
DCF is Massachusetts is ruining families

Public Comments (1,277)
  • Feb 9th, 2016
    Someone from Falmouth, MA writes:
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    DCF took away my sister's newborn straight from the hospital over something small. In order to get her back, they required her to live in a teen program, which was far from all family and friends. She listened, yet 3 months later they show up without any court paperwork and take her daughter. It has been 4 days and she still has not been able to get in touch with the dcf worker or obtain a 72 hour hearing. She is not a bad person and has been doing everything they asked her to do.

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  • Feb 9th, 2016
    Someone from Falmouth, MA signed.
  • Feb 8th, 2016
    Someone from Hingham, MA writes:
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    I have been involved with dcf for a year and a half now. I have been very lucky, maybe I got a good worker, i dont know. But my case should of been closed months ago, and some how it just keeps getting dragged on and on. They focus too much on minor cases and neglect the more serious ones. It is time to change the way DCF works. The longer my case is open, the more afraid I get, I cant lose my children.

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  • Feb 8th, 2016
    Someone from Worcester, MA writes:
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    My daughter is 17 she was taken when she was 15 she g pregnant in there custody at 16 no counseling she was on meds. They just plopped her somewhere and expect her to be grown. No help no parenting classes nothing.just wicked n welfare go fig

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  • Feb 7th, 2016
    Someone from Haverhill, MA writes:
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    They took my 12 year old son i can prove that i never neglected my son.But they all work together and break all the laws and get away with it kids equal cash to them my heart to broken seeing my son getting neglected by DCF hands.Hes in a grouo home that has mice running around and dirty.Somebody need to step up and put DCF in thete place or alot more kids are gonna get abused or Become dead.

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  • Feb 5th, 2016
    Someone from Monson, MA writes:
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    Dcf is wrongly accusing me of not believing my daughter for allegations she is insisting didn't happen. The day I heard I wanted to rush her to the hospital and arrest the person accused...he was never questioned and I was told not to let him know. I pleaded with my daughter to tell me if anything happened so I can help her she's insisting her school lied...wouldn't be the first time...the school and cop said she DIDNT SAY SHE WAD TOUCHED yet we were interrogated humiliated and continued harassment. Dcf has lied to open a previous case AND ADMITTED IT AND ARE DOING IT AGAIN!!! my family is in distress this needs to end!!!!

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  • Feb 5th, 2016
    Someone from North Fort Myers, FL signed.
  • Feb 4th, 2016
    Someone from Attleboro, MA writes:
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    Our Story of DCFs inability to provide and keep a safe, healthy envioirorment due to changing case goal from reunification to adoption and termination of parental right back to reunification in the upcoming foster care review on 8 FEB 2016

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  • Feb 3rd, 2016
    Someone from Kingston, MA signed.
  • Feb 3rd, 2016
    Someone from Canton, MA signed.
  • Feb 2nd, 2016
    Someone from Lowell, MA writes:
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    I had a child placed with me because I am a family member who is concerned for the child's welfare. DCFS placed him with me and told me to go to court to file papers which I did. I was told by the court that DCFS should have been doing this and not me. I tried to get help for the child as he needs ADHD meds and his winter coat. DCFS said they could not help me they did not take custody of the child. I asked them what do they want me to do return the child to a physically abusive family since I cannot obtain medical, school or anything else the child needs legally. I was then told do what I have to do. So legally I have to return the child and listen to them accuse me of not caring about the welfare of the child. This is the second time he has been removed for abuse.

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  • Feb 2nd, 2016
    Someone from Everett, MA signed.
  • Feb 1st, 2016
    Someone from Gardner, MA writes:
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    Several constitutional rights violated in process of unprofessional, deceptive and destructive investigation by an extrajudicial and punitive burocracy. Assigned social worker was misleading so as to conceal the fact that she wasn't licensed. Poor case management, investigative skills, management and oversight has torn my family apart. DCF stops at no cost to discourage my family from reconciling in spite of the organization's charter statement which claims that DCF will make keeping the family intact a priority.

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  • Feb 1st, 2016
    Someone from Gardner, MA writes:
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    Several constitutional rights violated in process of unprofessional, deceptive and destructive investigation by an extrajudicial and punitive burocracy. Assigned social worker was misleading so as to conceal the fact that she wasn't licensed. Poor case management, investigative skills, management and oversight has torn my family apart. DCF stops at no cost to discourage my family from reconciling in spite of the organization's charter statement which claims that DCF will make keeping the family intact a priority.

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  • Jan 28th, 2016
    Someone from Greenfield, MA writes:
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    DCF is trying to take my kids over "hot sauce, my son brought to school to show off" principle called the cops on my son and he said he was scared to go home because he didn't want to get hit " spanked". Right now we are on day 13 of investigation I have contacted a lawyer. And have been playing phone tag with the investergator who won't talk to my kids therapist! I am ready to fight them with all I have.... They are a joke of department.

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  • Jan 28th, 2016
    Someone from Fiskdale, MA writes:
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    Well I would First Like to start off and explain my daughter who turned three years old today..was taken by Dcf 9 months ago due to domestic violence. I called the police when the abuse happend and I was the one arrested. No it dosnt make sense but even though charges were dropped its still affecting every aspect of my life but I'm am a survivor not a victim. Dcf has refused to place my daughter with my parents who were foster parents for over 20 years. I'm adopted myself and I'm so grateful for the family I have. Dcf has refused to place my daughter with my parents because they believe my Down syndrome brother (17) is dangerous. He is not l, he so is so loving and kind and gentle. They have discriminated against him and my whole family. I went to court today because my mother filed for guardianship of my daughter. She is emergency placement due to last kin placement gave her notice. Mind you, Dcf regional office failed to submit a affidavit of any 51 a's that were filed on my parents. There are none but the judge need the affidavit to make a decision. My parents have custody of my new born because I tested positive at birth the baby was not drug addicted but I am a addict and I did the right thing so I could get my self into treatment. I have been in treatment for almost 3 months now. I'm sober almost 3 months also! I'm doing great. Dcf has gave me the chance to get my daughter back but refuse to place with my mother but are on board with a guardianship as long as the judge approves. Mind you, I'm not perfect but I am a really good mother to my children. Despite my addiction I am a amazing person and so are my children. My mother and father have supported me and stuck by my side. So basically we are fighting the system. We won't give up. Dcf knows we could file a losuit on the for discrimination. We are considering it if they continue to tear our family apart. I know this won't be seen by the right people but you never know. Dcf really lacks in strengthening families and that's their job. I'm going to sit here and bash them. That's not why I'm speaking up. I'm speaking for my daughter and for little brother. They deserve to be treated with respect and my daughter deserves to be with the loving family she has until I'm back on my feet. I know I need to work on things there is no question about it! Dcf need to loose some power they have. But I doubt that will ever happen.

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  • Jan 27th, 2016
    Someone from Framingham, MA writes:
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    DCF has come into my home and is ruining my family and home. I've been told to lie and I'm intimidated by them. I refuse to lie bc DCF say so. I'm also being told I need to seek a restraining order on my boyfriend who I'm not in hear of and if I want to keep my child I will do what they say. This is not justice! How is this legal? I'm mentally exhausted and worry everyday who will show up at my door. This is not healthy and is causing a lot of pain bc my 5 year old son thinks his sister is going to be taken every time the door bell rings! DCF is trying so hard to destroy my family and they will not win!!

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  • Jan 27th, 2016
    Someone from Southwick, MA writes:
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    They need to stop mentally and physically ruining our future my children haven't been the same kids since they where removed from me and placed hear their split apart all of them are with different families when all they ever had was myself and each other and that's not abuse they never get to see each other I get 3 visits a year for 1 hour really I'm not a bad mother never was I did how ever hit a rough spot in life but I got back up on my feet and am on my way I've recently had 2 new babies they are 8 1\2 months apart who are with me and of course dcf is in my life but can't do anything this time around my babies are safe have 2 loving parents a nice home food In their bellies cloths on their back and all the love and attion children should get I just hope in time dcf will get what is deserved for ruining so many good family's who just had fell on hard times and no matter what kids always had what was needed a d never went without Holyoke dcf are jokes .....

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  • Jan 25th, 2016
    Someone from Assonet, MA writes:
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    Shouldn't it be the child's safety, number one but also about keeping families together, support for the parents. Not a group effort to tear a family apart and keep the child away from the parent. This should be a group effort if the parents main concern is to rectify there wrong doings, get help and become the parent they had intended to be. The end result may not even be the parents being together any longer and the child being in one parents custody...the one who steps up to the plate to give it their all for their child. It takes support for the parent, child, foster parent, guardian all together as a team to re-unite the child with a parent which may involve a lot of support for the parent while the child is in a safe environment. It's not a battle, it takes a village. It takes a group of support. That's not what I see happening at all with DCF. Not AT ALL! All I see is separation of family, lies allowed to be told in court without someone even being confronted first. There should be consequences for their lies in court. Their word is not the's hearsay which from my own experiences are outright lies! Very disappointed and disgusted with the system! Every situation is unique and needs to be treated that way. The child should never be kept away from other family members that want this child to be in their life who would like visitation rights as long as they pass every background check there is know to man kind with flying colors.

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  • Jan 25th, 2016
    Someone from Belchertown, MA writes:
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    Yes I do believe dcf has destroyed family by my own experience have two daughter the oldest got abused by her father and I was out working and I report the abuse with my daughter to cops to ex jail what he did so the ope. Door dcf let them they started tell who I could date as I tryed to move on with my life raising my kid no matter what I said I was bad mom in there eyes then a 51a was done becouse did not pick the phone becouse dating some one that had a past crimal histroy that was over 20 years ago and he did the crime for which he label for something he did not do and did time for so I continue to tell the truth dcf they came and still my kid trama her her father just land in jail she new that so when they came she hide scared from cops and dcf the took my daughter to a foster home no one in my family or me new were she was we were all scared for her my it took 3 month to get my daughter I. My sister hand they destroyed my life so I called school everyday to make sure she got to school they were not happy I even try to volunteer my time at the school because I was planning on volunteer my time there oh and I past school Cori to so had to go to the bored but because there hisrpy with dcf I could not voulteer at her school as plan well anyway dcf has destroyed my family I have decide to let my sister raise my kid so dcf will be out my life and my family life but it still has not happen yet dcf has been drang there feet with signing my right over to my sister as I decided to get dcf out my daughter life still has not happened d it has been two years senice she has been put home I as mom want stable place for my kid that my sister I don't want her bounced around the system she all trama do to her she does need no more the cause of all the trama was cause from dcf if I can stop the abuse that has happen to my kids between there father and dcf I have achieve my goal as a mother I am mother that will all way love my kids and will do anything to make there life a better one one my kids over 18 and they can not stop her from seeing her family she can do as she please but the other 7 and there still ruin my daughter life by not moving forward with these paper guardian ship is this what I want no as mom it the best choice to get them out my kids life and she with loving family that main thing keep her with family that love her so yes dcf does destroy family The abuse need stop from dcf control family So anyone fighting system keep chin up and try just keep moving forward that all I do

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  • Jan 21st, 2016
    Someone from Lynn, MA signed.
  • Jan 20th, 2016
    Someone from Norwood, MA writes:
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    Ok the troll from brockton dcfs comment will be removed. Mass protest being formed at each dcf office and the governors officd. Not just one day. The governor lied.repeatedly but he did say feb 1st each case will be reviewed. Lets see if he keeps his word. File against the abusive parent..make dcf do background checks. File against that foster parent from hell. Make them prove their allegations. File against them themselves for child do it.

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  • Jan 20th, 2016
    Someone from Stafford Springs, CT signed.
  • Jan 20th, 2016
    Someone from Athol, MA writes:
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    My daughter and son i law had an argument while me and my husband were there. Things got heated and they left and walked to the police station down the street, knowing I was taking my 2 year old grand son home with me. They arrested my son in law and stuck my daughter in the hospital for a psych evaluation. Two days later DCF was taking my grandson from me and put him in a foster home for almost 2 weeks. The only one in my family to pass their background check was my sister, who has my grandson now. But he is a completely different child since the foster home. He's now withdrawn and prone to fits of screaming for no reason. He's two so he can't tell us what happened in the foster home. He is only allowed to see his parents during supervised visits. This is all ridiculous. There was no reason for him to have been taken in the first place. He isn't adjusting well at all. The social worker is a complete scatterbrain who is unbelievably unprofessional. I'd like to file a complaint but don't even know where to begin.

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  • Jan 19th, 2016
    Someone from Fairhaven, MA writes:
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    I had severe post pardum depression with a very sick newborn baby who wasn't sleeping, and a toddler to take care of. I drove to Walmart to buy diapers and formula, and exhausted and completely overwhelmed from the baby's non stop screaming I started crying hysterically in my car. Someone saw me, and instead of asking if I was okay, called the police, who decided to take me to the hospital for exhaustion, and because I had my children in the car, automatically called DCF. I am a reputable school teacher, and I have never felt so violated with how invasive they were into my professional and personal life, especially since nothing like this has ever occurred ever in my life. My DCF worker went so far as to pinch my three year old's arm hard and ask her if "Mommy and daddy ever hurt you like that?". A scary and uncalled for experience in my entire family's life, I wanted to be a foster mother to some underprivileged children, but now due to this ridiculous stain on my record over nothing due to DCF's involvement, I'm afraid that won't happen. Shame on you DCF, I know you do some really great work for some children and families that are suffering, but you should be intelligent and trained enough to know the difference between a mother who horribly neglects their children, and one that has a month old well taken care of new born and is suffering from exhaustion herself and nothing more.

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  • Jan 19th, 2016
    Someone from Fairhaven, MA writes:
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    I had severe post pardum depression with a very sick newborn baby who wasn't sleeping, and a toddler to take care of. I drove to Walmart to buy diapers and formula, and exhausted and completely overwhelmed from the baby's non stop screaming I started crying hysterically in my car. Someone saw me, and instead of asking if I was okay, called the police, who decided to take me to the hospital for exhaustion, and because I had my children in the car, automatically called DCF. I am a reputable school teacher, and I have never felt so violated with how invasive they were into my professional and personal life, especially since nothing like this has ever occurred ever in my life. My DCF worker went so far as to pinch my three year old's arm hard and ask her if "Mommy and daddy ever hurt you like that?". A scary and uncalled for experience in my entire family's life, I wanted to be a foster mother to some underprivileged children, but now due to this ridiculous stain on my record over nothing due to DCF's involvement, I'm afraid that won't happen. Shame on you DCF, I know you do some really great work for some children and families that are suffering, but you should be intelligent and trained enough to know the difference between a mother who horribly neglects their children, and one that has a month old well taken care of new born and is suffering from exhaustion herself and nothing more.

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  • Jan 18th, 2016
    Someone from West Brookfield, MA writes:
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    In early November dcf became involved with my family . We have no prior history with them . No drug use or drinking . Stable loving home . My daughters bio dad who is a pill popping moron Absentee parent had just been put in jail for non payment of his support the end of October . So the allegations made agianst her step father were questionable to me . Extremely questionable . Dcf wouldnt tell me at first why they were at my door . And i demanded to know and they came clean . Telling me my daughter had made alligations agianst her step father . Her story changed , and then she took it back , then said it was true agian . No one has listened to me . I was told by the worker they are here to listen to and believe the child not me . Well come to find out as I had predicted not so intelligent bio dad admitted to a probate court investigator that he had a friend send their child to school with a note for my child . He wanted her to contact him after 2 years of him not showing up for her . He told her all kinds of lies . Who knows exactly what . When I found out I called the worker she said to me what do I want her to do about it . Lol . Um investigate it ! ! He has a history with dcf . He called and had his nasty mother called and filed false claims agianst his other child's mother . Do you think they could put 2 and 2 together ?? Nope . And his other child's mothers case was closed !! He didn't comply with them at all he didn't do his service plan . They keep trying to tell me my child's story is credible . And consistent . But how can a inconsistent story be consistent ? They took her from me because they claim I wasn't supportive of her . Not that I knew about any abuse that had supposedly occurred . But she had told them that everyone . ALL of her family members gram , gramp , aunti , her uncles , her mimi and myself had threatened her to change her story . All of us . Her whole family . They placed her with a friend of her father's . I am not sure why he was even allowed in the court room . I have received 1 piece of paper from dcf . 1 . That's it . They took my child and I got 1 letter . Nothing els . They never did a investigation . They never spoke to her family members . The people in her life that are there everyday . They never informed my ex husband and our child is in the home . He of course would've told them no way . And told them the same thing I had . That it must be her bio dad causing problems . Her bio dad had also made similar allegations against my ex husband as well . They haven't removed my other children . And I had to receive a call from my children's pediatricians office asking me how my daughter was since her visit to the ER . Omfg !!! I had no idea . I knew nothing about it . And they didn't even notify her doctor that they had taken custody ?? I had to explain the situation and give them the number of where she is staying !! All while freaking out about what had happened to my daughter . I have to do the workers job

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  • Jan 17th, 2016
    Someone from Plymouth, MA writes:
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    My fiancés daughter was just taken on trumped up charges. DCF worker lied on several occasions and twisted facts to suit there needs. All the lawyers were in on it...even her court appointed. Put the child in the care of the father who abandoned her as an infant. They never checked the facts of the case outside of there own myopic scope of what they call an investigation. These people are really sick and obviously get off on breaking up families and working both ends against each other in the cases of separated parents. The government really needs to step in and put a stop to the fascist regime that is the Plymouth County DCFS program.

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  • Jan 14th, 2016
    Someone from Boxborough, MA signed.
  • Jan 13th, 2016
    Someone from Chicago, IL writes:
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    I was taken by the DCF in 2000 , the records I have where so poorly kept that I have 11 siblings and all I have are there names , little to no information on my father, and even less on my mother, maybe it's time to stop playing God and and let family determine outcome not court, causs one day it might come back to bite you , fix the system, or stop, it's that simple , I lost ELEVEN people do to this system, please do something

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  • Jan 13th, 2016
    Someone from Fitchburg, MA signed.
  • Jan 13th, 2016
    Someone from Ludlow, MA writes:
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    They don't seem to help when a child needs mental help but are real quick to take this child sibling once the have the mentally ill child. They are not always on time and cost parents/guardians money waiting for them.

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  • Jan 13th, 2016
    Someone from Westford, MA signed.
  • Jan 13th, 2016
    Someone from Osterville, MA signed.
  • Jan 11th, 2016
    Someone from Fitchburg, MA writes:
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    I am currently being investigated by dcf and they want to take away my kids. They dont keep their appointments and then they act like we canceled on them or were not available. They harass my kids and wont listen to them. They put words into my kids mouth. My children say the dcf intimidates them and are always trying to make them say they are abused when they are not! Something needs to be done about this corruption.

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  • Jan 9th, 2016
    Someone from Peabody, MA writes:
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  • Jan 8th, 2016
    Someone from Kingston, MA signed.
  • Jan 7th, 2016
    Someone from Brockton, MA writes:
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    I do believe DCF needs more people and more training and they need to do more to protect innocent children. Children depend on their parents to do what's best for them, but that doesn't always happen does it? If they didn't step in how many more children would be abused, neglected or even killed without? When parents don't do right by their children who is supposed to look out for them? If the system is broken we need to fix it, but we need it. Our children need it. DCF doesn't step in for no reason. And I know for a fact if they do they place children with family first if it is an option, and they work to reunite children with their parents if the parents do whatever it takes to get them back. I know this, because it's happened in my family. When you are a parent your child comes first and foremost, period. If you can't do that as a parent why should your children suffer?

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  • Jan 6th, 2016
    Someone from Northampton, MA signed.
  • Jan 4th, 2016
    Someone from Indian Orchard, MA writes:
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    Dcf in mass is a disgrace and its policíes of reporting and observing needs to be refined and managed .

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