
Urge the CDC to take action against surging unexplained disease

Public Comments (2,563)
  • Nov 14th, 2016
    from Hawesville, KY writes:
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    i have been having this problem, like others for weeks. i don't think that everyone is being attacked by the same parasite. Everything that i have read points to different symptoms among the infected. i am saddened to hear the numbers of the afflicted and i do hope that a cure is found for all of us. Mine first started with a nose itch that came and went when it pleased. this lasted for a couple of days, then i was itching all over. It was like the itches you get that move; You scratch one then another one comes along somewhere else. When that started i thought i was just having a bad day. I thought well maybe i shouldn't have used those dryer sheets, or maybe it's my new bed sheets that i just put on. I have exzema so i thought it was the problem. I changed detergent, washed the bed sheets and stopped using the dryer sheets. A week later i was itching all over. My head, arms. legs, face, back, and rear. it not only itched but was accompanied with a crawling sensation. It felt like they were crawling over my whole body. It felt like hundreds were on the outside of my ears, and on my eyelids. when i am out i can see that others have it too. people i have never met. the look on their faces as they stop in the middle of what they are doing. The look of "What is that?" on their face. it is everywhere. And we do need to find out what to do about it. What i have found to be of some relief is cetaphil body wash. I wash my body first, rinse and put it on my skin where i itch the most. i even put it in my hair. it is for exema so i try not to get it in my eyes when i wash my face. The itching comes back but it lessens after each use i have found. i hope what i have put here is helpful to someone somewhere. we all need some relief, a cure, something to help us go on. If you don't think these symptoms coincide with your own it still may b worth a shot. We don't know what this is or how to tackle it. I am going to seek other remedies besides the cetaphil also. God bless all of you, i hope a cure is found soon.

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  • Nov 13th, 2016
    Someone from Encinitas, CA writes:
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    Generational Demodex is a problem for tens of thousands globaly. With origins in south east Africa, a preventative Vaccination is given to travellers prior to travel to that region. This is a very real, highly contagious skin mite that can affect the immune system, cause mental fog, exhaustion and fatigue. Skin symptoms present in a wide variety of ways depending on how many 'generations of the mite is present. The mites colonize in layers underneath the skin, laying flat. The life cycle of this kite is only 4 days. HOWEVER, once inseminated the mite is permanently pregnant can lay millions of eggs during that time. There are 12 stages to the life cycle of each mite. THEREFORE, the symptoms for the sufferer are nin stop. The dead mites can appear asltiny brown scales, often seen around the cuticles. Travelling on the skin primarily at night the sufferer is left exhausted. During the day, the mites underneath the skin are highly active, forci g the sufferer to,spend hoours each day seeking remedies. This is a global problem. The medical field is not trained in this area. Dermatologists are at a loss But, most nail technicians recognize it right away.

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  • Nov 13th, 2016
    Barbi Boston B. from Somerville, MA writes:
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    This is the worst situation I have ever experienced, my story is to long and once again I have a terrible headache form another sleepless night. I have been trying to get rid of these horrible things since July, I have a small dog and cat and my 24 year old son lives with me, I have thought that they were flea's, then carpet beetles,then moths, I have spent hundreds of dollars on vets, pesticides I threw out most of my clothes and shoes even my bed and got a new one and I have cleaned,whashed and vacuumed from the moment I wake up in the morning until can't physically clean anymore, I can't remember the last time I had a good night's sleep they are definitely worse at night but I still get bothered during the day. last night, I showered put on clean sheets and I still couldn't stop itching, I changed into a new pair of pajamas and changed the sheets again but nothing helps. I am 52 and I live on a low income because I am disabled. I am completely alone, my son my parents and even my doctor think I'm imagining it all, my son is not affected by them, it's just me and my dog, she's losing all of her fur and itching all the time. They are everywhere. I rent an apartment just outside of Boston and the home beside me has birds living in the roof and the people illegally breed bird's in their basement and they have vents bowing out towards my kitchen,where I have an air conditioner in one window and a dryer vent in the other, we have a shared driveway and it's not wide enough to fit more than a small car through. I've told my family that I thought we have mites from the birds and I was told that I'm being fetched, paranoid and even manic. I'm so stressed out, I don't know what to do, my landlord is a slumlord and he will put up a fight if I ask him to exterminate something that no one believes that they exist and I can't afford to pay for an exterminator, I can't get them under control especially without my sons help and cooperation, I barely leave my apartment, showering and getting dressed is a nightmare, I wash down the whole bathroom and by the time I get my towels ready they're back again. I wash and rinse my clothes twice in hot water dry on the highest temperature and then put them a garbage bag and then a storage container and the mites still get into them. I have cuts all over me from scratching nothing takes away the itch, especially at night. This is a horrible way to live, I'm sad,frustrated and alone, I barely speak to anyone because I'm am so hurt that no one believes me or will help me. I'm sorry to you all for having to endure these horrible things and I pray to God that there is a solution soon for us all. Thank you or letting me vent.

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  • Nov 13th, 2016
    Barbara D. from Somerville, MA writes:
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  • Nov 13th, 2016
    Someone from Saint Louis, MO writes:
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    I have been a victim of these Oak Tree Mites and became physically nauseous from the intense itching and biting. I was at work and thought I was going to have to leave. I came home and took Benadryl and it gave temporary relief. My bites leave scabs that linger and if the scabs are rubbed off the skin bleeds - my worst attack was in late August and my forearms are still full of scabs that are very slow to heal. If scabs are rubbed off by long sleeve shirt friction the bleeding area is almost like a small "hole" in your skin. A deep hole. This is the worst affliction ever.

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  • Nov 12th, 2016
    John M. from San Francisco, CA writes:
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    Personally, I have followed this petition for ten months through various stages of this mysterious and chronic condition and I've never posted a comment or story my before - I am a 51 y/o male and can still vividly remember the very first crawler night after returning to a room I once let a overnight guest and his canine spent an evening in.. It's my small guest room and where I often slept because it's dark, warm and quiet. Since my friend only spent one night and didn't strip the bed, I believed I could sleep overnight and wash the linens the following morning. It had been ten days since his use of the space and his dog slept in a small pet bed on the floor. Well, my life has not been the same since. The first evening, I thought I was hallucinating during the unusual and immediate crawling sensations in his once used sheets and after several minutes, jumped up, turned on every light, carefully checked all, unable to spot any visible bugs, culprits or marks. I immediately hot-showered and slept in an alternate bedroom without further incident. Later that weekend, I carefully maid-cleaned the spare, top to bottom, and eagerly returned to my favorite sleeping spot. Alas, 'no issues' equaled 'no harm, no foul' - however, I only slept there that initial clean evening and did not return there for another week and half - Upon my return, the crawling began immediately. Again, I searched, I showered, I returned to the alternate room. Now firmly believing something had hatched and multiplied, the next morning I sprinkled Borox everywhere and quarantined that room for a solid 2 months. During this time, I began feeling the related scalp crawling, bites and pricks. Very chronic. Very annoying. I tried Licefree, Permethrin and Ivermectin without relief. Ruled out lice and was certain I had become s bug magnet, vindicated by a minimal variety of minute Collembola appearing on my furniture. All of this combined with the internet truly caused some understandable panic, only to be gaslighted by a new dermatologist and a doctor who I felt knew me. Like many, I read several blogs, sites and this page. I convinced a new Dr to prescribe Testosterone replacement therapy (as I had read the condition never affects young men) and modified my dietary sugar - After 6 weeks, the most annoying symptoms diminished - but not before suffering several odd quarter-sized scaring ulcers which are thankfully healed, although hyper-pigmented even after all these months. Like many here, I also initially woke to the invasion of my mouth, nose, eyes, etc. which was the nightmare I feared would never end. For months now my life is finally relatively normal. I'm only lightly symptomatic in my home and usually between 8-11pm. I've described the lingering effects like a spider web or a fresh haircut total body itch. I'm aware it's an environmental pest as I've had the luxury to travel this year symptom-free. I really want my home back from these invisible demons - I miss it's 24 hour comforts. But, we hang in there folks -- Please listen CDC.

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  • Nov 11th, 2016
    Someone from Elgin, TX writes:
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    I stumbled across this site when actually researching something else.I too have suffered from this itchy crawling stinging misery. Im apparently allergic to almost everything and have a diagnosis of Mastocytosis. I found it really disturbing that many people with these symptoms are being dismissed as mentally ill. I admit that when I've gone days without sleep because I'm miserable, I do get a bit unstable. Duh !!!

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  • Nov 10th, 2016
    Valerie M. from mars, PA signed.
  • Nov 10th, 2016
    Like it Matters S. from Chalmette, LA writes:
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    I see that there are more people on here who have ONLY JUST BEGUN THIS NIGHTMARE IN HELL BATTLE. Many have been suffering MUCH MUCH LONGER than I have. 3+ years full blown issue; almost 6 since it began for me. As for anyone with 1/4 of a brain not realizing that this is as REAL AS IT GETS - BULLLLLLLL*+%#!!!!! THEY KNOW THIS IS NOT ALL IN OUR HEADS and IT IS OBVIOUS THAT SOME HAVE KNOWN FOR MANY YEARS YET HELPED TO DESTROY PEOPLE'S ENTIRE LIVES. CHILDREN AND PETS TOO. THEY DO CARE! THEY CARE ENOUGH TO KEEP STACKING ON THEIR DIS-INFO AGENTS EVERYTIME SOMETHING ELSE SOLID - RESEARCH DONE BY PROFESSIONALS WHO DO NOT GET PAID TO PUT OUT CRAP "PEER-REVIEWED" ARTICLES TO HELP BIG CORPS (this involves more than one type of CORP. UNLESS YOU MEAN ANY TYPE THAT CAN BE EQUIVALENT TO A PERSON BUT TAKE EVERYTHING INCLUDING LIVES AND GET AWAY WITH IT). I am sorry, but we are going to be waiting in our graves as these things more than likely will still be feasting upon us and growing larger & healthier before those we are asking to help us are going to do a d*%n thing. WE ARE ON OUR OWN PEOPLE. That's ok though. The numbers will grow and we will have each other. Let's pray/ do a kill the bugs or whatever the hell they are dance/ meditate --- whatever your choice to ask for help from out of this world to help those of us suffering. These bast%*#s won't help us and they will continue to threaten those who try. Sorry to seem so negative, but after suffering with this and learning about others suffering, and how many HAVE TAKEN THEIR OWN LIVES because of this, It's gotten "INTO MY HEAD", JUST HOW REAL THIS THING IS! REAL FREAKING EVIL!!!!!

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  • Nov 8th, 2016
    Someone from Los Angeles, CA writes:
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    I had s problem with mites from rodent. They are hard to get rid of. They can remain long after the rodent is gone! They craw around your face at night,leave tiny red bites all over the body. took along time to get rid of. i had to minimize my wardrobe to a few t shirts, underwear, pants and socks, and wash to death in hot water every thing that made me itch. i had to use the laundry mat dryers because they were super hot. they infested the house car and anyone you come in contact with. Now there is something biting me during the day thats just like the rodent mites. foggers dont work on them!

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  • Nov 7th, 2016
    Shannon G. from Lexington, KY writes:
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    Do your job ppl!! When us the ppl take over the back a$$ gov. "For the people and by the people" not for long time job! We should always remember 1776 DOI or declarations of independence! Was not wrote or set up for career politicians! No restriction have been put on cia, white house, Nsa, NASA, Dod, Pentagon and CDC! Well wall street got bonuses after meltdown. Wall street never has had any restrictions ever! The Fed reserve is privately owned by Rothchilds who runs almost all national banks in the world except Iran, North Korea and Cuba. Recently Iceland and Russia kicked them to prison and have took over their own monotony systems. Doing pretty good too!

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  • Nov 7th, 2016
    Shannon G. from Lexington, KY writes:
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    Look into this!! Do your job you're paid for! Us the taxpayers pay you to protect and worn us and especially children of dangers!!! Weither it's vaccines or mites wake up and help the Americans large or small child! Nobody should die b4 getting to experience the gift of living on earth! Stop just making money while corporations (big pharma) get rich by letting us get sick and die! Why do they bring Americans down or into a dying state! Employees of CDC know what's going on they will just never tell anybody! How do you sleep at night?! Knowing about a crime taking place and not doing nothing about it makes you just as responsible and guilty as those responsible for illiness or damage! Maybe time in the pen with your rich buddies will probably open your eyes! By then it will be too late! Guess most will have time in Hell to think about it all! Chance for Americans to rise up and be heard!!! CDC and big Parma need to go to jail! Every taxpayer should get a refund check for paying criminals to help them!! .

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  • Nov 6th, 2016
    Sue J. from Waterford, MI writes:
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    Please help! I have family members suffering mightily from a bird mite infestation. They found a nest with dead birds in the dryer vent of the beautiful home they had just moved into. Nightmare. No one seems willing to help them and, in fact, some think it's all a "mental" thing and is not real at all. RIDICULOUS!!! It is real, they have now infested their entire home, garage and both of their vehicles. My sister is the main "meal ticket" for these beasts. She is currently battling for her own sanity. Please, please look into this. These things spread and multiply like nuts -- don't let it become an epidemic before you take action!

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  • Nov 6th, 2016
    Debbie P. from Bertram, TX writes:
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    Please help! These mites are horrible. Tiny monsters that try to control your life.

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  • Nov 5th, 2016
    Someone from Redmond, WA writes:
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    It def. is not BotFlies. Botfly larva is quite large. As are the fly that lays the egg. Several may hatch in the same hole. Botflies you can with the naked eye. Most of these bugs that are plaguing people , are tiny tiny tiny. Some can't be seen without a microscope. But keep researching and comparing notes with others. The bee theory, I don't know about. But it could be. Bees can get sick from mites. Don't know what type of MITE though.

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  • Nov 5th, 2016
    Someone from Redmond, WA writes:
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    It def. is not BotFlies. Botfly larva is quite large. As are the fly that lays the egg. Several may hatch in the same hole. Botflies you can with the naked eye. Most of these bugs that are plaguing people , are tiny tiny tiny. Some can't be seen without a microscope. But keep researching and comparing notes with others. The bee theory, I don't know about. But it could be. Bees can get sick from mites. Don't know what type of MITE though.

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  • Nov 4th, 2016
    Someone from Paris, TN writes:
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  • Nov 4th, 2016
    Sheree K. from Cave City, KY writes:
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    Please look into this!

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  • Nov 4th, 2016
    Gen A. from redondo beach, CA writes:
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    we have a right to know what caused the unexplained diseases!

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  • Nov 3rd, 2016
    Someone from Redmond, WA writes:
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    Dear Honolulu and everyone. I've read on several different sites that this "Bug" or bird mite or what ever it is , is running rampant in Hawaii. I don't have any cures. But you will learn a lot from a book called THE YEAR of the MITE. This woman and her daughter both got it. She worked for a college I think so she had access to people that Work in labs. Plus she was cell biologist or something like that. She was able to get the bird MITE identified quickly. Instead of never. Lol. In her research she met a man who studies bird mites. Dr Sparango. This group of scientist have been able to prove and have it recorded that Bird mites can live off of humans and reproduce while living on humans / blood. He shows the time line of when this was discovered. Anyway. Google this : TIMELINE OF SCIENTIFIC UNDERSTANDING OF : Mites and human infestation. this is CURRENT info about bird mites infesting humans. The diseases they can carry, depending on mites. The timeline when this was discovered. Stating what they THOUGHT to be true in 1959 to now. They are not selling anything. This is free info. It's an excerpt from the book. This is info you can bring to your doctor and share with your families. The ones that don't believe or understand you. I found it while trying to find info on the biting. It's good CURRENT info. I think just having it verified that this real. This exist. Is huge. She didn't have the magic cure either but she did get rid of them after about a year. Th doctor also explains why the pesticide don't work for everyone. You don't have to spend tons of money or get sick from some of the stuff being used. But you do have to diligent. Tidy up your home. Get rid of standing piles of stuff, If you have it. Getting these mites doesn't mean your dirty. But something is out of order. You may have mold in your home also. Or poor immune system This seems to a common thread for many. And also why some of you are finding more than just one bug involved. This is well written. Considering the topic. And even funny in some places. Ya got to keep your sense of humor to get thru this. Take care all. Don't give up.

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  • Nov 3rd, 2016
    Someone from Redmond, WA writes:
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    Dear Honolulu and everyone. I've read on several different sites that this "Bug" or bird mite or what ever it is , is running rampant in Hawaii. I don't have any cures. But you will learn a lot from a book called THE YEAR of the MITE. This woman and her daughter both got it. She worked for a college I think so she had access to people that Work in labs. Plus she was cell biologist or something like that. She was able to get the bird MITE identified quickly. Instead of never. Lol. In her research she met a man who studies bird mites. Dr Sparango. This group of scientist have been able to prove and have it recorded that Bird mites can live off of humans and reproduce while living on humans / blood. He shows the time line of when this was discovered. Anyway. Google this : TIMELINE OF SCIENTIFIC UNDERSTANDING OF : Mites and human infestation. this is CURRENT info about bird mites infesting humans. The diseases they can carry, depending on mites. The timeline when this was discovered. Stating what they THOUGHT to be true in 1959 to now. They are not selling anything. This is free info. It's an excerpt from the book. This is info you can bring to your doctor and share with your families. The ones that don't believe or understand you. I found it while trying to find info on the biting. It's good CURRENT info. I think just having it verified that this real. This exist. Is huge. She didn't have the magic cure either but she did get rid of them after about a year. Th doctor also explains why the pesticide don't work for everyone. You don't have to spend tons of money or get sick from some of the stuff being used. But you do have to diligent. Tidy up your home. Get rid of standing piles of stuff, If you have it. Getting these mites doesn't mean your dirty. But something is out of order. You may have mold in your home also. Or poor immune system This seems to a common thread for many. And also why some of you are finding more than just one bug involved. This is well written. Considering the topic. And even funny in some places. Ya got to keep your sense of humor to get thru this. Take care all. Don't give up.

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  • Nov 2nd, 2016
    Someone from Honolulu, HI writes:
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    Please we had a bird nest vacated and the bird mites (we believe the tropical fowl mite) infested our home, our clothes, and our cars. It has completely turned our life around in misery. My wife who is the main host has been living a hell for 5 months, and has not gone back to work (she is a director at her job). She cleans and launders clothes during her waking moments, and hangs on with the little sleep she gets. Day after day. And it has spread to some of her relatives. We need a solution. Who cares about taxes or jobs when one's life is a living hell 24/7? We ask the government to put resources into finding a cure, immediately. We need your help desperately.

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  • Nov 2nd, 2016
    tillie m. from Aztec, NM writes:
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    I hve it going on two years now they tell me iam crazy its in my inside and iam getting. Weak and feel bad i am 51 years old please help 505 608 6478 orcall tillie thank you

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  • Nov 1st, 2016
    Christopher P. from Fort Worth, TX writes:
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    It's hard to explain but it's not a good feeling to work to fix my place up the way I wanted and now all of a sudden I'm getting eaten alive it seems help us

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  • Oct 31st, 2016
    Someone from Las Vegas, NV writes:
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    Need more doctors to work on digestive issues that arise out of nowhere and can't be diagnosed. Parasite testing especially

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  • Oct 31st, 2016
    Someone from Oakland, CA signed.
  • Oct 30th, 2016
    Ricky G. from Carrollton, GA writes:
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    I have microscopic bugs crawling out of me and bitting me. Been going on for 7 months since I moved to Georgia and stayed in a hotel. I have tried everything. I can not even get a doctor which specializes in parasites to see me. None of the doctors that I have been to will not help me. The cdc , state and local health departments are of no help. The infectious diseases Doctor will not see me. I have been to 3 dermatologist. The government and medical field are ignoring an epidemic. The local pharmacist says these type of drugs are selling at alarming rates. This is probably a waste of time but I have nowhere else to turn.

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  • Oct 28th, 2016
    Someone from Mesquite, TX writes:
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  • Oct 27th, 2016
    Someone from Stanberry, MO writes:
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    I am a 36 year old female recently started suffering from these horrific bugs. I feel sick and literally suicidal lately!! Something has to be done, please!! Something odd and mysterious is invading people all over and sanity is being lost and it is a hugely terrifying thing!!

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  • Oct 26th, 2016
    steven d. from Los Angeles, CA writes:
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    Stop spraying us with bugs and lithium. Now

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  • Oct 26th, 2016
    Janice W. from Olathe, KS writes:
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    Just spread it to the CDC in protest then if they aren't going to listen, or public officials etc. It's probably the best way at this point since they won't listen about the mites. They easily infest fabric and other things, so those are the perfect gifts to infest.

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  • Oct 26th, 2016
    Someone from North Bend, WA writes:
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    We care we care we care!! There r others that care! Please hang in there. At the rate this stuff is spreading, someone that has some power to help will be getting it soon. Don't give up yet. Please. I care. We care. People do care. Please hang on and hang in there.

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  • Oct 26th, 2016
    Someone from North Bend, WA writes:
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    We care we care we care!! There r others that care! Please hang in there. At the rate this stuff is spreading, someone that has some power to help will be getting it soon. Don't give up yet. Please. I care. We care. People do care. Please hang on and hang in there.

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  • Oct 26th, 2016
    Someone from Jayton, TX writes:
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  • Oct 25th, 2016
    Someone from Horsham, PA writes:
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    I have been waiting 20 years for help. I can't hang in much longer. Nobody cares.

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  • Oct 25th, 2016
    Someone from Horsham, PA writes:
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    I have been waiting 20 years for help. I can't hang in much longer. Nobody cares.

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  • Oct 24th, 2016
    Someone from Denver, CO writes:
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    Phorid and fungus gnat flies: reading on fungus lead me to articles on these flies. I know the mites are the worst part, but the little bites and the recurring nature of these infestation made me continue research. I reviewed old articles from morgellons sufferers that thought these flies were causative. For mites, Keep with the 91% alcohol wiping, dial antibacterial soap, plastic bath scrubbers (cheap ones as you have to toss every few days)! Neem shampoo, and combing out hair with lice comb in twice daily showers. If you thin you have a biofilm, use white vinegar to rinse you scalp - should only take a couple rinses to break up the glue. Some type of sulfa based cream and silver ointment seem effective at healing sores/bites and protecting the skin. Keep combs, towels clothes clean. It wI'll get a lot better. I Need to try products for phorid flies next.

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  • Oct 24th, 2016
    Someone from Denver, CO writes:
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    Phorid and fungus gnat flies: reading on fungus lead me to articles on these flies. I know the mites are the worst part, but the little bites and the recurring nature of these infestation made me continue research. I reviewed old articles from morgellons sufferers that thought these flies were causative. For mites, Keep with the 91% alcohol wiping, dial antibacterial soap, plastic bath scrubbers (cheap ones as you have to toss every few days)! Neem shampoo, and combing out hair with lice comb in twice daily showers. If you thin you have a biofilm, use white vinegar to rinse you scalp - should only take a couple rinses to break up the glue. Some type of sulfa based cream and silver ointment seem effective at healing sores/bites and protecting the skin. Keep combs, towels clothes clean. It wI'll get a lot better. I Need to try products for phorid flies next.

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  • Oct 23rd, 2016
    Someone from Syracuse, NY writes:
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    Fought these things for over a year in Chesapeake Virginia & eventually won with no help or support of My so called husband of 22 years who said I was delusional, nothing is biting me, black specks are only dirt, I'm crazy & causing the rashes myself. Ended up leaving him & my home a year after eradicating these black specks he called dirt. Moved to Syracuse NY where I was born. Lived with different family members for a year & half before renting a home with my 11 year old son only to find out house, yard & job was infested with them too! Here I go again with windex, alcohol spray, tea tree shampoo, etc, etc. loss of sleep & a lot of money. Due to not being taken seriously from my ex-spouse & several doctors in Virginia actually being committed thanks to so called husband in a crazy psyc ward for 7 days for delusions, blamed on ADHD medication, as I didn't have any medical history to back up delusional theory, forced to take medication I didn't need, I'm extremely apprehensive about telling anyone including my landlord. I will fight this again on my own with a lot less money & time. To make matters harder/worse I don't have my own washer & dryer which I believe helped rid these black biting specks by soaking in hot water & borax for an hour before running through wash cycle. Putting clean clothes & towels in dryer for at least 30 minutes before using/wearing them. Thank you medical community for making this worse.

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  • Oct 23rd, 2016
    Someone from Wichita Falls, TX writes:
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    I'm not sure what I was and am still mildy dealing with due to the fact that once I got them out my home , they are now at my job or anywhere/anyone I came in contact with but diatomaceous earth works and seems like the only thing that can work because of the way it dries out all bugs no matter how resistant they are to pesticides and poison ...I tried every type of doctor prescribed method and even home remedy nothing works but diatomaceous earth ... But you have to really bomb your house with it my house was like a smoke cloud for two days but after a week of leavening it in my home everything at my home stopped , and the mites or bugs or whatever they that go internal will all eventually be killed by our immune system , it just feels like they can live internally because when the home is infested it's a never ending cycle of new ones going internal and then dieing , and so on and so on .. So my answer that I hope can work for people like it did me would be diatomaceous earth . It can be found almost anywher and you should probably use food grade but in my case I didn't I was desperate and used what I could get my hands on first and it worked , now the hard part is figuring out how to cure my town , because in my midsize city it is all over the place ...

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