
BAN HOMEWORK! (or at least make less of it)

Public Comments (826)
  • Jan 10th, 2015
    Someone from Miami, FL writes:
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    Too much homework can overwhelmed students which can lead to depression, which leads to shyness, stress, lack of life experiences and less time with their family. They are not machines they have a life if they're own. Why not let them enjoy it?

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  • Jan 8th, 2015
    Someone from Chicago, IL writes:
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    Homework is making children obese by making them set time aside to do homework, when they could be doing physical activities. Homework also puts a lot of uneccecary stress on students

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  • Jan 8th, 2015
    Someone from Largo, FL signed.
  • Jan 7th, 2015
    Someone from Bellevue, WA signed.
  • Jan 7th, 2015
    Someone from Bellevue, WA signed.
  • Jan 7th, 2015
    Someone from Chesapeake, VA signed.
  • Jan 5th, 2015
    Someone from Ravenna, OH writes:
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    We go to school for 6 hours a day, and additional work when you get home is just nonsense.

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  • Jan 3rd, 2015
    Someone from Miami, FL signed.
  • Dec 27th, 2014
    Someone from New Albany, IN signed.
  • Dec 27th, 2014
    Someone from New Albany, IN signed.
  • Dec 22nd, 2014
    Someone from Bethesda, MD writes:
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    Less homework that does not equate to child or parents feeling overwhelmed.

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  • Dec 20th, 2014
    Someone from New York, NY writes:
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  • Dec 20th, 2014
    Someone from Brooklyn, NY signed.
  • Dec 20th, 2014
    Someone from Brooklyn, NY writes:
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    Abolish homework!

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  • Dec 20th, 2014
    Someone from Brooklyn, NY writes:
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    Abolish homework!

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  • Dec 9th, 2014
    Someone from Bear, DE signed.
  • Dec 3rd, 2014
    Someone from Topeka, KS signed.
  • Dec 1st, 2014
    Someone from Los Angeles, CA signed.
  • Nov 30th, 2014
    Someone from Maricopa, AZ writes:
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    I get overwhelmed with homework and after i finish i have no time to my self because after homework im tired and i have to get up for school the next day and its just frustrating

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  • Nov 30th, 2014
    Someone from Issaquah, WA signed.
  • Nov 24th, 2014
    Someone from East Hartford, CT signed.
  • Nov 23rd, 2014
    Someone from Chandler, AZ writes:
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    hool. Finland Also requires that every teacher must have a masters degree to teach in the country so the teachers will be able to teach the subject efficiently without having to give the students any unnecessary homework. So if there is one thing that should be taken from all of this, it is that homework should be removed from the education system here in the United States. With the removal of homework from all schools in the U.S. there would be a rise in test scores and no kid will ever have to suffer in the way I did. Wouldn?t it be nice if we could could move up in our spot behind these other 32 countries? Change is a necessity and that is what we need to do. To enhance the future of the United States we must do away with homework all together. Homework should never be given to another child. I don't know anybody who said, 'I love that teacher, he or she gave a really good homework set,' or 'Boy, that was the best class I ever took because those exams were awesome.' That's not what people want to talk about. It's not what influences people in one profession or another. -Neil deGrasse Tyson

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  • Nov 23rd, 2014
    Someone from Chandler, AZ writes:
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    n school. Children already spend upwards to seven hours at school and most kids are involved in various extracurricular activities so they will either not have time to complete the homework or they will be completely unmotivated to complete it for they will already be exhausted from their day at school. Not only will there be a lack of motivation in the child to complete and learn from their homework but it will also cause them to have great loads of stress and loss of sleep which is necessary for the full development and well being of the student. In a recent study by an organization in Australia, research showed that when more homework is given test scores will actually start to decrease. So why is this? Well, according to the study this is because students will often become stressed about the homework and will try to complete it at the fastest rate possible so they can do things they actually enjoy and because of this information from the homework will rarely be retained by the student. Another reason is homework will often keep kids up later than they should be, especially when they are in extra curricular activities. This lack of sleep can be detrimental to the ability of students to obtain/retain information while in school. Homework should not be a basis on what grade a student receives. If a student is intelligent and able to understand and do the work beyond what is expected then they obviously shouldn?t be bombarded by hours of homework that do nothing but waste time. A person who exceeds in the understanding and comprehension of the work at school should not have to be failed of a class simply because they were unable to turn in the homework. This is why as I lay here dying all I wish is that something will be changed. ?Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent.? (Martin Luther King Jr.) With these last moments of my life I have decided to finally straighten my back and work for the freedom and well being of America's future. We do not need any more lives of the intelligent to be ravaged by homework. There needs to be change, and the more people who realize that by reading this short story which I have written, will help my dreams of change become a reality. In recent global standardized testing there was one country that prevailed over all the rest. Was America the Country that scored highest on these tests? No, we placed a measly 32 place just behind portugal with Finland Coming in at the top of every single category. What is the difference between Finland, America and all the other countries. Well there is something that is very different in Finland compared to the rest of the world and this thing being Finland does not give out homework in any of their schools. In many of the other top placing countries such as Japan there is also little to no homework given while at sc

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  • Nov 23rd, 2014
    Someone from Chandler, AZ writes:
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    r lunch and converse with the other children. There are many things that would get you this punishment but if I were to create a list it would take up this whole story. Walking past the dictators and commanders was one of the most frightening things I have ever done for they governed how the rest of my life would be based on what they thought of me. If I did not exceed or pass the evaluations that were imposed upon all of us then a poor report would be sent to the higher government. This bad report would make it near impossible to live a life without poverty after they allowed me to leave, for the higher government would not accept me into the upper training facility which is an honorable program for those who wish to do well in life. I could not afford a lowly report of myself being sent to the upper government. Although the living conditions were horrible and those living as slaves in North Korea probably had it better off than me, the year had gone by very well. This is because I knew my report was going to be a good one and the higher government was going to draft me into their society so that I could be ready for the next step of life. When I got the report back though I could not believe my eyes. The report was not good and I thought that It must be a lie. After having read my report I stormed over to the head dictator and asked why they had failed me when I had shown how excelled I was at everything. What he said shocked me and caused me to become the person I am now. So what was it that caused me to go absolutely insane? To hallucinate almost nonstop, or to be here lying chained to a bed at the age of seventeen knowing that I am going to die while experiencing what I can only explain as the worst pain a person could experience? What was it that really made this place so bad? It was the homework. Yes, I did write that correctly. It was the homework that caused my brain to bleed, my lungs to be filled with fluid, and my stomach to be lined with holes. The homework had caused me to fail, it had caused me to die. So as my last wish, as I sit here writing this in my last moments of life, is that no one else must experience my pain, and that no one else must die. With this being said I believe no kid should ever be given homework again. Remember homework kills. Now as I have told the story of what happened to me I would like to tell how it could be prevented. First off, As George Santayana once said ?A child educated only at school is an uneducated child.? Time at home should not be spent on extra work that has already been learned after having spent the previous seven hours of your day at school, it should rather be spent enjoying the only childhood which you will ever have and learning things that just can?t be learned while spending time in school. ?The things that have been most valuable to me I did not learn in school.? This quote by Will Smith shows how time spent outside of school is just as important as the time which is spent i

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  • Nov 23rd, 2014
    Someone from Chandler, AZ writes:
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    clean up anymore of the bodies. Although they do not want to have more lifeless beings scattered across the floor of my room, I do not want to die in this place either. I would do whatever it takes to live the last few moments of my life in the comfort of my own home. Everything started early on an August morning. I cannot remember the exact day but I know It was at the beginning of the month and when I woke up I started to cry and not just cry, I was sobbing. My mom called me from down stairs, ?Tyler, are you ready? I have breakfast made. It won?t be long before we have to leave.? I heard her but did not respond and rolled back over in my bed. I glanced over at my clock. It was 6:30 in the morning and this was way too early, especially for what was about to come. To put things simply my mother was sending me off to the place of no return. She would tell me it wasn?t so bad or how it was necessary for my well being and future. I knew this wasn?t true though. She would also explain to me how it was only for 7 hours every day and although this is true the things that happened inside this demented place of hell and misery are so gruesome that I have debated whether to tell them or not, but since I am going to die anyways I would rather have them told then let these things go unheard, and prevent what happened to me, happen to the other children. On that morning at seven twenty we had to leave. I wish I had a choice but I didn?t, for it was mandated by the government and my parents that I go. The place was horrendous. Once you walked in you could not walk out until you had permission from one of the higher ranking dictators to do so. It was a giant brick fortress surrounded by impassible gates and cameras. Standing guard at the entrance/exit are the high ranking elders. They are the last line of defence incase you make a break for it. The closest place I can resemble this death trap to would be a top security prison such as Guantanamo Bay, although I can only assume they have more rights and freedom there. While we were on our way I begged my mother to turn the car around but she refused to listen and after twenty minutes we had finally arrived. The sight of all the other helpless children trudging with great depression into this cesspool of a place made me want to run but I had no choice. As I walked I began to think of what was about to become of my life over the next year and never have I been filled with more fear just by the thought of something. After having walked for about two minutes I was finally there. At the entrance stood the vice dictator and one of the lower class commanders and inside the prison walked the head dictator and many of the other commanders. They were all there to ensure that there was no funny business going on and you definitely did not want to be caught messing around by one of these people. Being caught meant that you had to be put in the room of shame during the short time they actually gave you to eat you

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  • Nov 23rd, 2014
    Someone from Chandler, AZ writes:
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    In the final days of my life I have come to terms that I should write a short story on how I came to be the person I am today. How I became the man lying on his deathbed at the age of seventeen, what I am currently going through, and what it is like to be living my life at the moment. Things weren?t always like this. I was once a virtuous child who had many friends, loved to play with his dog, and enjoyed spending time outside. Sadly though, I could not stay this happy and joyful child. All I wish is that none of this had ever happened. For the nightmares and terrible hallucinations have made my final moments of life more than unbearable, it is as if I am living in a real life hell. My mother, she had always tried her absolute best to explain to me how things weren't going to be as horrific as I said they were. If only she understood what would happen. If only she knew how my stomach would be lined with ulcers, my lungs filled with fluids, or how I would be left with a hemorrhaging brain. Anyways, the year of my seventeenth birthday would be my worst and my last. Was it the bullies who beat me to the point of no return that put me in this situation? Was it the verbal and physical abuse by the kids who lived just across the street or the incurable illness that I came down with? To be honest it was none of these as none of them actually happened. It was something that causes me to tremble just at the thought. I wouldn?t wish it upon my worst enemy, and just writing about it has caused the hallucinations to begin. I can see the thin red scars that cover my skin although they aren?t really there. The black liquid proceeds to fill the floor and walls, and I can hear the faint whispers of the demons who have followed me around in my final days of life. The nurse walks in and I can not see her face for it is concealed in a mask of the ?yellow wood?, and in her hands she carries a basket filled with a rubber substance with which she will rub aggressively on my body to erase all of my sins. She screams words I cannot understand as I plead for mercy, and then it is over. The hallucination is done. They come every half hour and the time in between is how long I have to enjoy what is left of my useless life before I am thrown into a different world for what seems like forever. They used to let visitors in. I would enjoy them because it would make my life just a little less lonely and a little bit more enjoyable. Visitors aren?t allowed anymore though. Especially after ?the incident?. I tried to explain to the nurse how only one person died but the nurse didn?t want to hear it. According to her I was too much of a hazard and this is why my feet and legs are latched onto the bed. When I try to escape (which is quite often) they will send in ?the men? who will stick a taser into my mouth sending rushes of electricity through every square inch of of my body. They tell me they can?t afford to take any chances with me because they do not want to have to

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  • Nov 22nd, 2014
    Someone from Jacksonville, IL signed.
  • Nov 21st, 2014
    Someone from Salinas, CA signed.
  • Nov 18th, 2014
    Someone from Austin, TX signed.
  • Nov 15th, 2014
    Someone from Santa Ana, CA writes:
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    home work is absolutely too much stress for us kids. We are only Kids and Teens For a few years, we want to enjoy life as kids not be stressing on homework just to raise our grades ! We have enough time to stress when we are older and have a job or career ! We have enough problems at home, we also want to invest our time in our talents and skills ! Point is we want to have fun and enjoy our youth. Plus ...WE HAVE LIFES !

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  • Nov 12th, 2014
    Someone from West Blocton, AL signed.
  • Nov 12th, 2014
    Someone from Alexandria, KY writes:
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    Homework consumes my family time and is affecting my sleeping habits thus affecting y health

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  • Nov 10th, 2014
    Someone from Jupiter, FL signed.
  • Nov 5th, 2014
    Someone from San Antonio, TX signed.
  • Nov 5th, 2014
    Someone from New City, NY signed.
  • Nov 2nd, 2014
    Someone from Chandler, AZ signed.
  • Nov 2nd, 2014
    Someone from Chandler, AZ signed.
  • Nov 2nd, 2014
    Someone from Mansfield, TX writes:
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    I try my best to keep up with school ,but when it interferes with my ONLY family time on weekends I just can't take it...

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  • Oct 30th, 2014
    Someone from Austin, TX writes:
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    I think enrichment in education would be much less stressful and more encouraging for many students if perhaps classes were a little longer, more personalized and tailored for EDUCATING them and not TEACHING FOR TESTING such as staars and taks. I understand things like projects and essays that takes days or weeks, but homework, everyday with no consideration of the mental state is pressurizing and drives many to depression, anxiety, and many other not fun things. Students are smiles, laughs, and brains for filling with knowledge of our world, not 0s and 1s as all in the public system are treated.

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  • Oct 30th, 2014
    Someone from Austin, TX signed.