
DCF is Massachusetts is ruining families

Public Comments (1,277)
  • Sep 9th, 2015
    Someone from North Adams, MA signed.
  • Sep 9th, 2015
    Someone from North Smithfield, RI writes:
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    They're crazy

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  • Sep 9th, 2015
    Someone from Lynn, MA writes:
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    I fought without an attorney after my ex forced me and my four month old girl on n the street after getting nd fired and filing a fraudulent restraining order to keep me from going home, where he did not live. I won sole custody. DCF stepped on, made me do dozens of unnecessary treatment programs for drugs when I don't use drugs. They received over a year of clean drug screens. Two weeks before final trial they added another treatment program to my service plan. My daughter now lives with my abuser and I haven't seen her since.Because of this they took my son at birth. I DiD nothing wrong except im poor i did everything they wanted. They keep making me go to detox but I can't get in cuz I have NO addictions. DCF discriminates against the poor and rewarded nh abuser with my daughter for ruining my life

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  • Sep 6th, 2015
    Someone from Lenox, MA writes:
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    DCF is destroying people's lives, reputations and sanity. I cannot believe the time, money and harm that is being perpetuated daily in families throughout Massachusetts. DCF and several of the agencies that receive the bulk of their funding through state contracts work collaboratively to protect children and support parents. There are families and people that need interventions, while other families are being destroyed. Are there any studies that support that DCF's interventions are actually successful? As a parent in Massachusetts I am often struck by the power the agency maintains and the fear they impart on parent's. It is unfortunate that the roll of DCF has gone from protecting children whose lives are really in danger to a watch dog over everyone with a child. Half the workers are not even parents so it is easy to sit back and say how it is, but theory and reality are two separate issues. Parenting, unless their is sexual, physical and/or sexual abuse needs to be left to parents and not the government. Perhaps if the agency concentrated their efforts on cases that need help they would successfully accomplish their mission. DCF intervenes in families that do not abuse or neglect thier children and ultimately their presence creates more stress and leads to a disruption in the ability for an individual family to function and ultimately thrive. DCF is truly out of control and hiring more workers into a system that is already failing is only going to perpetuate the exisiting issues. The problems DCF continues to have is their inability to demonstrate humility. Many workers are incapable of approaching each case with clear eyes. The culture in DCF is take the child and deal with the additional trauma, lack of adequate placements that remain consistent and provide consistent stability. Rather children who are taken from their family endure further harm and less stability. It's unfortunate that DCF continues to maintain this narrow vision of a family and each members role regardless of the families culture. It's unfortunate how many lives are destroyed in their wake and for how many generations will their inadequacies continue to hinder a family?

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  • Sep 6th, 2015
    Someone from Springfield, MA writes:
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    Yo estuve ese problema Para el 93 sin ninguna razon me separaron de mis 6hijos Para ese tiempo sufri muchisimo dcf me aruino mi vida y las vida de mis hijos. Es muy triste porque ya mis hijos grecieron sin mi y yo sin ellos y se me hiso bien dificil. Mi historia es bien larga y sufrida que no ay como acavar mi historia. Yo lo que quiero es que ayuden familia no es que aruinen familia.por favor luchemos por nuestros hijos.

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  • Sep 4th, 2015
    Someone from North Fort Myers, FL signed.
  • Sep 3rd, 2015
    Someone from Worcester, MA writes:
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    DCF in Massachusetts ?Is? Ruining Families I have read some of the comments and I believe every word because the same thing has been ongoing with me and my son since he was nine, now he is fourteen. Six years has this system been in our lives and nothing has changed except things are getting worse. My son is brainwashed to thinking ?There?s always DCF? and this was at the age of twelve. This is what he said to me in front of my 29 year old daughter that cried out and told his little brother ?Don?t speak to dad that way!? Whomever is reading this you tell me what my bright smart little boy was thinking when he said that? I can tell you, ?If I can?t get away with anything while I?m with my dad, if I can?t manipulate him DCF will have my back.? This is what I know was going through his mind. I need help! The quote on quote ?Lawyer? that the system provides you with in a case just might as well help them hang the single parent. They do nothing, 90% of the time you can?t even reach them on the phone because either their mail box is too full or when you do get them on the line their excuse is always ?They?re too busy?. This is a joke, my son is being pushed away from me more and more as the days go by. The last incident was at school, it is always at school. They had no physical evidence to take my boy away from me other than the fact that I was tired of this and was angry with it all and a new principle that did not know our history lied and said that I grabbed my boy and dragged him down the hallway. Lies all lies! If this was the case then why wasn?t I arrested when the police showed up? Why wasn?t I charged with physical abuse? Again, please if there is someone, anyone that reads this is you can please point me to the right direction towards where I can get some help may God bless you. It?s funny that whenever this kidnapping of my son happens I am already going through a tragic experience in my life. Two examples, I suffered from a heart attack and the other dreadful thing that happened was that my little brother, a sibling out of six making me the oldest died tragically. I have a life to live too, but they do not care. I am a college student in my late forties that started out with a 4.0 GPA and it drastically went down below 3.0 because of my pain, suffering and heart ache. God bless my poor mother because she is also suffering right along with me. She also has had bad experiences taking care of my nephew who was also in the system. The son of my little brother that died. Now my nephew is 18 years old without a father and out in the street doing God knows what. All I can think about is, ?is this what I am destined with too?? My son doesn?t want to come home to his father now because he is so used the system, he?s also a genius at manipulation. What is going to happen when he comes of the age of 18 like my nephew? I know, the system is going to let him go because he will be considered an adult and has exhausted the systems funds quote on q

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  • Sep 2nd, 2015
    Someone from North Adams, MA signed.
  • Sep 2nd, 2015
    Someone from Plattsburgh, NY writes:
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    I agree 100%. I have a friend to her ex and he was the abuser and the system in NY is just as bad

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  • Sep 2nd, 2015
    Someone from Holyoke, MA signed.
  • Sep 1st, 2015
    Someone from Peabody, MA signed.
  • Aug 31st, 2015
    Someone from North Attleboro, MA writes:
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    The power DCF has is terrifying. My baby girl, 1 year old, was taken on August 11th. I will never stop fighting . A massive light needs to SHINE on this corrupt, money making, scandalous racket of a department. Their concern is NOT about what is best for these innocent children. Had I not experienced this personally, never would I believe such atrocity existed within the system. I am truly filled with fear and anger.

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  • Aug 31st, 2015
    Someone from Boston, MA signed.
  • Aug 31st, 2015
    Someone from Kansas City, MO signed.
  • Aug 31st, 2015
    Someone from Riverside, CA writes:
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    The system to protect children needs to change,for the sake of our children!Never should this dept of our government been given the power to remove children with no watch dog to insure proper use of this power!I have seen family's destroyed by the abuse of power by social workers where there was no neglect or abuse.It's time to change this dept and make it do what it was created for.To save the children that are being abused and neglected to make there lives safe and better to be able to grow into whole healthy adults!!!Make the needed change and be the state to set precedence for the rest of our country!Stop the abuse of power that is destroying our most important asset The Family Unit...

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  • Aug 30th, 2015
    Someone from South Carver, MA writes:
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    All they are is murderers...unlicensed murderers. And now they'll ruin more lives because more kids died. They'll take kids out of good homes. No I agree this administration in Washington and mass do not care at all who DCF murders. Involuntary manslaughter. Each agent. All six should be charged in the last three incidence alone but Warren. Lynch Kennedy. Obama and not care kids are being stolen from good homes. Given to Felons or the abusive parent and they die. I'd like to see baker and Warren and lynch explain this to that little seven year old. Why is that worker not in prison. Why was that child dead. That mom got help. Governor baker does not care the kids are dying and DCF gets away with it. They'll take more kids with no reason and excuse me they were supposed to all be licensed by now....baker lies. Everyone loses. Warren lynch we will protest and may you never destroy another family again. Family reunification..********. You are liars. Warren lets women be beaten and give the kids to the abuser. You're sick lady

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  • Aug 29th, 2015
    Someone from Fall River, MA writes:
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    I found out why my kids were taken my Mom and sister made untrue reports about my kids thay were taken from me and dcf did not even see if it was true or not my kids are all spit up my son keeps asking to come home Idonot know were girls are one is 3 and one a new born it hirts so much I cry every day

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  • Aug 29th, 2015
    Someone from Fall River, MA writes:
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    I found out why my kids were taken my Mom and sister made untrue reports about my kids thay were taken from me and dcf did not even see if it was true or not my kids are all spit up my son keeps asking to come home Idonot know were girls are one is 3 and one a new born it hirts so much I cry every day

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  • Aug 28th, 2015
    Someone from Norwood, MA writes:
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    The petition started in 2013 after a non licensed corrupt against asked me why I was so nice to someone who hurt me....idiot..,then took my son. P,youth courts did nothing. Never read the court documents which makes judge Stanton corrupt as well..let me say that louder. Judge STANTON IS CORRUPT. One judge disbarred for Dcf corruption in Plymouth already. These home wreckers got paid to give my son to an abusive man. Period. I stand by my statement and this government doesn't care, Warren ..,..,I will do all I can to make sure people know you ignore this....along with Kennedy etc......bring it let women and child die and be hurt, shame on all of you.

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  • Aug 28th, 2015
    Someone from Bethel, OH signed.
  • Aug 28th, 2015
    Someone from Muncie, IN writes:
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    There are several ongoing petitions that needs to be addressed. This concerns our children. This concerns the voices that are silenced, as my daughters has been. She is 16 and CPS refused to allow her to testify. Why? Because she will speak the truth and CPS won't allow it. I wrote this today in a petition that you, along with others are supposed to be seeing. Have you not seen the stories of children taken away by CPS in order to make money off them or are you simply ignoring this issue. Time to step up and take action because by destroying our children...our future is being destroyed. My comment on the petition is as follows: I've signed this petition before and today I was reviewing the comments. This petition started in 2010. WHY HASN'T ANYTHING BEEN DONE YET? Why are parents being ignored? Why are you letting CPS continue with their corrupt tactics? Do you not care or is it because you're not one of us who has found ourselves at the mercy of a Dept that contains monsters...I've seen first-hand how they lie in courtrooms. I've seen how they twist things up to make a good parent look bad in court. Our children are our future and you are destroying our future by destroying the children. I don't understand what the hold up here not doing anything you are allowing the abuse of our children to're allowing CPS to continue to run're allowing families to be torn apart on a daily basis.....all in the name of money. Check the facts...CPS makes money off children....the dept is corrupt and considering the fact that this petition began in 2010 and still nothing has changed...well that makes you corrupt as well. Do something to stop this madness and help us parents who have been abused by the system....but most importantly...DO SOMETHING TO SAVE OUR CHILDREN. Stop CPS from destroying families.

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  • Aug 28th, 2015
    Someone from Plymouth, MA signed.
  • Aug 27th, 2015
    Someone from South Easton, MA writes:
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    They have been involved for about 4 months and they seem to have no reasons to be around. We have been told that we are good parents but they are concerned cause my child stated that he was fearful but didn't say to what and the reason. We have done everything they have asked and gone beyond the only thing we haven't been able to set up is therapy but they want updates from everyone to close case. How can you get a real update in less than a month? And I been playing phone tag with therapy. I have Career and they have interrupted our lives cause the school wants to push my child for things that was blown out of portion. And now we see all this negative that is coming out of DC and they wonder why everyone is so fearful of them.

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  • Aug 27th, 2015
    Someone from Springfield, MA signed.
  • Aug 27th, 2015
    Someone from Worcester, MA signed.
  • Aug 26th, 2015
    Someone from Springfield, MA writes:
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    DCF has torn my family apart again. This time they have no proof. They made so many mistakes while "investigating" my case they told lies to cover themselves up. I'm appealing my case. My 2 year old son has been without his early intervention and completely thrown off by all of this. My 5 year old has called me crying asking when he is going to see me. I'm appealing my case because I'm being bullied due to my history of being in a DV relationship & a history with them because of it 2, almost 3 years ago.

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  • Aug 25th, 2015
    Someone from Leominster, MA writes:
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    DCF makes false allegations. They don't care the mental damage they are doing to the families.

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  • Aug 24th, 2015
    Someone from Fruita, CO signed.
  • Aug 23rd, 2015
    Someone from Danvers, MA signed.
  • Aug 23rd, 2015
    Someone from Milo, ME signed.
  • Aug 23rd, 2015
    Someone from New Bedford, MA signed.
  • Aug 23rd, 2015
    Someone from Fairfield, ME writes:
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    This is happening all over u.s. I would suggest government do research and a complete overhaul of cps.

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  • Aug 23rd, 2015
    Someone from Clinton, MA signed.
  • Aug 22nd, 2015
    Someone from Dillon, MT signed.
  • Aug 22nd, 2015
    Someone from Canton, ME signed.
  • Aug 22nd, 2015
    Someone from Le Roy, NY signed.
  • Aug 22nd, 2015
    Someone from Le Roy, NY signed.
  • Aug 22nd, 2015
    Someone from Perry, NY signed.
  • Aug 21st, 2015
    Someone from Bethel, OH signed.
  • Aug 19th, 2015
    Someone from Haverhill, MA signed.