license suspended. They lifted the warrant for $450. He filed a request to review his case to try to get his support amount lowered due to financial hardship ($184/wk for 2 kids without stable employment is impossible). 1 week later got his license back. 2 weeks after filing this request he got a job at a roofing company (where he has to be able to drive the company truck). Still trying to get caught up he sent $50 one week and $100 the next. Still not able to afford the full amount because after taxes he only brings home 309.24, but he wanted to show he was trying. 2 weeks into his new job gets the letter that his license was suspended again! He asked when he would have a case review and his caseworker still hadn't sent it to the legal department! 4 weeks after he hand delivered the request to the office!!! He explained he needed to have a license and not a bit of help. Now, he doesn't get sent on as many jobs because he can't drive the company vehicles. Less hours = shorter paycheck. This system is a joke. The deadbeats who dont care to pay support usually dont care if they have a valid driver's license, but the ones who work hard and honestly try? OCSE keeps throwing obstacles in their way.

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  • Apr 5th, 2017
    VICKI R. from Russellville, AR writes:
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  • Apr 5th, 2017
    Anthony B. from Moriarty, NM writes:
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    I just lost my cdl again do to no work and my ex wife complained to child support because she lost in court over my visitation I got I think they need to change the steps they take

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  • Apr 4th, 2017
    Someone from Maringouin, LA writes:
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    My license is how i get paid if i dont have cause under the child support block but i need my cdl back i been otta work for 2 years an its hard

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  • Apr 4th, 2017
    Someone from Tallmadge, OH writes:
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    How can you get to work without a license , on top of that many jobs require you have a valid license to even obtain a position .

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  • Apr 4th, 2017
    Willis N. from Chattanooga, TN writes:
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    This stinks. I've been paying child support for years. I loose my job cause of an illness, find another but my license is suspended I have to travel to work and can't drive. How does Child Support get the right to control my life?

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  • Apr 4th, 2017
    Stevn B. from Union City, TN writes:
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    I lost my CDL licnese and 2 of my kids are of age one is married has two kids him self a one is 20 and one is 17 now i don't have a job and can't get one this is the most stupid law ever

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  • Apr 3rd, 2017
    Someone from Port Saint Lucie, FL writes:
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    My license was suspended after I sent in my payment.

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  • Apr 2nd, 2017
    Dan L. from Camden, SC writes:
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    Child support has too much power and don't care about the person trying to do their best in the worst of times. A state funded agency that charges to their job.

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  • Apr 2nd, 2017
    Someone from Fremont, OH signed.
  • Apr 2nd, 2017
    Jason M. from Lakewood, WA writes:
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    I got my licence suspended even after i sent a payment in.

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  • Apr 2nd, 2017
    Someone from Huntington, NY writes:
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    Very hard to find work without a license especially when public transportation is nowhere near my house.

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  • Apr 1st, 2017
    Someone from Danville, IL signed.
  • Mar 30th, 2017
    Someone from Macon, GA writes:
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    I too am a victim on this and not because I'm not a good parent I lost my job and fell behind so my license was suspended with out those it's kinda hard to get to work or handle your business I want to be a normal person with license to drive truck so that I can bring in the money to support my child ....

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  • Mar 30th, 2017
    Someone from Baton Rouge, LA writes:
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    Helps maintain a cycle of poverty, does not prevent the delinquent parent from driving a vehicle unlicensed. If this person has an accident and is unlicensed he/she is probably uninsured as well! I can see revoking leisure licenses, but drivers licence revocation is dumb!

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  • Mar 30th, 2017
    David M. from Shenandoah, VA writes:
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    Not having a license does not...i repeat does not help the matter one bit, makes the matter more stressful.....the individual receiving the support payment should be required to keep a job and be drug tested every month in order to keep there payments

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  • Mar 29th, 2017
    Someone from Brooklyn, NY signed.
  • Mar 29th, 2017
    I W. from Newport News, VA signed.
  • Mar 29th, 2017
    Thomas S. from Crestview, FL writes:
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    I've raised my children while the mother does drugs and drinks up everything I pay....i work for myself and sometimes just get by paying my house payment car payment and utilities....although my children never goes without...if I miss a payment or I don't have enough to pay in full I'm fighting to keep my drivers license and business license....this law is absurd and helps no one. It needs to change.

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  • Mar 28th, 2017
    Brenda L. from New Lenox, IL writes:
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    This is the most ridiculous law I have ever heard of. I have two sons that have been divorced, they had cheating wife's. They put restraining orders so they could take and sell and leave them with nothing. And the law says they can because they are their spouse. One had to sell his house because she was still able to use credit cards, the other one got the house but didn't make payments or pay the taxed and went into foreclosure. These women went to school for good jobs that their husbands paid for and prepared their selves for divorce, not counting they get half their husbands retirement. My one son took three years living with us to get on his feet. The other of course was so mad he refused to pay child support because she literally had a restraining order waiting for him after coming in from boat one day, had no clue, he left the house with the clothes on his back, never received anything. Now that he is trying to move on, he's the bad guy and has no license. We as parents are the ones that also suffer financially. And now she just wants to put him in jail. I believe there should be consequences for those who cheat and feel they can just walk out of a marriage with all the benefits. This law does not make sense, it creates more problems and the guys just give up and don't care any more, they have lost everything they have worked for.

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  • Mar 28th, 2017
    Judy G. from Elmendorf, TX writes:
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    This is the most ridiculous way to collect back child support. This is a counter productive law. How can someone get to work if they live in an area that does not have a bus system. How can you pay back child support if you are unable to work in the field that requires an occupational license. All you have created is more people on welfare with this law. Please please please repeal this law.

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  • Mar 28th, 2017
    Rebecca S. from Crawfordville, FL writes:
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    I agree do not suspend drivers licenses how can they work and take care of a child with no drives license

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  • Mar 28th, 2017
    Rebecca S. from Crawfordville, FL writes:
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    I agree do not suspend drivers licenses how can they work and take care of a child with no drives license

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  • Mar 28th, 2017
    Someone from Chicago, IL writes:
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    My wife car has been token 2 times because of this. 2500 she is paying because I can't go to work to help her.

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  • Mar 28th, 2017
    Shanquietha B. from Gladewater, TX signed.
  • Mar 27th, 2017
    Christa D. from Pierce City, MO signed.
  • Mar 27th, 2017
    Luis M. from Kissimmee, FL signed.
  • Mar 26th, 2017
    Someone from Atlanta, GA writes:
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    So I have been threatened to have my license suspended because I fell behind on child support. I lost my job and was out of work for 3 months. I am just about to start work and now they are threatening to take my license away, so how will I get to work? I don't have public transportation near me. This makes no sense, I will lose my job all over again and be forced to get a lower paying job near me thus paying less child support and supporting my children less. I won't be able to drive to see my children or do anything with them if I do see them. I want to support my children but I have been hit with such absolutely high child support that I keep falling further and further behind financially. The divorce took 2 years and the courts said I owe back child support which they pu ton my credit causing me to lose my security clearance. My credit is wrecked because of this, I am behind on all my bills and now this. I will never be able to move on and have a normal life because of all this. It's not like I cheated on her or was abusive. I had a nice job that required travel and she cheated on me and my life has been on a downward spiral ever since. I can't even afford to see my kids. I used to have a top secret security clearance and could be making six figures if I still had it. Now I make half of that because I lost it. If they take my license I will be working at my grocery store across the street for minimum wage. How does this even make sense? If they take my license I might just go and kill myself, I am so tired of struggling that I have no life anymore so what't the point.

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  • Mar 26th, 2017
    James O. from Benton Harbor, MI writes:
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    I am also a victim of this ridiculous law. The child support enforcement division has suspended my Barber's license, Barber Instructors license, my drivers licence. So I went back to school and earned a bachelors degree in business administration and now it's worthless to use the degree because the state will garnish 55% of my NET pay. I can't receive small businesses loans because I have outstanding child support debt. Debt which less than 10% of is owed to the state. The irony of it all is that my son and I have a great relationship. The amounts I owe are not owed to the state, but are owed to the custodial parent. I don't understand why a drivers license, occupational license, and recreational license would be deemed a privilege and not be deemed a right to capable individuals. These laws that are enforced by the state cause conflict with the rights granted to individuals by the constitution. Cruel and unjust punishment that causes hardship is unconstitutional. These court approved actions against individuals living in Michigan deprive individuals of liberty. Even though these actions are carried out legally with due process of law, these actions deprive individuals of their liberty. These actions are cruel and unjust as they cause overbearing hardship for individuals. Many father- child relationships, career goals and much more are being negatively effected by these laws .

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  • Mar 26th, 2017
    dawn o. from Culdesac, ID writes:
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    I believe suspending a driver's license for not paying child support should not be allowed. I believe this is not a natural consequence of not paying child support as the payer is already havimg wages garnished and leads to further impoverishment. If you interviewed each person that have had this happen to them I believe you would find a lot of good parents who need this law to be changed for them

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  • Mar 26th, 2017
    Kenya W. from Brooklyn, NY writes:
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    To quote Nicholas B. "I don't think it's right for anyone's license to be suspended due to delinquent child support. The reason why is simple if a person license is due this then how are they suppose to get back and forth to work after getting a job especially if they have no family or friends close enough to rely on. I also think that a person who is delinquent on child support should also be given at least a six month period to find a job instead of being thrown in jail. The reason for that is that most comedy not hire people with a criminal record. Why make a system that is set to allow a person to fail then want to question that person and ask why they can't pay the child support? The problem is with the system not with the people who are trying to do the best that they can with the laws that are set up to cause the people to fail."

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  • Mar 25th, 2017
    Someone from Temecula, CA writes:
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    Stop with this suspension

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  • Mar 24th, 2017
    Someone from Portland, OR writes:
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    Why on God's green earth would you take a person's license if they need to get to and from work. This defeats the purpose it doesn't make sense especially knowing the state has the power to garnish ones check. You would think they would do all they can to keep you working to be able to garnish smdh!!!... Sigh! What about the dead beat mothers who play games with their kids dad as if it's always his fault. Then instantly labeled a loser or dead beat dad..this is truly abd genuinely ridiculous.... Just WOW!!!

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  • Mar 24th, 2017
    Travis H. from Arlington, TX writes:
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    I am a driver that can't find work because of a suspended license

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  • Mar 24th, 2017
    Nicholas B. from Kenner, LA writes:
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    I don't think it's right for anyone's license to be suspended due to delinquent child support. The reason why is simple if a person license is due this then how are they suppose to get back and forth to work after getting a job especially if they have no family or friends close enough to rely on. I also think that a person who is delinquent on child support should also be given at least a six month period to find a job instead of being thrown in jail. The reason for that is that most comedy not hire people with a criminal record. Why make a system that is set to allow a person to fail then want to question that person and ask why they can't pay the child support? The problem is with the system not with the people who are trying to do the best that they can with the laws that are set up to cause the people to fail.

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  • Mar 23rd, 2017
    Thomas W. from High Ridge, MO writes:
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    I owe $150,000 in support of a child who is absolutely not mine. My dl has been gone for 8 years and the number keeps growing each day. I cant get a car a home or even work without driving ilkegally. The mother kept her from seeing me so i sugned an admittance of paternity ti get visitation. She then married the childs father and 8 years later left him with the child. Yet is still racking uo benifits. Shes now 19. Manilulation of the system needs to stop. This is a very counter productive law.

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  • Mar 23rd, 2017
    Ranzie I. from Cleveland, GA writes:
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    Yes my name is Ranzie Irvin and my daughters mother turned me in on child support after we split the sheets.She told them I owed 30,000 dollars witch is not true but child support took my license and take half of my weekly check plus my taxes! So I can't even pay a taxi to get me to court!!! Even if I could I can't afford to miss a days work because of my living expenses. If I don't have and license or a permit to work and back I will certainly lose my job and I don't know what to do!

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