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Start Deploying US Military Disaster Recovery Teams to Natural Disasters in the USA

Our Government currently deploys the US Navy SeaBees and other highly trained Disaster Recovery teams to Haiti, Pakistan, Thailand, Honduras and other countires, yet they don't deploy then here at home when and where we need them the most.

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Stop Coercive Psychiatry

Support life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!

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Freeloading Illegal Alien Mother of 7 Children Given Food Stamps, Meds, Social Security and Housing for 20 YEARS

This woman is NOT a U.S. Citizen, Why is she allowed to get access to services that are DENIED to Americans?

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Unfair Child Support Laws

Make all children equal.

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These animals are skinned alive, boiled alive, beaten, pounded to the ground or burned to death.

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Repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and all amendments thereto

The Federal Reserve Act has implemented a debt-money system that is killing the American economy.

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Operation Vigilant Eagle Targets U.S. Veterans

Veterans are and have been massively targeted for harassment and "indirect extermination" by the U.S. Government. Remember that the next time you are tapped to sign up for a Fake War against an Invented Enemy