Free petitions that deliver messages to the U.S. Congress

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The last thing this country needs is yet another war particularly in the Middle East.

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Income Taxes Are Illegal

Congress is illegally using excises to tax income.

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Stop \"The Bluest Eye\" from being a Common Core standard novel

"The Bluest Eye" is a sickening book that should not be a standard in our schools. It speaks graphically of rape, incest, and pedophilia with no censors. If you would like to see examples and more info about the book, please look at the link below (c

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Re ? Declaration of Independence With ?Articles of Reformation?

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Support Comprehensive Immigration Reform!

"Please support comprehensive immigration reform that strengthens and protects America?s family immigration system and creates a pathway to citizenship"

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Gun Control Idiots Are At It Again

Obama and Gun Control "Actors" To Use Deranged Boy's Act To Abolish 2nd Amendment

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No GangStalking NYC

Stop the gangstalking harassment in NYC

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USCIS to streamline the immigration process for professional workers

Approve The comprehensive immigration legislation (CIR) S.744 passed by the senate

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Investigate the Unlawful Visa Allocation In Visa Allocation In Visa Office

The allocation process for immigrant visas for Third Preference was not performed in a way consistent with the Immigration and Naturalization Act.

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Kyla\'s Law - The National Petition to Recognize and Standardize Parental Alienation as a Legally Recognized Form of Child Abuse and Parental Neglect.

This petition is to support children of divorce and custody disputes who are, all too often, alienated from loving relationships with a non-custodial parent through no fault of their own.