
First Do No Harm: The DEA targets Physicians who treat their patients pain.

Public Comments (15,444)
  • Apr 23rd, 2017
    Someone from Dubach, LA signed.
  • Apr 23rd, 2017
    Someone from Big Sandy, TN writes:
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    I tried to discuss and show my pain clinic Dr what the CDC sent me informing that after they lower our pain medication by 30% and our pain levels had increased, mine of three months that they should and could raise my opioid medication back to higher level I was on prior to them lowering it. They wouldn't get in trouble as this opioid so called LAW is a guideline and VOLUNTARY!!!! She became so irate, offensive, said it was the law. I said, no, guidelines voluntary. She said, " I refuse to prescribe higher meds, that they want everyone under 90 mg a day! Want to do ESI and TFI injection with patients. I asked her if she has chronic pain or if the head Dr had chronic pain? She said" no, but we treat chronic pain ". I told her that's the problem, since you've never lived with chronic pain you can't possibly know what it feels like. Boy that didn't go well. But its true, we can't talk to pain Dr's if they've never lived with chronic pain because they have NO idea what it feels like. Seeing is different that living with it. I told her I refused to have more shots since they hadn't worked in the past and to me there's more of a risk than medication for me. She argued with that. She said she'd refill my meds for one month, guess after that no more if I don't do injections. Also she handed me a paper stating I had been miss treating her, refusing their treatment plans etc..guess they're trying or wanting to kick me out of clinic. So I did write back to CDC, stating this, because we don't have a say what happens to our own bodies, no what treatment we accept for our own bodies. We are the only ones who know our bodies, and that can stick up for ourselves, yet that means getting kicked out if pain clinics because we refuse a type of treatment.

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  • Apr 23rd, 2017
    Nursey N. from Somerton, AZ writes:
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    what about psychologists who ordered counseling even though stating "it could do more harm " And if you do not comply lose your career ! forced mental treatment SHAMING JUSTICE by bartus trust, what should happen to a psych who does this?

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  • Apr 22nd, 2017
    Allyson S. from Colorado Springs, CO writes:
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    Absolutely horrible what they are doing nowadays....for years it was not helping the chronic pain patient enough and now it is taking all painkillers away. They need to watch how many of chronic pain people commit suicide cause the pain is unbearable. I read on a website like one comment after another of wanting to kill themselves due to pain. The daughter learned her mom tried to stick a plastic bag over her to kill herself cause the pain was so great and she was mortified, story after story how much pain these people where in. Do not blame the doctors, continue the painkillers but work on things that will work equally for the the pain and that is when you take the opiates away. Maybe hemp oil will be one of those promising things but to tell a chronic pain patient to just live with it is not doable but sentencing them to commit suicide!

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  • Apr 21st, 2017
    Ashley N. from Snowflake, AZ writes:
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    Amen to this whole page doctors work for the money anymore not the patients

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  • Apr 21st, 2017
    Someone from Maxie, VA writes:
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    not everyone are drug addicts i have been hurting for so long that all i do now is sit i don't want to do anything because of my back pain as well as the mental stress that goes along with it and all of this because doctors are afraid of getting there practice shut down just for trying to help a person have a productive life!!!

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  • Apr 21st, 2017
    Someone from Lansdale, PA writes:
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    I have plenty of comment due to a lot of research because all of this was started by the CDC for some reason and we all know that reason had to be either political or for money. They rammed it down everyone's throats that "surveys" concluded that opioids were killing all these people but when questioned about their failure to follow protocol and give facts to all their statements, that is when the gestapo of the DEA began their bulldozing. It is very scary. The doctors won't listen. They have never been known to have any bravery. So here we are the victims of a conspiracy which I really don't know what it is all about. Why do they want innocent people to suffer? Does it have something to do with raising the prices of opiates or guaranteeing the prices of other medical treatments? I am at a loss that other humans especially doctors who would withhold pain treatment to their patients so callously which I know my doctor has. And I am disgusted. I hate all doctors after this experience. I have been to a pain clinic which has turned out to be defrauding medicare, REALLY?? I have a severe case of rheumatoid arthritis, lyme disease, diabetes neuropathy, cancer surviver , two herniated discs in my lower back and sciatica and bone pain which who know what that is from many other diseases I have had from too many organs taken from me. Vicodin was doing just fine but I guess the doc and the pain clinic nurse practioner didn't like seeing me feel good so now I don't have anything and I am stuck in bed, miserable , writing senators and Medicaid and major law enforcement agencies if I suspect any type of fraud at any of these practices. Hmm. My idleness is pretty productive and vengeful --you should try it.

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  • Apr 20th, 2017
    Tracy V. from Milton, FL writes:
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    I have levoscoliosis, retrolisthesis, djd, ddd and severe osteoarthritis in my hands, knees and spine. At times the pain is so severe the muscles swell in my upper back, causing me to not get a good deep breath. Usually I have to take Prednisone, along with narcotics to manage the pain and inflammation. Why should I be forced to struggle to breathe? What right does the government have to force Doctors to deny me meds that actually helps me to move and breathe?? If chronic pain can be treated with mind control techniques, why can't mental illness? If you stop our pain meds, also stop allowing patients that suffer mental illness from taking Prozac and other such meds. Surely these people can control their behavior!!

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  • Apr 19th, 2017
    Pamela H. from Paragould, AR writes:
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    I suffer from chronic pain from fibromyalgia, bad knees, COPD, lower back pain. My primary care md use to prescribe me pain medication, which helped even though I did not always take them 3 times a day. I usually managed to get by on 1 or 2 a day. But because of the pain pill scare, he sent me to pain management. They wanted me to go through physical therapy, which I cannot do because of COPD. Also, they wanted to do injections in my back and knees. Needless to say, they took my pain pills away because I refuse to go from taking 1 or 2 pain pills which is nonevasive to something as painful as injections. I had been on the pain pills since 2006 and had not gotten addicated. Nor do I have any kind of record for any kind of medicain abuse. I think I should have the right not to suffer in pain every single day. This is so depressing.

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  • Apr 18th, 2017
    Someone from Ocala, FL writes:
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    I watched as my uncle CRIED NEEDLESSLY WHILE HE WAS DYING OF CANCER because his PRIMARY & ONCOLOGIST were terrified to give him WHAT HE NEEDED just to sleep with a LITTLE RELIEF! NIGHT AFTER NIGHT, MONTH AFTER MONTH FOR 18 MOS. I WITNESSED THIS DISASTER UNFOLD WHILE I HELPED MY GRANDPARENTS TRY & take care of him all the while ALL OF US BEGGING for them to help him!!! Unfortunately I live in Fla & know THIS IS THE NORM!!!

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  • Apr 18th, 2017
    Jo L. from Gilmer, TX writes:
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    I am so tired of being treated like a druggy because I suffer from pain that would be too much for most people to handle on a daily basis after taking my medication! On a scale of 1-10 my pain with medication on a good day is 6-7 and on most days an 8-9 including blurry vision and throwing up when the pain shoots through my body and its excruciating! But I smile and try to get through my day and very long nights. My doctors are unable to give me enough medicine due to the idiot's who just want to get high. I don't overtake medication I don't "feel" euphoria, I have had tests done to prove my tolerance is very high, I, have had psychological evaluations that show I am extremely low on the subject of abusing my medication..... Yet the Doctors that really care to get you out of pain, well, their hands ate tied because celebrity's can get whatever they want? How is it fair that people are suffering? People are going to overdose regardless of keeping doctors from being able to prescribed what's necessary to get their patients out of pain! Those people are addict's that will find anything to get high on. Why if I have imaging and records showing my devastating debilitating severely painful conditions, can't I, get what I need to make life a little less painful? For every little bit of pain that is taken away, its replaced by, mountains of joy and interest in life. There's no reason to punish doctors for peoples addiction! Before the narcotics act was passed and EVERYTHING was available over the counter. ....,there was a 3% dependence in the USA, Now, I think that information speaks for itself. In countries where they are still available over the counter, there's, less dependence and abuse! Think of what would happen here if you were to drop the narcotics act! Take the "prestige" and "excitement" and power out of drug dealers and what are they left with? Nothing! Think of how many prisons would not be overcrowded! I know that will never happen, but, at the very least allow the people who took an oath yo help us get out of pain DO THEIR JOBS. Why is all the years of schooling and interning and ongoing education not enough for them to be able to do what they trained to do? Quit making laws that make their ability to perform a job when they have became experts in their fields for all the years they put in to have the knowledge!

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  • Apr 17th, 2017
    Someone from Milton, FL writes:
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    After being in an accident I have frequent pain and my doctor treats me like I'm a liar. Only prescribed a low dose med that wears off quickly and only allowed 3 a day. There has to be a better way to get relief, a better way of not being made to feel like a criminal. It effects my every day life, depression from pain with no help sleepless nights it's even caused my income to be decreased tremendously.

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  • Apr 17th, 2017
    Brian B. from San Ysidro, CA writes:
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    If people are suffering pain why are'nt they allowed medication It would be interesting to see the people who are negating the meds for pain to be in the same situation as the patients Would they say no to pain meds Of course not

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  • Apr 17th, 2017
    Brian B. from San Ysidro, CA writes:
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    If people are suffering pain why are'nt they allowed medication It would be interesting to see the people who are negating the meds for pain to be in the same situation as the patients Would they say no to pain meds Of course not

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  • Apr 16th, 2017
    Someone from Rye, NY writes:
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    I am suffering unremitting pain from a spinal condition that my doctors are unwilling to address. They keep flipping me like a hot potato from one Dr. to the next. All of them tell me they are afraid of the DEA. None of them want to discuss the subject of the pain I am suffering and it's profound and immediate negative impact on my health and wellbeing including an inability to perform basic tasks, severe sleep deprivation, and extreme depression. If congress will not pay attention to the many thousands of desperate pleas for help in this petition alone, then perhaps recourse needs to be sought via international bodies such as the UN.

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  • Apr 16th, 2017
    Someone from Clearwater, FL writes:
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    I suffer from chronic and acute pain due to RA /kidney involvement /fractures from weak joints / Brain and spinal . Now i am forced off my meds completely. There is no hope out there for anyone by ..anyone. I cannot get out of bed in the morning without help. I have been dropped by my doctor abruptly after 20 years because now the government has control over our lives! There are going to be a lot more lives taken because people cannot cope with this intense pain.. Our blood will be on the DEA's hands! Mr. President?, if you do not step in this will become genocide. Will you please listen to us and really listen to the patents here pleas for help? Will you allow this to continue and not help those who legitimate cause for their pain medications. Animals get treated better than we do, please!.. this has got to stop! Florida needs your help most desperately! We are ground zero for this madness!

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  • Apr 16th, 2017
    Someone from Clearwater, FL writes:
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    I suffer from chronic and acute pain due to RA /kidney involvement /fractures from weak joints / Brain and spinal . Now i am forced off my meds completely. There is no hope out there for anyone by ..anyone. I cannot get out of bed in the morning without help. I have been dropped by my doctor abruptly after 20 years because now the government has control over our lives! There are going to be a lot more lives taken because people cannot cope with this intense pain.. Our blood will be on the DEA's hands! Mr. President?, if you do not step in this will become genocide. Will you please listen to us and really listen to the patents here pleas for help? Will you allow this to continue and not help those who legitimate cause for their pain medications. Animals get treated better than we do, please!.. this has got to stop!

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  • Apr 16th, 2017
    Ida A. from Burgettstown, PA writes:
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    I suffer from RA and kidney and brain involvement . Now I have been turned away from my medications that i need to help me live a life of normalcy . Please Mr. President and staff help us stop the DEA from keeping us getting treatment we most desperately need! If you cannot help we are all doomed!

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  • Apr 16th, 2017
    Mark K. from Clearwater, FL writes:
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    Do these petitions really work? Who is going to help us now? Will the President act and finally help patients who are in real need of medicine to help them somewhat normal lives again?

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  • Apr 16th, 2017
    Christopher scott S. from East Lynn, WV writes:
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    The president needs to put a stop to this BS,my mother is 73yrs old and in terrible pain from arthritis she can't walk and can only use one arm. We live in WV and I have to drive her nine hours to see a Dr one way, trump needs to start with WV because the Dr and pharmacy needs a wake up call. I pray that every Dr and mainly the government people that makes it hard for people to get help will be in ten times the pain my mother deals with and I hope they get nothing.they want it all for themselves. Let everyone else go to heroin . May god srike you down. Scott Smith.......

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  • Apr 15th, 2017
    Someone from Ordinary, VA writes:
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    To the state of VIRGINIA: RE: HB 2163 To the State of Virginia via HB 2163 Keep on messing with other's lives, less you want your own lives in messed with. Listen. Learn. And don't pass BS that affects those lives of which you cannot comprehend.

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  • Apr 14th, 2017
    Brett S. from Foxworth, MS writes:
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    Gettin harder every day to find Dr that are not more worried about losing their license for treating pain with the proper amount opioids . We do build a bit of a tolerance after 16 yrs of taking methadone.

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  • Apr 14th, 2017
    Steven W. from follansbee, WV writes:
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    Cancer patient here, but am refused pain meds, Can you help me?? Who will help me??

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  • Apr 14th, 2017
    Karen F. from Houston, TX writes:
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    The new CDC guidelines are forcing Doctors to refuse treatment/pain management to their patients who suffer legitimate, chronic pain. We(those of us in chronic pain) are now judged and treated as criminals or eventual addicts - This is the real crime and will not prevent one overdose. If I were truly an addict - I would receive compassion and treatment for my disease - but as a chronic pain sufferer, I am denied any treatment and condemned to suffer!!

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  • Apr 14th, 2017
    Shirley S. from Martinsville, VA writes:
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    I have had fibromyalgia for 35 years which has also progressed into neuropathy. I have the C5 and C6 discs in my neck compressed. I had been treated successfully with oxycodone for 16 years; yet, all of a sudden, no doctor will prescribe these meds, leaving me bedridden and unable to function. They are all scared of the DEA, so all of us chronic pain patients can forget about any kind of relief...this is a TRAVESTY on our government's part. Leave us pain patients alone.....we are tired of suffering!!!!

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  • Apr 14th, 2017
    Christian D. from Panama City, FL writes:
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    I have pancreatitis and I have lost 25 pounds due to not having pain medication so I can tolerate the pain associated with eat when you have pancreatitis. I'm dying slowly but surely.

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  • Apr 14th, 2017
    Kathleen S. from Etters, PA writes:
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    I firmly, whole-heartedly agree that pain sufferers are being labeled as "pain medication abusers" and are being labeled as such even though they have been receiving treatment for cancer, bulging dics, injury, etc...for YEARS in regards to their pain management. The government wants to lump Heroin (street drug) into the same category as prescription pain medication. It is NOT the same and I do not appreciate that the media and government are portraying that all those who have been are being prescribed pain medication are abusing their medication. Their needs to be a process in place where those who truly need this medication are not prejudged, judged and labeled as a opioid abuser. It has now become a form of discrimination for patients. And doctors should NOT be afraid to prescribe the necessary pain medication to treat THEIR PATIENT. My God, they went to medical school, I think they know what is best for their patient. Why should these physicians feel afraid to do their job? "Big brother" has its hands once again in too many pots and the citizens of this county have to pay for it. People are dying from HEROIN overdoses NOT prescription pain medication. DUH!!!! But, the media wants us to think otherwise. So absurd!

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  • Apr 14th, 2017
    Kathleen S. from Etters, PA writes:
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    I firmly, whole-heartedly agree that pain sufferers are being labeled as "pain medication abusers" and are being labeled as such even though they have been receiving treatment for cancer, bulging dics, injury, etc...for YEARS in regards to their pain management. The government wants to lump Heroin (street drug) into the same category as prescription pain medication. It is NOT the same and I do not appreciate that the media and government are portraying that all those who have been are being prescribed pain medication are abusing their medication. Their needs to be a process in place where those who truly need this medication are not prejudged, judged and labeled as a opioid abuser. It has now become a form of discrimination for patients. And doctors should NOT be afraid to prescribe the necessary pain medication to treat THEIR PATIENT. My God, they went to medical school, I think they know what is best for their patient. Why should these physicians feel afraid to do their job? "Big brother" has its hands once again in too many pots and the citizens of this county have to pay for it. People are dying from HEROIN overdoses NOT prescription pain medication. DUH!!!! But, the media wants us to think otherwise. So absurd!

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  • Apr 13th, 2017
    Rachel P. from Converse, TX signed.
  • Apr 12th, 2017
    Someone from Hamburg, NY writes:
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    I suffer daily from stage 3 cancer among other debilitating illnesses pain causing illnesses . I was cut abruptly off my pain meds . I feel as if they signed my death certificate. I can't sleep , eat , bath , get out of bed , cook , pay bills or care for my son . This will be my death remember this when I die !

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  • Apr 12th, 2017
    Someone from Springfield, MA writes:
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    I dream to get my life back after extensive neck surgery, which now affects my hip as well, they took part of my bone for my neck and it hurts like hell as does my neck, shoulders and arms. I'm in complete agony every day and night. I can't believe nobody cares, it's America I thought we took care of our own. I've worked my whole life and miss it so much it's a shame I feel like I'm going to die penny less and young.

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  • Apr 12th, 2017
    Someone from Quincy, MA writes:
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    No one today should have to suffer debilitating illnesses where they just exist until they die and not be able to live and enjoy life. Shame on our government.

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  • Apr 12th, 2017
    Someone from Quincy, MA writes:
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    How sad it is that the government has completed castrated doctors in this country to the point that they are not able to properly treat american citizens to the best of their abilities. Not everyone asking for help with their chronic pain is a current addict, doctor shopping or opiod seeking. Shame on the government. I have lost faith in our government, our medical and mental health departments due to the lack of the ******** going on

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  • Apr 12th, 2017
    Someone from Quincy, MA writes:
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    How sad it is that the government has completed castrated doctors in this country to the point that they are not able to properly treat american citizens to the best of their abilities. Not everyone asking for help with their chronic pain is a current addict, doctor shopping or opiod seeking. Shame on the government. I have lost faith in our government, our medical and mental health departments due to the lack of the ******** going on

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  • Apr 12th, 2017
    Someone from Quincy, MA writes:
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    How sad it is that the government has completed castrated doctors in this country to the point that they are not able to properly treat american citizens to the best of their abilities. Not everyone asking for help with their chronic pain is a current addict, doctor shopping or opiod seeking. Shame on the government. I have lost faith in our government, our medical and mental health departments due to the lack of the ******** going on

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  • Apr 12th, 2017
    Someone from Quincy, MA writes:
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    How sad it is that the government has completed castrated doctors in this country to the point that they are not able to properly treat american citizens to the best of their abilities. Not everyone asking for help with their chronic pain is a current addict, doctor shopping or opiod seeking. Shame on the government. I have lost faith in our government, our medical and mental health departments due to the lack of the ******** going on

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  • Apr 12th, 2017
    Someone from Quincy, MA writes:
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    How sad it is that the government has completed castrated doctors in this country to the point that they are not able to properly treat american citizens to the best of their abilities. Not everyone asking for help with their chronic pain is a current addict, doctor shopping or opiod seeking. Shame on the government. I have lost faith in our government, our medical and mental health departments due to the lack of the ******** going on

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  • Apr 12th, 2017
    Someone from Quincy, MA writes:
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    How sad it is that the government has completed castrated doctors in this country to the point that they are not able to properly treat american citizens to the best of their abilities. Not everyone asking for help with their chronic pain is a current addict, doctor shopping or opiod seeking. Shame on the government. I have lost faith in our government, our medical and mental health departments due to the lack of the ******** going on

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  • Apr 12th, 2017
    Someone from Quincy, MA writes:
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    How sad it is that the government has completed castrated doctors in this country to the point that they are not able to properly treat american citizens to the best of their abilities. Not everyone asking for help with their chronic pain is a current addict, doctor shopping or opiod seeking. Shame on the government. I have lost faith in our government, our medical and mental health departments due to the lack of the ******** going on

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  • Apr 12th, 2017
    Someone from Quincy, MA writes:
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    How sad it is that the government has completed castrated doctors in this country to the point that they are not able to properly treat american citizens to the best of their abilities. Not everyone asking for help with their chronic pain is a current addict, doctor shopping or opiod seeking. Shame on the government. I have lost faith in our government, our medical and mental health departments due to the lack of the ******** going on

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