
First Do No Harm: The DEA targets Physicians who treat their patients pain.

Public Comments (15,444)
  • May 26th, 2017
    Valerie W. from Oneonta, NY writes:
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    This is ridiculous! I have multiple serious issues needing pain meds and I'm being treated like a horrible drug addict and what I say means nothing ! There may be addicts who do this but I'm not one of them ! I'm so disgusted with what's going on and want to do something about it ....i hope the government knows by doing this it's actually making things worse & causing people to go to the streets now cause they can not get their prescribed meds and They're DYING.....Im sickened by this because it's actually the real pain patients in chronic pain daily that are getting the brunt of all this ! And suffering with NO quality of life ! The addicts are still doing what they always have done And continue to do as they will but I (and billions of others) the pain patient SUFFERS ! I'm done cause I'm literally in disbelief and disgust due to this whole situation!!

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  • May 26th, 2017
    Michelle B. from Athol, MA signed.
  • May 26th, 2017
    Michelle B. from Athol, MA signed.
  • May 24th, 2017
    Lenore E. from Spokane, WA writes:
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    I suffer from debilitating migraines and am denied a sufficient amount of medication to treat them.

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  • May 22nd, 2017
    Jessica J. from Saint Albans, WV writes:
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    I have end stage liver disease which causes contant stomach cramping and swelling. My dr says that I am not a go candidate for narcotic pain medicine. This is because of past alcohol use ( ending documentation from over a year ago). Keep in mind that Tylenol and all otc medicines are considered Toxic to my body and liver. Okay, well what choice do i have here, lay in bed miserable, trying to sleep my life away or go to the streets for relief? My condition is terminal. I dont have much life left. Id like to atleast engoy that time i have left comfortably. My dr told me I sould possibly find another dr. He says he doesnt like to prescribe pain meds to anyone. I WONT WHY? The pressure the government puts on dr to cut out pain medication completely. It is humiliating to try not to cry while explaining my pain level to someone who's looking for any excuse to deny me and send me on my way. This is a horrible way to live. Wise up Drs, there are lots of people out here just like me. Trying to survive!

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  • May 22nd, 2017
    Dennis l. from Owensboro, KY writes:
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    i've been in very great pain since 2003 fell broke my neck in 3 place's,lost use of left arm 3 nerves totally damaged,had 4 major surgeries,2 neck fusion,since doctors have reduced my medication,every day a living hell,i don't drink,or use street drug's,i'm not even disabled now you have to be able to move,no one spoken about us real chronic pain patients,we vote use to be able to work till they took the medicine ,or reduced it to a point it does little or no good for our horrorable very great pain that is 24/7 every day year after year,we be throw under the bus and feel like our government don't care at all,this is wrong,this is unamerican,this is ungodly,we need your help to make to where the real chronic pain patients get the right amounts and mgs of rx pain medicine's where we can feel human again,not bed ridding in so much pain we are waiting to die,please if you have an heart help us get what we need to live,thank you for reading,and your time,god bless.

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  • May 21st, 2017
    Tom F. from Natick, MA writes:
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    I Dont know why we cant get someone who knows there way around computers to set up a signature campaign to send to our legislators to stop government from making medical decisions. It seems there are enough people on this sight to create something to help us pain sufferers. ANYONE??????????

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  • May 20th, 2017
    Someone from Chicago, IL writes:
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    Thank you for making it impossible to receive proper treatment. I suffered from osteomyelitis in my left hip for years before undergoing emergency surgery. Because of the damage to my hip I can no longer enjoy any aspect of my life without being in constant pain. I am 28 years old and have been told by many physicians that my hip is in worse condition then people 80+ years of age. I am experiencing bone on bone contact in my left hip, and am constantly refused treatment for my pain. I have lost my job due to the pain I experience, and along with that I lost my insurance as well. I have been through years of physical therapy, home remedies, supplements, injections and my pain continues. Every single doctor I have seen for my pain refuses me pain medication in fear of losing their license. I am truly disgusted by the fact that I have to live my life in pain because of restrictions placed on physicians. I am 28 years old and my hip pain is so bad I cant even WORK. I have spent thousands of dollars and countless resources seeking a physician that will help me. I truly dont understand why doctors are turning their backs on patients in need. Its a shame that I have to tell my little brother I cant take him fishing because my hip hurts. Up yours DEA.

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  • May 19th, 2017
    Harold U. from Perrysburg, OH writes:
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    Who in the hell decides my pain level other than me? The government? The CDC? The Pharmacutical Association? These people are the ones who say...."hey...your 44 radiation treatments to your head and neck for throat cancer will not be painful for you...afterwards or long term. I have 17 teeth left out of 32. Of those 17, 5 are decayed. That leaves me with 12. Because of the radiation I have broken teeth eating mac and cheese. My jaw bones have been compromised because of the radiation. The pain is excruciating day in and day out.....and the government tells me I'm full of shit? I'm in no pain? Trade places with me .......NOW you rotten bastards! Live my life and see if you can function.......!

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  • May 19th, 2017
    Someone from Sedro Woolley, WA writes:
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    I think the government needs to stay out of my relationship with my doctor's I understand we have issues with people that truly abuse but after 4 years of an incurable painful debilitating disease your think common sense could be used! I think a lot of suicides are directly caused by the DEA not going after cartels and instead going after Americans that never asked for a disease that causes untold suffering at 57 and no criminal record your think of be treated with some dignity when I need it , I wouldn't treat my dog to this suffering!

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  • May 19th, 2017
    Someone from Selma, NC writes:
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  • May 18th, 2017
    Someone from Jacksonville, FL writes:
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    Almost everyone I know is on prescription meds - its way beyond out of control. Humanity's fall will be because of this growing epidemic unless we put an end to the corruption and lobbying done on behalf of these corporations. Please Big Government - stop poisoning my family, friends, co-workers, and everyone else I don't know. And while we're at it.. can we get rid of the orange water in Jacksonville, and the constant Chem trails... I haven't seen the sun in a while.

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  • May 18th, 2017
    Jerry S. from Buna, TX writes:
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    I'm in the bed most of the day im disabled and I feel like im being cooked over a fire the pain is unbearable and my dr medication in half and the next time someone tells me that I don't need my pain medication im going to put them in pain just know that pain is real and you need it to get Thu the day I just am asking for some justice for the pain I have been put in by taking my pain medication

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  • May 18th, 2017
    Judith C. from Brooklyn, CT writes:
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    I have been on the same medications for years, my doctor retired and today was my first visit to a pain management clinic. I am literally in tears as I write this and feel my chronic pain makes me the criminal. I don't understand why my life is not as important as someone who has abused drugs. I give up; I don't know if I will be able to get out of bed or work. I was told if I am to get the medication I cannot drive, I can never be more than two hours from the clinic because if they call and want a urine sample, I must comply.

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  • May 17th, 2017
    William D. from Maryville, TN writes:
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    I am 63 years old and suffered a severe back injury two years ago.I had to retire and draw my social security early because of my chronic pain.Without my medicine i would not be able to get out of bed.I am a father and a grandfather and just want to be able to enjoy my family with the years GOD allows me. Millions of my american brothers and sisters depend on these medicines just to be able to live a life without misery.Please let doctors honor there oath to help the suffering.

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  • May 16th, 2017
    Tessa D. from Cedar Park, TX writes:
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    I'm a chronic pain and anxiety patient, with a disease that has no cure and the pain will only get worse with time. I was just recently denied refills on my pain and anxiety medications that I have been taking for many years. I have always used them as prescribed and never done illegal drugs. I'm now suffering severe withdrawals because my doctor's right to prescribe controlled substances has been taken away. No one warned me that this was coming, so now I'm completely out of medicine cold turkey and having severe withdrawals, have been late to work, sent home and written up at work because I was "unable to perform my job duties" and now at risk of losing my job! I've read the withdrawals from these medications can be severe and even deadly! I'm fearful of telling my boss what is really going on with me because I don't wanna be perceived as a drug addict, like so many people already do, when I'm not getting "high" off these medications! I need them to survive and to provide and care for my children! I'm all they have, and their only means of financial support and otherwise! So, I cannot leave them to go into rehab so that they can wean me slowly off these meds, and even if I could I'm terrified that I'm going to lose my job and be unable to work anymore because of the severe, crippling pain and anxiety! I'm terrified of becoming completely bedridden, homeless and suicidal due to the overwhelming pain and anxiety. I'm terrified that I'll have no option but to turn to illegal drugs or become suicidal because I will not be able to cope with the severe chronic pain and anxiety that never goes away! Please help us all who suffer and are being punished for those, who unlike us, abuse these medicines! Lord Jesus please help us!

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  • May 16th, 2017
    Deborah L. from Byron, GA writes:
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    I have many medical problems and have suffered with chronic pain for years. I can't sleep, I hurt so badly and I am in tears most of the time. I get so frustrated and angry when doctors make you feel like an addict just because you want pain relief. My body is so tired from the physical pain that I can't even hardly get dressed anymore. Simple things like doing my hair or taking a shower is such a big task. The drug addicted people that do not have legitimate pain and use only to get high are making it impossible for chronic pain sufferers to get the pain help that they desperately need and deserve. For a doctor to to deprive the pain patient of medications that will improve quality of life and finally give them something to live for, is so cruel and inhumane to say the least. Its no wonder that the suicide rate is so high among chronic pain sufferers. I lay in my bed 80% of the time because most days I can not function at all. I miss out on family events and so many things in life due to chronic pain. It's not right, it's not fair to intentionally make us live in misery every day 24/7 when there are pain meds to help give us some quality of life. I have lost hope in the system, the doctors, and living a somewhat normal life. To be honest, I have considered suicide because I can't live like this for the rest of my life. I am only 54 years old and my body feels as if I am 104. I just want to be able to clean my house, go on vacation, play with niece and do normal every day things. I am deeply depressed because I didn't ask to be chronically ill. I want a life again but don't feel that I will ever have one. I feel that my life is over.

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  • May 15th, 2017
    Caroline M. from Crescent City, CA writes:
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    I have been a pain management patient for about 10 years now and I won my SSD about a year ago and I am in a constant fight for the pain medications that I need in order to have any quality of life. I would use marijuana if it worked for me but, it doesn't. I am so tired of being treated like a drug addict! I am getting to a very critical place, for me, in my fight because I am so tired of living my life like this. I do want to give up because I am so tired of living under the constant threat of withdrawals. I will testify before congress concerning the injustices suffered by pain management patients. I don't deserve this. My doctor suggested that I get a morphine pump about a year ago and I told them no. Then I moved to a new area only to find out that there are no pain management doctors for 100's of miles and I fully regret not getting that pump now and every doctor I see is obviously in fear of prescribing me pain meds even with all of my records!

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  • May 12th, 2017
    Brian G. from Franktown, CO writes:
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    As a wounded veteran I can live life as a member of society thru the use of low dose buprenorphine. Without that medication, I am positive I would commit suicide as the pain is so unbearable . At least now I can contribute to society and make a difference. If government limits my ability to get this medication, the government will thru it's actions kill thousands of Americans just purely because they do not know any better nor understand the daily battles of those wounded by war and suffer from chronic pain with no other surgery options available but pain medication. Please don't kill us!!!

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  • May 12th, 2017
    David K. from Monument, CO writes:
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    I had polio as an infant. I am now 69 years old with severe arthritis and no cartledge in my "good leg" Unless I take my prescribed hydrocodone I am in misery every day through no fault of my own. This is my only effective treatment. Please stop this persecution of people who live with pain every day of their life

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  • May 11th, 2017
    Larry L. from Santa Fe, TX writes:
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    I am a chronic pain patient. I have a three-level fusion that was needed due to a cervical laminectomy when I was 16. I have a one-level fusion at L4-5., needed from an on the job injury. I have had multiple surgeries on my right knee. I am also living with neurofibromatosis. This being said opiate pain medications get through each day and allow me to work rather than be on the disabilty dole. This war the government has declared on opiate addiction and deaths has a direct effect on me and many, many others that have a legitimate need for these meds. Some have had to turn to illicit narcotics, i.e. heroin and black market meds that have been laced with fentanyl, due to being cut cold turkey by doctors in fear of YOU, the government. Now instead of caring for the patients and our well being, they are looking over their shoulder and quaking in fear of jail and/or loss of their careers for doing things you declare are wrong. I pray that none of you in Congress ever become a chronic pain patient, but I do wish you could walk a day in our shoes. Maybe then you would get off of the sanctimonious high horse and let our doctors treat us they way we should be treated. After all if a veterinarian let an animal suffer you would lambaste them in public ridicule, but I guess chronic pain sufferers are less than animals in your eyes, right?

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  • May 11th, 2017
    Someone from Beaufort, NC writes:
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    I have nothing to live for if this pain everyday gets worse because my doctor is being forced to take my medication away. I have lost all quialty of life and in my room crying begging God to let me die. All because people who are not doctors decide it was what was needed. Well job well done! You have forced people who want to be out of pain going to the street buying******they don't know what's in it in the hopes of no pain. And they die! So DEA job well done. Killing people who just cannot take the pain everyday. I would kill myself if I was not in fear of hell. All the weight lost and the time I was allowed to take pain meditation that allowed me to have a life out of this bed. No more church, granddaughter games or programs. Husband going to leave me to get a wife he can have sex with. Because no one wants to be around someone in pain crying all the time. Anyone have any other ideas on what to do contact me I will try anything. A class action law suit against the non doctors who are practing medicine when they should not have anything to do with it should be an option. But then this is the first place I found anyone cares and doubt will read these much less do any goo.

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  • May 10th, 2017
    Ida S. from Pittsburgh, PA writes:
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    At least President Obama had sympathy for patients suffering with acute to chronic pain! The numbers the CDC are spitting out ..are inaccurate! They even admitted this in their 2016 statement. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis with kidney /heart/ damage and i need my medicine most desperately ! I can not imagine Mr. Trump ...instead of worrying about "defence" when there is NO WAR in the USA not at least step in and take look at the hard cold facts about this lie that there is an epidemic when we all know those facts to be myth! I voted or you Trump ( my mistake) , i thought you would be fair in all matters , but i was terribly wrong. This has got to end with the CDC sticking their noses in matters which does not concern them! I hope my daughter ( she is an RN ) is the on the giving end when one of you big wigs need pain medication in your old age for serious pain and your denied ! Or will you need a class action law suit before you wake up ? ALLOW THE ELDERLY TO HAVE SOME COMFORT THAT MEDICATIONS GIVE AND DIE WITH SOME DIGNITY! ANIMALS GET BETTER TREATMENT THAN THE REST OF US! STOP THIS INSANITY NOW AND ALL THE LIES THAT GO ALONG WITH IT!

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  • May 10th, 2017
    Ida S. from Pittsburgh, PA writes:
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    At least President Obama had sympathy for patients suffering with acute to chronic pain! The numbers the CDC are spitting out ..are inaccurate! They even admitted this in their 2016 statement. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis with kidney /heart/ damage and i need my medicine most desperately ! I can not imagine Mr. Trump ...instead of worrying about "defence" when there is NO WAR in the USA not at least step in and take look at the hard cold facts about this lie that there is an epidemic when we all know those facts to be myth! I voted or you Trump ( my mistake) , i thought you would be fair in all matters , but i was terribly wrong. This has got to end with the CDC sticking their noses in matters which does not concern them! I hope my daughter ( she is an RN ) is the on the giving end when one of you big wigs need pain medication in your old age for serious pain and your denied ! Or will you need a class action law suit before you wake up ? ALLOW THE ELDERLY TO HAVE SOME COMFORT THAT MEDICATIONS GIVE AND DIE WITH SOME DIGNITY! ANIMALS GET BETTER TREATMENT THAN THE REST OF US! STOP THIS INSANITY NOW AND ALL THE LIES THAT GO ALONG WITH IT!

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  • May 7th, 2017
    Angel S. from Buckhannon, WV writes:
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    Doctors are evil, inhumane creature, murders for making human beings suffer in pain.. They are hated may they burn in hell_ for taking the people's medicine and plants from us...May they burn in hell_..............

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  • May 6th, 2017
    Someone from Oxnard, CA writes:
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    I am disabled. I have trouble walking due to surgeries on both knees. I have progressive pulmonary fibrosis and am bipolar. I have chronic pain. My pain management doctor refuses to give me any more pain medication. Do you know any doctor that can help me in Ventura County?

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  • May 6th, 2017
    Georganna L. from Miami, OK writes:
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    The doctors operated on me and caused my pain. Then took away my meds leaving me totally unable to function. Reuined my life!

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  • May 5th, 2017
    Sarah S. from Louisville, KY writes:
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    I am a well educated career woman of 60 who owns her own home and cares for multiple other family members full time. However, according to doctors everywhere I am a bum stealing drugs in the shadows at night. I have migraines for over 15 days a month. I've had the same frequency of painfilled days for 51 years now. I 've tried everything available and know that only the opioid Stadol keeps me going at these times. What do I get from doctors? The medicine is why you have the frequency of migraines (Baloney! Same number I have had a month since the age of 9) and you must be a drug addict to need so much medicine. So I am given enough medicine for half of my migraines each month and during the other half, I suffer through it saying I just can't go on living with this pain any more. This is WRONG, damaging to everyone around me and degrading. The anti-drug voices are louder than our's for now but my hope is that the tide will turn again so that if I can't get enough medicines, those behind me will and without the degradation of spirit at the same time.

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  • May 5th, 2017
    Vanessa W. from Long Branch, NJ signed.
  • May 1st, 2017
    cindy d. from Denver, CO writes:
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    I am a chronic pain patient. I also do a group fo people in chronic pain. The CDC " guidelines " have been nothing short of a nightmare for people with chronic pain. We have been lumped in with people who have addictions. There needs to be much more education in the area of the difference between those who use medication and those who abuse it. People in chronic pain are not addicts. We are in pain!

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  • May 1st, 2017
    Someone from Cullman, AL writes:
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    This is getting bad.I have had and cut from breast plate to belly button,2012,2013 hnynia surgries and still getting staph infections as we speak.

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  • Apr 29th, 2017
    Mary Ann E. from Kearny, NJ writes:
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    New Jersey has declared Marshall law against pain medication. Wonder how Govenor Christie would like his food taken away. Both deadly as pain medication. Diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

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  • Apr 28th, 2017
    Someone from Nashville, TN writes:
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    I am in bed 80% of my life now, because for 5 years I was prescribed the same amount of pain medication. I was told by the pain management clinic I have been going to for 5 years plus,because of the new dea laws, they could not prescribe me the same amount of medication that they have for 5 years.So they cut my amount of pain medication in half, and each month, they keep taking,yet still less mg of pain medication away from me, by still prescribing less.Reason, they say because, if they don't do what they are doing, the dea will close their medical office down, and they will no longer be in business. What the hell ? I have several diagnosis's. I was told there were 3 different surgeries I can get, which I was going to have, however, when I found out that, after my 3 surgeries, my other diagnosis's that offer no surgeries, those other diagnosis's will only worsen and they have worsened. I never asked for any more pain medication than I was prescribed for 5 years, the same amount for 5 years, which even though, my pain was worsening, at least I could some what manage my life a little and take a shower, get out of bed every day without laying in bed all day in pain. But, because of the new dea laws, that's not good enough that they have to not only cut my pain medicine in half, but keep lessening the amount of pain medication that I am prescribed. Now I find myself in bed 80% plus, depression at its high, Would you be depressed, if you were in so much pain, you took a shower once a week, or once every 3 weeks and you cried every day and you could not live your life with your family and do anything but lay in bed in pain and cry ? Would you not want to live anymore ? I beg God, to please let me come to Heaven, where I am no longer in pain,and where I am not treated cruel. People in life think they have problems, take my problems, my many many diagnosis's in my neck and back, where I would love to have other peoples problems, All I want is to not be in s much pain. I can honestly say that the people who are making these new dea laws have clearly never been in chronic pain every single day 24 hours a day 7 days a week, for 10 years. Then on the 11th year of my many many diagnosis's,that , by the way are only worsening, and there is not a thing, that can be done about many of my issues. Sure I can get 3 surgeries, with nuts bolts and screws in my back, but DUH guess what ? I will still have All of the other problems that do not offer any surgeries and I will still need pain medication, is what a Dr said to me as he shook his head, and said , you are an exception to the rule. But the dea doesn't think so ,because I am lumped in with all the other pain cases. is this fare ? What do I do ? The statistics, say that if I get the 3 surgeries,I have a high chance of making my situation worse, for the rest of my life, or stay the same. A much lower statistic that I will be better.Then I have all these nuts bolts and screws in my back ? My Chiropractor told me that my neck bone is growing the total opposite way than every one elses, and that is where my pain starts, with many many things going all the way down my back, all the way to my Neorologist telling me that my tail bone grew wrong when I was born. So do I try and find a new pain management clinic or Doctor to go to ? Do I hire an Attorney, to represent me ? Against Who ? The DEA ? I am 55 Years old. Can you imagine a 70 or 80 year old woman ? The DEA piles, people like me who is 55 years old, in serious pain 24 hours a day, and 80 year old woman in serious pain, and then adds people that just want to get pain medication as if it were alcohol, to get high. I am in such dis belief.Then I turn on the news and watch a story about how animals are being mis treated, and in this story, the news station showing all kinds of different animal rescue shelters. How about enough Hospitals, to allow people like me, to check into, for the rest of my life, where I and others like me, can be taken care of. Have someone to cook our meals for us. Have someone give us baths or showers, because it literally hurts too much to take a shower, so if someone doesn't help us, then we end up not being able to even keep ourselves clean, and in these particular Hospitals, have lots of Psyciatric Doctors to counsel, all of us that are in pain, and not allowed to have pain medication, or not allowed to have enough pain medication to give us any relief. Better yet, why don't we lump together all the chronic pain sufferers, like me and put a title on us, and call us, Crazy, because we are in pain and cannot help that we are in pain. Lock us all up in these Hospitals, because all of us do not want to live anymore, because we cannot bare the pain, we are suffering. That's right the word ( SUFFERING ) !!!!! Instead of, one by one each of us chronic pain, human beings, falling off the map and dying, either by suicide or just suffering in pain, until God decides to take us, just allow the DEA to line us all up,and shoot all of us dead. Then the DEA wont have to threaten to close Pain Clinics down, or threaten Doctors, that truly know their patients are in major pain 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Then the DEA wont have to try and teach Doctors how to NOT PRESCRIBE pain medicine to chronic pain sufferers. One thing a nurse told me was that the DEA said that there is now only allowed a certain amount of pain medicine to be distributed out. Only a certain amount of prescription written, and that's it. So, if your in chronic pain, getting pain medication is based on weather you are lucky, and not based on your MRI's, or any of your diagnosis's. How crazy does that sound ? To me, its like saying, the new law, for the court system in Nashville Tn is that so many people HAVE to go to jail, weather they are guilty or not. What I am wondering, if the DEA has come up with a particular number/amount of pain medicine to be distributed in Nashville Tn. Has the DEA visited each and every household in Tennessee, and looked at every single MRI and every single Xray. Is the DEA a Doctor now ? Or is the DEA, God ? So many people will suffer,cry,pray to die, commit suicide, why ? All because if you are living in a city, that has a lot of chronic pain," human beings", your******out of luck, because you may be one of the human beings, that is not allowed to have pain medication, reguardless of how many documented health diagnosis's that you have been diagnosed, by a Doctor, that produces pain to you. I wish nothing, but ,the worst upon ALL the people who were the decision makers in me and people like me that are suffering in pain, because our Doctors and Pain Clinics wont prescribe us ( either ) pain medication or enough pain medication. I wish ALL those decision makers, that have taken away my life, the worst of the worst. I wish that each and every one of these decision makers, be in crying sobbing pain, with no relief of any pain medication, I wish that if these decision makers have children, that they have to watch their children, scream and cry in pain to them. I wish that their children cry and beg them, mommy, daddy , please help me, and these decision makers not be able to help their children, and HAVE to watch their children in sheer pain 24 / 7 and not be able to do a damn thing about it !!! I wish nothing but the worst for these decision makers. For all the decision makers, that have made the decision, about people like me that are in real pain, not be able to be prescribed pain medication, or the right amount of pain medication. I wish upon each and every one of these people that they ALL burn in Hell !!!! For eternity, in pain and suffering for them to burn burn burn in Hell, and suffer suffer suffer for eternity, and you know what, that is exactly where God will send those people when they die !!! I think it is in human to do this to people like me !!!! And that, is my comment !

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  • Apr 27th, 2017
    Someone from Phoenix, AZ writes:
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    This is so true! My husband is a Military Special Forces Vet. He served on hundreds of missions over a 15 year span. We just had his shoulder surgery (360* labral tear, basically the labrum was ripped all the way around the joint, snipped, sutured and 9 anchors drilled in the bone) blew out his knee bad in 2003 @ Fr. Benning, blown against a boulder in Iraq when someone stepped on a land mine,...the list goes on. Extensive nerve damage from combat and being name it. The VA are a bunch of hacks and quacks that will neglect or kill you. ( anyone read or hear the horrible things in the news about the Phoenix AZ VA? Oh yeah. All true) We go to private physicians at our expense. Now our Gov. even is getting in between us and our Drs. butting into our decisions and options for care! Its none of his damn business or anyone elses but our Drs, my husband and myself! This over-regulation and politician's meddling needs to stop. When we went to a pain management clinic, the P.A. said the most disparaging things about how "most Vets I've seen are ADDICTS!" we were SO upset! My husband wont hardy even have a beer at a BBQ!! He has suffered for decades (he first enlisted as 101st airborne in 1992, ended Delta in 2009) silently and when I finally talk him into seeking treatment, THAT'S what he gets?! I was appalled. These politicians that sent him on mission after mission need to SHUT UP and actually think what its like to serve like that AND raise of family with 7 total children. I myself have 3 blown out cervical disks and 3 degenerative spinal diseases. Try caring for 4 sons full time, 3 more kids we share joint custody of and my brave man when he is in far more worse pain and gearing up for yet another operation to repair damage the military, the GOVERNMENT ignored as "all in his head" so he could be deemed fit for duety and now they want to tell our physicians what he/she can or cannot prescribe?! This is insane and immoral. Why not spend our tax dollars on finding and prosecuting the actual cartels bringing heroin across our boarder or the Drs who actually ignore their Hippocratic oath. Y'know. What your SUPPOSED to do. Sorry I had to rant. It's disgustingly out of control. You people have no right to intimidate Drs and patients. Men like mine are the reason you have your own freedom and safty, or have you forgotten? Find some common sense and have some respect for the people who either fought for and our freedom or at the very least work all our lives to pay your egregious salary and retirements! That means you too DEA. Do your job and go after the ILLEGAL drug dealers. That's what we people pay you for. Not harassing us and our physicians. Last I checked you names were not on our medical authorization records, nor us on yours. It's infuriating! Ok. Ending Rant. -Angry Vet Wife

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  • Apr 26th, 2017
    Bernard B. from Pownal, VT writes:
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    some people are in pain but too many doctors cant tell the difference!

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  • Apr 26th, 2017
    Someone from Plant City, FL writes:
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    Keep government out of my life! Last time I checked we still have civil liberties except the DEA is bully these doctors out of theirs.

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  • Apr 26th, 2017
    Rich W. from Ft Mitchell, KY signed.
  • Apr 26th, 2017
    James l. from Eros, LA writes:
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    My doctor was just fire for helping chronic pain patients. Now I don't know what to do. Do you live in pain or just get tired of living.

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  • Apr 26th, 2017
    James l. from Eros, LA writes:
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    My doctor was just fire for helping chronic pain patients. Now I don't know what to do. Do you live in pain or just get tired of living.

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  • Apr 23rd, 2017
    Someone from Buffalo, NY writes:
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    all i can say is,drs and pharma r scared of dea anb have caused my medication cut to less than half,drs claim lost records so no history.proof, them say your alignment is bad or arthritis. i hav hardware chewong the ball of my femur off,which material gone to knee pain,chronic damage in neck vertebrate,shoulders,numerous bulging discs,ddd,s5l1 bone on bone,and a few others.hello,oh,im joking om pain,im faking,or jeeze,its like 1 of 10.wrpng,easily 10 writing yhis,n hip knee r off scale ,20 pain level ,weoght bearing near imposible and causes tears.thankd dea and addicts.current opoid prob is heroin. period. help

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