Free petitions that deliver messages to the U.S. Congress

Over 6.5 million messages delivered since 2009! Create your own petition now.

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Repeal the NDAA

HR 3785 repeals section 1021 of the NDAA 2012

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Remove Tax Exemption from Westboro Baptist Church

The westboro baptist church spread hate accross the country and get away tax free.

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Veterans Bill of Rights

A Bill of Rights for Veterans and their Families

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STOP SOPA--Keep the Internet Free and Open

Don't let government censor the Internet to protect Big Hollywood

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Children SHOULD not write letters on horse slaughter

This is to stop the letters that are written by kids for an adult problem

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Keep the FDA Out of All Stem Cell Treatment

The FDA Continues to Interfere in Life Saving Stem Cell Treatment

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Better treatment for our nation\'s veterans

Our nation's heroes face enough struggles, quality treatment from the VA should not be one of them.

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PIPA andSOPA will allow internet censorship which violates our right to freedom of speech.