Stop Workplace Mobbing and Community Based Harassment
Mobbing is a ganging up against one individual in the workplace or community because of ideologic differences.
Stop Workplace Mobbing/Bullying
Workplace bullying is a general ganging up by employees targeting one individual in the office, school or factory. The book Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace outlines how one enemy in the workplace can rally other workers to gleefully wreak havoc in the life of their colleague. It can begins with jealousy of an above average worker and then the ridicule starts. a manager feeling threatened by an overachieving subordinate almost always triggers mobbing, since the manager will rally the other employees to ridicule, harass and eventually drive the good employee out. It can also begin with gossip/slander about the individual. (See Below.)
Stop Organized Harassment
Community Based Harassment aka Mobbing is not new. This type of vigilante behavior has been used widely by the KKK and other fascist groups worldwide. Mobbing is a ganging up by the community against one individual in an attempt to drive the person out.
Mobbing symptom number one is slander to the community about the victim. The victim?s private life is exploited in such a way to create the illusion that the person is an undesirable, dishonest, or crazy, someone that needs to be driven from the community. With the popularity of online gossip pages and message boards, a photo-shopped image, or a voice-over, could give credibility to the smear. (Also called, The New McCarthyism, see: The Progressive.)
Unveiled and popularized by John Ashcroft in 2002 under Freedom Corps, a system of Neighborhood Snitches was set up to watch selected neighbors for ?Unusual behavior.? Google: Amerisnitch from Peace Corps Online. See ?FISA? and ?Fusion Centers? ACLU website.
How it begins: An authority figure may approach important people in the victim?s life, family, friends, employer, neighbors, etc. and claim the victim is under investigation, thus alienating family and friends who are sworn to silence by the authority figure. (See: Indymedia, Miami, What You Can Do.) As soon as the community is convinced, the organized stalking/surveillance begins.
If you know of any friends, coworkers or neighbors that are experiencing daily harassment in their lives, please do not be dismissive. They need your understanding and support. Although physical abuse is rare in mobbing, the emotional abuse can cause serious, even life-threatening illnesses. In some mobbing cases, victims have had heart attacks or serious stomach problems as a result. Unfortunately, some people enjoy being a part of these vigilante groups and have no crisis of conscience when it comes to ganging up against an individual. Single women, Teachers, Activists and Writers are often targets. Google, Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace and Community Based Harassment. Also, contact your State Representatives and Congress to create Legislation against Mobbing. Also read: The End of America and You have No Rights. Films: The Map of the World, The Lives
Workplace bullying is a general ganging up by employees targeting one individual in the office, school or factory. The book Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace outlines how one enemy in the workplace can rally other workers to gleefully wreak havoc in the life of their colleague. It can begins with jealousy of an above average worker and then the ridicule starts. a manager feeling threatened by an overachieving subordinate almost always triggers mobbing, since the manager will rally the other employees to ridicule, harass and eventually drive the good employee out. It can also begin with gossip/slander about the individual. (See Below.)
Stop Organized Harassment
Community Based Harassment aka Mobbing is not new. This type of vigilante behavior has been used widely by the KKK and other fascist groups worldwide. Mobbing is a ganging up by the community against one individual in an attempt to drive the person out.
Mobbing symptom number one is slander to the community about the victim. The victim?s private life is exploited in such a way to create the illusion that the person is an undesirable, dishonest, or crazy, someone that needs to be driven from the community. With the popularity of online gossip pages and message boards, a photo-shopped image, or a voice-over, could give credibility to the smear. (Also called, The New McCarthyism, see: The Progressive.)
Unveiled and popularized by John Ashcroft in 2002 under Freedom Corps, a system of Neighborhood Snitches was set up to watch selected neighbors for ?Unusual behavior.? Google: Amerisnitch from Peace Corps Online. See ?FISA? and ?Fusion Centers? ACLU website.
How it begins: An authority figure may approach important people in the victim?s life, family, friends, employer, neighbors, etc. and claim the victim is under investigation, thus alienating family and friends who are sworn to silence by the authority figure. (See: Indymedia, Miami, What You Can Do.) As soon as the community is convinced, the organized stalking/surveillance begins.
If you know of any friends, coworkers or neighbors that are experiencing daily harassment in their lives, please do not be dismissive. They need your understanding and support. Although physical abuse is rare in mobbing, the emotional abuse can cause serious, even life-threatening illnesses. In some mobbing cases, victims have had heart attacks or serious stomach problems as a result. Unfortunately, some people enjoy being a part of these vigilante groups and have no crisis of conscience when it comes to ganging up against an individual. Single women, Teachers, Activists and Writers are often targets. Google, Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace and Community Based Harassment. Also, contact your State Representatives and Congress to create Legislation against Mobbing. Also read: The End of America and You have No Rights. Films: The Map of the World, The Lives
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