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Support U.S. action against Syrian regime

We need to act to stop the ongoing Genocide in Syria. Massacres have been committed by the dictator and the terrorist Bashar Assad against Syrian civilians since 2011, the last massacre on August 21-2013 had resulted in 1466 deaths, including more th

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VP Biden, Congress: Activate the 25th Amendment

The President has dragged America downhill, and should be replaced

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Hands Off Syria, Don\'t Bomb Syria

International campaign to dissuade US from attacking Syria

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Do we know that if we intervine we'll be fighting on the side of Al-Qaeda?

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30 Hours Is Not Full-Time

Support bi-partisan legislation amending the Affordable Care Act by changing the definition of full-time for purposes of health insurance from 30 hours to 40 hours

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PLEASE Say NO to USA Military Intervention in Syria!!

The financial cost of Military Intervention In Syria weakens America's National Security

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Say No to Bombing Syria!

Speak up and make your voice heard! Say NO to Bombing Syria!

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Say no to Unilateral War in Syria

American citizens do not want a unilateral unprovoked war in Syria

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The last thing this country needs is yet another war particularly in the Middle East.

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Income Taxes Are Illegal

Congress is illegally using excises to tax income.