Free petitions that deliver messages to the U.S. Congress

Over 6.5 million messages delivered since 2009! Create your own petition now.

As seen on:


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Enough with Deadbeats

Congress & Legislators: Lets really crack down on Deadbeats

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Abolish Person-Hood for Corporations

There is a group Lobbying for CEOs to be able to vote twice in elections

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A Life for A Life of a Child

To stop crimes against children ages 0-16!

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Take Back Thanksgiving with National Gratitude Week

In an opening salvo to reclaim the spirit of Thanksgiving (and the spirit of giving thanks generally) from the commercial interests that have co-opted it, we hereby petition for the establishment of a National Gratitude Week to take place each year d

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End Outsourcing

An "outsourcing tax" should be introduced to discourage businesses from sending jobs overseas. Providing tax breaks to companies that invest in reconstructing the manufacturing capacity of the United States so that we again make everyday products in

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Ending of Perpetual War for Profit

Recalling all military personnel at all non-essential bases and refocusing national defense goals to address threats posed by the geopolitics of the 21st century, including terrorism and limiting the large scale deployment of military forces to insta

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Promoting Euthanasia awareness and its legalization.

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Stop mistreatment of circus elephants.

People who run circuses mistreat circus elephants, and it must be stopped.

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Transportation Fringe Benefit Parity Provision

In this tough economy can you afford to double your transportation costs? ACT NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

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Campaign to Stop US Companies from Supporting the Syrian Regime

Campaign to STOP US Companies from Supporting the Syrian Regime