Free petitions that deliver messages to the U.S. Congress

Over 6.5 million messages delivered since 2009! Create your own petition now.

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Petition to Bring Alassane Ouattara to justice for Genocide in Ivory Coast

Help us tell congress to stop US support of Alassane Ouattara, a genocider and Tyrant

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Petition to Bring Alassane Ouattara to justice for Genocide in Ivory Coast

lassane Ouattara should not get away with genocide. Help us bring him to justice to respond for his crimes

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Don\'t tear US apart: Protect our veterans children from being wrongfully taken away

Protect Military Families from violation and unlawful verdict of the soldier sailor act.

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repeal proclamation 3564 \"the chicken tax\"

repeal an outdated 50 year old tariff

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PETition PET2013

To ban the sale of companion pets - Dogs & Cats - in U.S. Pet Shops.

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Zero Tolerance For Crimes Against Children

Heinous crimes against children are ever increasing, we need to stop this now!

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Whistleblower Reveals Military Mind Control Project At Major University

"Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation" can Literally decide your thinking for you

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Dismantle Child Protective Services Nationwide

Children are nothing more than pawns and commodities for the Fiends employed with CPS

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Abolish the Digital Millenium Copyright Act

Abolishing the DMCA will open more businesses & produce more jobs.