
First Do No Harm: The DEA targets Physicians who treat their patients pain.

Public Comments (15,444)
  • Apr 26th, 2013
    Someone from Naples, FL writes:
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    It's time for pain patients to be heard. Our rights are being violated by DEA and pharmacist. We have to write to human rights department in New York and tell them what it's like to walk in our shoes for a day. How we are being tortured in our own bodies and enough is enough. Make new laws for how pain management is done for patients just starting. We should be grandfather in just like the physician are. I've been on pain management for ten years wasted so much money on other options that never helped me. Physicians just rapeing my insurance. Just because junkies abuse the medications does NOT mean everyone who gets them is. I've been on them long enough if that was the case I would be dead. I think that the government should take a vote on Obama care and see if it's what the people want. This is the main reason why the government passed that law. To have all the rights to control medications. Congress is already trying to say they should have a right to opt out of Obama care. They think they are above the law and there are to many of them. There's a way to cut the budget get rid of half of them.

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  • Apr 26th, 2013
    Someone from Naples, FL signed.
  • Apr 26th, 2013
    Someone from Louisville, KY writes:
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    All these laws do is make it impossible for the people who really need their meds to obtain them. I am so sick of the government running my life.

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  • Apr 26th, 2013
    Someone from Damascus, MD signed.
  • Apr 26th, 2013
    Someone from Charleston, SC signed.
  • Apr 25th, 2013
    Someone from Dunedin, FL signed.
  • Apr 25th, 2013
    Someone from Dunedin, FL signed.
  • Apr 24th, 2013
    Someone from Anoka, MN writes:
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    Its sad when you hear of the 70 yr old man that has to get his painkillers off the street! People are suffering due to the nosy hypocrite politians that make disabled people unable to get relief! Yet them same politicians can walk into any dr. And get any medication to feed their addiction! They are the addicts pointing the finger at innocent people! People are suffering and get blown off!

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  • Apr 24th, 2013
    Someone from Anoka, MN writes:
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    Its sad when you hear of the 70 yr old man that has to get his painkillers off the street! People are suffering due to the nosy hypocrite politians that make disabled people unable to get relief! Yet them same politicians can walk into any dr. And get any medication to feed their addiction! They are the addicts pointing the finger at innocent people! People are suffering and get blown off!

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  • Apr 24th, 2013
    Someone from Debary, FL signed.
  • Apr 24th, 2013
    Someone from Mount Dora, FL signed.
  • Apr 24th, 2013
    Someone from Hollywood, FL signed.
  • Apr 24th, 2013
    Someone from Lakeland, FL signed.
  • Apr 24th, 2013
    Someone from Meridian, MS writes:
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    The DEA has no place regulating the practice of physicians with respect to patient treatment. That is what medical boards are for. The DEA should be limited to trafficking, the criminal drug market that breeds violence. I am an board certified addictions RN and work on a detox unit. I do understand the drug problem in our country and the hell of addiction. It is a disease process and ought be dealt with by medical and substance abuse professionals and NOT pursued by law enforcement at the behest of the DEA and put in jail!! This is no deterrent, and most people who need painkillers do not abuse them. Conversely, most people who become addicted to them truly have pain that MUST be addressed. Bullying doctors? Really? The consequences of indirectly forcing people to live in unbearable pain, diminishing their quality of life, and increasing both under treated pain and pseudo-addiction (statistically proven) should be considered criminal acts--torturous acts, at the hands of the DEA as well as healthcare workers who contribute by reinforcing stereotypes and automatically assuming motive or labeling someone a "drug seeker"... The small number of patients to become psychologically addicted, though not unimportant, should not affect adequate pain treatment available to others.

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  • Apr 23rd, 2013
    Someone from Washington, NC writes:
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    I'm a victim. Because of local politics I was a codefendant in a Federal case with over 300 charges pertaining to obtaining controlled substances. All of my charges were dismissed by the government while the "target" plead guilty to only a misdemeanor charge for negligent charting. Jobs, homes, marriages were lost. Families are now poor and without retirement plans due to exhorbitant legal fees. We have no recourse. I cannot find a medical provider willing to see me despite my well documented pain which spans over the last 10 years. The Federal Government agrees that I have due cause to be treated and am still having difficulty. The war on illegal drugs was lost, so now prescription drugs/users are being targeted. I am an example of the extreme harm done to the patient who truly has a legitimate need. You can google me on the internet to find my contact information. I will help fight this cause and will accept your help.

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  • Apr 23rd, 2013
    Someone from Long Beach, CA signed.
  • Apr 22nd, 2013
    Someone from Chickamauga, GA signed.
  • Apr 22nd, 2013
    Someone from Panama City, FL signed.
  • Apr 21st, 2013
    Someone from Lakeland, FL signed.
  • Apr 20th, 2013
    Someone from Pueblo, CO writes:
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    It's not right for people who truely have documented proof they are in! Pain.If u think stopping our pain meds is the answer to this, think again.People that cannot live w/o pain meds are going to suffer at the hands of those that don't know what they are doing.Suicide is going today rise because many of us cannot function w/o our meds. But that will be on the DEAs hands.I hope they can sleep knowing they are the cause of people dying because they butt their nose where it don't belong. God forbid any of them need pain meds and can't get them....But hopefully they think it's over and have a heart for people in pain.

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  • Apr 20th, 2013
    Someone from Pueblo, CO signed.
  • Apr 20th, 2013
    Someone from Crystal River, FL signed.
  • Apr 19th, 2013
    Someone from Pueblo, CO signed.
  • Apr 19th, 2013
    Someone from Yucaipa, CA signed.
  • Apr 17th, 2013
    Someone from Mooringsport, LA signed.
  • Apr 17th, 2013
    Someone from Morristown, TN writes:
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    Doctors should not dismiss people who come to them with pain; there may not be a know cause but that should not stop them from believing the patient is in agony and it's not all in their mind. Because it hasn't got a name, doesn't mean it does not exist. Doctors need to take their patients complaints seriously, no matter what they are. Shame research costs money and no Government is willing to lash out on finding causes/cures.

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  • Apr 17th, 2013
    Someone from Arlington, TX signed.
  • Apr 15th, 2013
    Someone from Newport, KY writes:
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    not a very well thought out bill. don't we have the right to live free of legitimate pain, without having to jump through hoops of red tape and expensive multiple office visits and test. i think the restriction of scripts is why heroine use has sky rocketed in northern ky. people in real pain need relief somehow and may go to extremes to not be in agony.yes, there is an illicit drug epidemic,,,but trying to solve it by tormenting a lot of us is not the answer.

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  • Apr 15th, 2013
    Someone from Newport, KY writes:
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    not a very well thought out bill. don't we have the right to live free of legitimate pain, without having to jump through hoops of red tape and expensive multiple office visits and test. i think the restriction of scripts is why heroine use has sky rocketed in northern ky. people in real pain need relief somehow and may go to extremes to not be in agony.yes, there is an illicit drug epidemic,,,but trying to solve it by tormenting a lot of us is not the answer.

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  • Apr 15th, 2013
    Someone from Spokane, WA signed.
  • Apr 15th, 2013
    Someone from Las Vegas, NV writes:
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    I have numerous pain issues and I am tired of having to go through hell every time I go to the Dr because of people abusing these medicines illegally. It is completely unfair that legitimate chronic pain sufferers have to continue to be treated like criminals because of the wrong-doings of others. The DEA needs to keep their greedy little fingers OUT of healthcare. Majority of chronic pain sufferers have all records, tests, etc to prove their conditions. Don't punish someone who is already going through hell on a daily basis because you have an agenda. With out my pain medication, I would be useless to my two young children who need their mother to function on a daily basis. It is bad enough that I am in my thirties and have the back of a 78 year old. Why do I need to worry about the future of my body's functionality any more than I already do. Why not use your resources to stop all the of the illegal drug trafficking that is going down across the USA instead?

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  • Apr 15th, 2013
    Someone from Las Vegas, NV writes:
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    Stop trying to take our tight away to have some what of pain relief@

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  • Apr 15th, 2013
    Someone from Oswego, IL signed.
  • Apr 14th, 2013
    Someone from Nokesville, VA signed.
  • Apr 14th, 2013
    Someone from Pensacola, FL writes:
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    I have been in severe back pain since I was ten and fear seeking medical help because I fear they will think I am drug seeking. Somedays I can barely get out of bed and I am only 26. I was born with a defect in the top of my spine where it tried to grow an extra set of ribs, It seems to be called a cervical rib but the description of that is different than mine. It has caused arthritis in every vertabre in my spine. I also have severe pain in all my joints and have scatica and bursitis in my hip. I have no health insurance so I just suffer with very little quality of life besides my 3 boys. I also work as a waitress so that doesn't help with my problems. They need to stop the stigma on the medicines that can help improve the quality of life for many people. I don't want to shell out a ton of money for a doctor and get no relief. Its ok for overweight people to get prescribed stimulants left and right for a problem that most of them caused themselves but for something I cannot control, I don't stand a chance of getting medicine that can improve my life and the life of my family. Especially in florida, the negative outlook on pain medicine totally overshadows how much good they can do. They can help people function and live happily with some control over their pain level. All these judgmental doctors and strict laws have me frighten to seek medical attention because I fear being looked down upon and labeled as a drug seeker. I am hopeing what I wrote will even matter but. I doubt it. Please change the way we look at people with chronic pain. Anyone with chronic pain is depressed and that is no way to live.

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  • Apr 13th, 2013
    Someone from Crawfordville, FL signed.
  • Apr 13th, 2013
    Someone from Naples, FL writes:
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    I have CFS/ME and Fibro for 7 years. I received SSD. Do you know how hard it is to get disability for a disease you can't test for? Well, I have pain 24 hrs day., and can barely get out of bed., but I guess the pharmacists know better. I moved to Naples Fl for my health to see sunshine, what a freaking cloud this state has. If the Government and a Judge says you are disabled after 40 expert reports WHO ARE THE REPRESENTATIVES who pass a bill basically saying the total opposite. God Bless my fellow pain sufferers, and God Bless the people who help us.

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  • Apr 12th, 2013
    Someone from Prestonsburg, KY writes:
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    My mother is a cancer servier she has dealt with more than on illness addiction isn:t one of them she has digentive disc dease she has buldging disc. she has compound fracture that could not be fixed right she has set and cried with the pain she is in.. i have seen this woman go from being complety lively to barely moving at all. do to the amount of pain she is in ..this law is a bunch of horse****** they government needs to get there noses out of these doctors ass's and let them do there they are trained professionals.I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE MY MOTHER BACK. would love to hear her laugh and not cry

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  • Apr 11th, 2013
    Someone from Redding, CA writes:
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    Ever since this nightmare started with a messed up root canal I have been treated like a druggy...but none of them have a problem taking my that I have a pain md that really cares the DEA comes in now and is dictating how to best medicate my pain which means NONE to them. They have forced all the pharmacies to not accept his scripts so the dr can prescribe all he wants but there is no way to fill them. Since when does the DEA have the right to punish legit people in pain for what some do ...abusing meds? WHERE are my rights to be able to manage my pain within the legal limits...? I feel so betrayed and NO ONE can tell me WHY or what regs or laws are being violated. NO ONE. We NEED to get the FEDS OUT of my dr office.

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  • Apr 11th, 2013
    Someone from Hamden, CT writes:
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    I ruined my lumbar spine with repetative injuries as a firefighter/ Medic and also have developed rhuematoid arthritis. My life revolves around chronic PAIN ! ... Every single day I wake with pain and the only thing that allows me ANY quality of life {at age 50} are the opioid medications that my government wants to take away ! These well intensioned polititions, DEA. FDA ad EIEIO do not understand chronic, 24/7 pain or people like us... We can't abuse our meds or you run out and and suffer pain AND withdrawal. OH and to stay on the program {for 7 yrs} I have passed every urine test, random pill count, sleep study, psych exam and blood test. These meds allow me to have a life. Take them away and watch the dope ODs and suicides skyrocket

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