
30 Hours Is Not Full-Time

Support bi-partisan legislation amending the Affordable Care Act by changing the definition of full-time for purposes of health insurance from 30 hours to 40 hours

Please support H.R. 2988 and S.1188 - proposed legislation introduced by Rep. Lipinski (D-Illinois) and Sens. Collins (R-Maine) and Donnelly (D-Indiana) to change the Affordable Care Act's definition of "full-time" from 30 hours to the more commonly-used standard of 40 hours.

This legislation would reduce the health care cost burden on businesses and preserve working hours and income for employees who might otherwise see their hours cut by their employers in response to the Affordable Care Act.

Affected employees, because of the Affordable Care Act, no longer need to rely on their employers for access to health insurance. They will now have the option of the new health insurance Marketplaces ("exchanges") including cost subsidies and reductions in out-of-pocket health care costs for lower-income individuals.

This legislation will strengthen the Affordable Care Act and help achieve its goal of delivering coverage to more Americans through the Marketplaces.