
Urge the CDC to take action against surging unexplained disease

Public Comments (2,563)
  • Dec 21st, 2016
    Someone from Rosenberg, TX signed.
  • Dec 20th, 2016
    Someone from Northbound, WA signed.
  • Dec 20th, 2016
    Someone from Stockton, CA writes:
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    Please help the bites feel horrible and have caused depression. Our grandbabies have these biting mites now and we can't seem to get rid of them. Kaiser is ignoring the issue and not willing to help. Please help thank you!

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  • Dec 20th, 2016
    Christie L. from speedwell, TN signed.
  • Dec 20th, 2016
    Someone from Richwood, OH writes:
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    iv been dealing with thus exact issue for 2 months now. I was misdiagnosed first and then down rite lied too by more than one dr. Another finally told me " this is much more complicated than scabies!". But still did not tell me what i was dealing with . just prescibed iivrmecton and left! If it eas not for this article i woyld hav never found any relief. They seem to be dieing off but i still hav soars with round red spots in them. The crawling has all but stopped. This issue is real and the worst thing iv ever been thru in my life! This needs to be addressed! I got a phamlet in the mail 2 days ago where "someone" pulled my medical records at the board of health. Please stop this wrong misdoing and seeeping this issue under the rugg and pretwnding its not real! Its very real! All of it! They are not invisible, its not in your head! The mites become visiblebas you get thru tge generations but they also become immune to whatever u use to fight them.

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  • Dec 19th, 2016
    allison m. from Philadelphia, PA writes:
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    me too! a distant family member in another state also has them. (we haven't seen one another in many years.) there are plenty of [very tiny] specimens to be found all around my home so let's get to work.

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  • Dec 18th, 2016
    Someone from Houston, TX writes:
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    Though it is moot, since you have so elegantly stated that the location of the fb group is not up for discussion, I will explain in a bit more detail the difference I see between the potential consequence of exposure on facebook vs on a medical or other forum site. It is not news to me that every search or post we make exposes our information. However, posts that are made on non-fb forums can be made under a screen name, and our friends and family are unlikely see the results of a hack or technical glitch. On fb, however, people have at times reported that their posts to secret groups appeared in their friends' and families' newsfeeds due to a hack or temporary fb glitch. Since some of our fb "friends" are actually acquaintances, club members, coworkers, old girl/boyfriends, and neighbors, they are the people I would *least* want to know my situation. Plus we use our real names on fb. One slip-up thanks to fb would be one too many for me, so I will not take the risk of joining. Those who would not be bothered by that possibility will do as they wish.

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  • Dec 18th, 2016
    Someone from Houston, TX writes:
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    Thanks for making it sound so inviting. I definitely want to party with y'all.

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  • Dec 18th, 2016
    Janis A. from Olathe, KS writes:
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    Stop telling people to move the Facebook group. We will not do so. Topix and other forums get hacked FAR more often than Facebook. I got news for you. If you do a search on Google, if you go on the internet, you have ALREADY exposed your info. If you go on a medical forum: YOU HAVE ALREADY EXPOSED YOUR INFO. And they get hacked constantly. There is no avoiding this in today's information world. The NSA spies on your phone calls, information and everything. There is no keeping privacy anymore. A good example? Quest Labs was recently hacked and 35,000 people's information released. So a medical forum will not save you. What will? Coming forward and fighting these mites with everyone else.

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  • Dec 16th, 2016
    Someone from Houston, TX writes:
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    Algonac, thank you for sharing about the forum. Unfortunately, it is not that simple. I have no one to talk to either. My spouse does not believe me because I am the only one being tortured, though the bugs are all over the house and our cars despite constant cleaning, bathing, and chemical warfare. I have suicidal thoughts too, and would have to consider doing the deed in earnest if my name became publicly connected with this. We are all in different phases of willingness to come out on this, or not. That needs to be respected. We are suffering enough as it is. Unwillingness to be identified does not equate to thinking this is not real or being unwilling to help others. We can soldier for this cause on our own, too. I have been to the Entomology department at Texas A&M University to try to get a handle on this, but I was only 3 weeks into it and did not yet have appropriate samples. I am planning another trip soon, this time armed to the teeth with samples and observations. I realize that this is not a chat forum, but sometimes treat it as such, and post updates as I have new experiences. I have given this link to my holistic doctor (who has 4 other patients with this, and no clue how to help us but is willing to try) and hope that anyone who is in a position to help us might be moved by our sincere sharing of our harrowing realities here. If your group really wants to reach more sufferers, why not move it off of facebook, which exists to sell our information to marketers, and is routinely hacked, to one of the many medical forums. In all seriousness, the marketing industry is rapidly expanding to include "data analytics" professionals who mine data to develop profiles of potential customers, and one goal of software that manufacturers are calling "AI" (artificial intelligence) is to predictively market to us based on what we last viewed online and our other online activity. I recently looked at an item on and then went to my facebook homepage. An ad popped up on my fb page for that exact item at Neiman's. How did Neiman's track and find me on facebook, where my account is supposedly safe behind a login? The metadata needed to do so is stored on mega-servers and is available for a price, and facebook accepted their money to tap it and post the ad on my page. Due to my profession (though I can no longer work), I get ads all day long on my LinkedIn homepage for the software that manages customer profiles and from the cloud vendors who store the data and sell it to businesses. Marketers are especially interested in the SEARCHES we do, and though our posts might be somewhat safe, our searches - not so much. One of these days you will open a browser to show something to your boss, and an ad will pop up for Ivermectin or some sort of "Bug-Away" product based on what you ordered from Amazon last month. These days one cannot be too careful online - use "In Private" browsing at the very least. All of this run-on is to say that many of us still feel the need to fiercely guard our anonymity, so if your group really wants to be helpful, please take the henhouse away from the fox (Zuckerberg) and put the discussion forum on a site that is less obviously predatory. And in the meantime, no one will fault you if you post here some of the group's findings on what helps or definitely does not work. Thank you.

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  • Dec 15th, 2016
    Someone from Puyallup, WA writes:
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    This problem must have many sufferer's. We need solutions to insure public safety.

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  • Dec 15th, 2016
    Someone from Houston, TX signed.
  • Dec 15th, 2016
    from Algonac, MI writes:
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    Some of us have NOBODY to talk to about this! When you feel all alone, a support group is a blessing even on fb! Having someone to talk to on bad days and to stop spending countless money on products that dont work and discussing what does. Fighting it alone can make you feel like you are going to die or worse... contemplating suicide! I'm past worrying about confidentiality. Im not willingly outing myself but at this point I could care less! Its REAL, its happening and we need to figure out how to help each other since talking to the medical field falls on deaf ears! Not gonna stand around and mummify while waiting for help. I as well as a lot of us are NOT ashamed anymore! I pray for people who mock at others for suffering this when they dont understand. One soldier doesn't win a war. It takes multiple soldiers and Im all for standing beside my fellow warriors, even if Im judged as being delusional!

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  • Dec 15th, 2016
    Someone from Cypress, TX writes:
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    Thanks Algonac, but I will never, EVER sign up for something this sensitive on facebook, and I advise others to follow suit. No one's information is safe there (not a tin-hat statement); everything you post there is for sale. How about they move it to a medical site?

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  • Dec 15th, 2016
    from Algonac, MI writes:
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    There is a support group on facebook for this. I encourage people to join it. Its legit and a private group so your fb friends cannot see that your in the group nor anything that you post. Everyone posts and we all talk to each other. Its comfort for us that feel suicidal. If you want to join just send a friend request to Sally Ibm Dover. She will add you to the group. I promise its legit and that it feels amazing to talk to others who understand you and dont treat you like your crazy! Plus we share tips!

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  • Dec 15th, 2016
    Delores S. from Brooklyn, NY writes:
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    Please Help me and my beautiful animals are suffering on the verge of suicide pleas please help us God we need Devine intervention ?

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  • Dec 15th, 2016
    Someone from Littleton, CO signed.
  • Dec 14th, 2016
    Linda P. from Nampa, ID writes:
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    I have been infested with (what I believe are) skin mites for over a year. I have sores on my ears and the back of my neck where they bite (usually at night). They are in my hair and on my legs. I have never seen one (they are microscopic) but I can feel them and they have made my life almost unbearable. Doctors do not help and I have yet to find a cure. Those of us who suffer from this affliction are not drug addicts or suffer from psychosis. I am 65 years old and have never had delusions. I am of sound mind. I believe this is a new infestation brought in by immigrants and it is spreading at an alarming rate. It needs thorough investigation and an effective treatment needs to be found.

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  • Dec 14th, 2016
    Someone from Vero Beach, FL writes:
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    2012 - Chicago came down with some infection was only in the hospital for 3 days. We moved Las Vegas. I worked as a babysitter. We moved from a home into an Apt. the next year. Started feeling some fluttering within my right leg. Nothing found. There was Scabies/Bed Bun scare & I had shots......still buzzing. Moved to Florida (6/2016) saw saw several Dr's (2 of them Male) who called my symptoms Delusional. Saw a female Dr. last month nothing until 2 days later and I broke out with bites all over my entire body. Which, I believe are Eye Mites & I believe Body mites. These stupid Dr's can't argue when they see BITES. Not even a good health record does any convincing. Something is terribly wrong with our system. The Doctors all believe in Zika Virus because it's been seen on the News ..... God Help You Otherwise!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Dec 14th, 2016
    Latoria T. from Cordova, TN writes:
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    I've lost my hair hair. I had to quit working out. I rarely have guest.

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  • Dec 12th, 2016
    Christy H. from Philadelphia, PA writes:
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    7 months ago i was a normal 38 year old soccer mom, full time chef, wife. Then a traumatic experience changed sleep and stress levels, now I'm losing the aftermath called Morgellons. I want my self back so very much.

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  • Dec 11th, 2016
    Jennifer L. from Lafollette, TN writes:
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    My daughter has been suffering mentally and physically this is inhumane.......GOD BLESS everyone of the suffering humanity across the world prayers going up & may the blessings rain down.........

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  • Dec 11th, 2016
    Michelle H. from Brooklyn, NY writes:
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    This is real! Something must be done! I have struggled and suffered for many months! Help!

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  • Dec 9th, 2016
    Someone from Wellford, SC writes:
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    Till I found information recently I thought I was going to lose my mind. The symptoms described here are exactly what I'm experiencing now, things crawling on me or from within my skin and getting out. Bites yet seeing no visible bugs. I've already spent hundreds of dollars, I need a fix I hope this is it.

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  • Dec 9th, 2016
    Charles C. from Wellford, SC writes:
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    Till I found information recently I thought I was going to lose my mind. The symptoms described here are exactly what I'm experiencing now, things crawling on me or from within my skin and getting out. Bites yet seeing no visible bugs. I've already spent hundreds of dollars, I need a fix I hope this is it.

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  • Dec 8th, 2016
    Cheri P. from Archie, MO signed.
  • Dec 8th, 2016
    Someone from Rockaway Beach, OR writes:
    Quotation mark icon Finally - some do get the fact that this is real - they offer what seems to be a reasonable explanation ( in my case anyhow)

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  • Dec 8th, 2016
    tina c. from Xenia, OH writes:
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    Me and my daughter have this for over a year now..Never in my widest dreams would I believe it if it did not happen to wonder many people don't believe it..I hope they do something for us sure is a living hell,every day...

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  • Dec 8th, 2016
    tina c. from Xenia, OH writes:
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    Me and my daughter have this for over a year now..Never in my widest dreams would I believe it if it did not happen to wonder many people don't believe it..I hope they do something for us sure is a living hell,every day...

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  • Dec 8th, 2016
    Someone from Newport, KY writes:
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    Hurry the **** up.. Honestly it's been long enough. Sorry to be rude but ****. I'm suffering, thousands of others are suffering, and you don't seem to have an answer.

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  • Dec 8th, 2016
    Someone from Houston, TX writes:
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    Someone from Branson, I'm so sorry about your dog and your other losses. If I may ask, how did you present your case for disability, because I'm contemplating applying for it myself. I've been out of work nearly a year and can't see myself back in an office setting because I shed these things like wildfire and scratch constantly despite scrubbing from head to toe with chemical warfare every day. Plus, I'm in a constant daze from lack of sleep, not conducive to a job in high tech. So how to you get disability for something they don't acknowledge exists? Did you have to go the "delusional" route? I came here tonight to report that I was at my local Walmart to stock up on 91% alcohol (which only seems to make them mad these days, instead of killing them) and picked up a few pieces of cheap warm clothing that I won't mind throwing away when they get too buggy. I buy light-colored clothing now so I can see the bugs to pick them off. Well, I got a pink poly/cotton blend hoodie (didn't try it on), got it home in the light, and picked about 100 bugs off of it. Though my car is buggy, I had placed the clothing in a clear trash bag and knotted it while the bags of purchases were still in the shopping cart. So, the bugs were not transferred to it from me. They were in the store. Also another item that I looked at but put back had them. These things are EVERYWHERE now! Be sure to inspect items that you will be giving as gifts; maybe don't give fabric items this year because this is one gift that will keep on giving!

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  • Dec 7th, 2016
    Someone from Branson, MO writes:
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    I am on disability now because of this. My dog is now dead. I rent and can't get out of lease. When told them, they were rude. I feel they have asked my dog to die and me to become ill.

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  • Dec 6th, 2016
    Someone from San Diego, CA signed.
  • Dec 5th, 2016
    from Madison, TN writes:
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    I second Claxton, GA!! I have the same exact thing happening to me!!! They leave brown spots....some light colored and some dark colored. I am covered in them!!! From far away they look like moles but up close you can tell they aren't! Smoke does for sure wake them up! Im almost starting to think they are in my cigarettes! Words cant describe how miserable me and my cats are! No one should have to live like this!! I feel them crawl on me and people scratch when around me! I always know when they are there and my cats confirm it because they stare at me and at the area that I feel them. My cat even chases 'invisible' things on the walls so Im convinced they jump or fly. Sulphur 8 from hispanic section helps draw them out but then they bother me all night after I use it. For all those who think we are crazy I will pray it never happens to you! We need help!!! We cant all be crazy!! This is absurd to pay taxes in this world and not one person in the medical field or CDC will help!!!

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  • Dec 5th, 2016
    Mary B. from Butler, GA writes:
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    I smoked for thirty years, then over a dozen years ago, I thought I had come down with a very bad case of pneumonia. After my wife nagged me for a week, I finally saw the doctor. I was diagnosed with severe COPD. They were amazed that I had waited so long, years in fact, before going to a doctor over it. They gave me three years tops before it killed me. That was thirteen years ago and I am still living. I don't do much, because I no longer have the ability. I can no longer walk, am always hooked up to an oxygen air line, and my body is starting to shut down. There are times that I can't remember my wife's name, even though we have been married for nearly forty years. Truth be told, there are times that I truly wish I had died years ago when I could still walk, talk, play with my grandkids, but GOD decided that it might be better for me to live a bit longer. My wife asks me, when I am having a bad day, if I want to go to the hospital. I always decline, reminding her that I do not want to die in the hospital, but to die at home with the people that I love most. Hospitals can no longer do anything good for me. Even Duke Hospital admits that they do not know why I am still living. GOD purpose will eventually be known until i found testimonies of Great Dr. Lusanda in an online research and on Facebook, Like anybody would be, I was very skeptical about contacting him, but i later did email him and he started the remedies for my health. Thank God, i am cured from COPD by the herbal medication I received from him. I never thought that COPD can be cured, from the bottom of my heart I?m truly grateful,i pray you have long life so you can help many more people on earth with your herbal medical support. Contact Lusanda today, Email: drlusandaherbal(AT)gmail(dot)com or website on www(DOT)drlusandaherbal(DOT)com

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  • Dec 5th, 2016
    Someone from Claxton, GA writes:
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    It started two years ago after i had cleft p. Surgery i first noticed i had little worms all over my body they were coming out of my vagina, noval and under my skin on my legs stomach back all my samples that i took in to three different doctor's held them up thru them in the trash didn't even ask if I want my samples back the thing about it everything at that time was everything you see your pet dog have that has been left untreated after six rounds of ivemetin got rid of the worms that were right up under my skin.Now it's flea's ivemetin all it does is keep them at bay they are in my scape in my back from my kidneys up to top of head doctor will give me Ivemetin will help for about four weeks the spots on my back where they were will turn a light tan color when I know they are coming back the spots on my back will turn a dark brown.I do know smoke wakes them up the reason I use that term because they have never left.Is their anyone out there that can help?

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  • Dec 4th, 2016
    Someone from Houston, TX writes:
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    To Bob K.'s comment, I have pet birds but they are an isolated population that have been together indoors since 2002. They do not have mites, though mitey-me goes into their room every day. I picked this up either at the office, where the bugs were all over the toilet seats, floating in the toilets, and in the conference room chairs; or at a clothing store, where they can be found all over cotton and cotton blend garments and household goods. I do not want to see pet birds demonized unnecessarily. My darling birds are the only reason I have to get up anymore. Thanks.

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  • Dec 4th, 2016
    Bob K. from Redmond, WA writes:
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    Hi Shelby Scabies actually do go under the skin,they burrow, but it's Rather close to the surface , but still under and on top. almost leaves kind of a grayish line which is the Burrough. kind of hard to describe. you could however have bird mites or rat mites and they, like scabies can spread rapidly. the strange thing is, with rat mites or bird mites sometimes the husband will get it and the wife won't. Or The mom will get it and the kids won't. Most doctors are of little help and will try and tell you, you're crazy. funny thing though, they May not even come into the exam room to take a look at your skin or scalp, but tell you that you're delusional from across the room. Most doctors and most of the websites that you go to will say that bird mites cannot reproduce on humans and or don't eat human blood or can't survive on human blood. turns out they do and can!! in 1959 there was a study done and they actually found human blood in the gut at the D gallianeu bird mite. This mite was found in an infested house. In 2009 or 2010 it was discovered that bird mites can and do reproduce on humans. they believe some people get them easier than others because they have a lowered immune system. but they don't really know this for sure. but it makes sense l. but they are becoming more and more common and also very very difficult to eradicate to get rid of. sadly doctors are misdiagnosing these bird mites and rat mites as super scabies which they are not! doctors are not familiar with this type MITE. I wonder if any of your eight neighbors have pet birds? the other thing you need to look for is birds nest under the eaves or in the attics of your building, also if you have mice or rats living in the attic or under the house or just near the house they are easily spread. There really doesn't seem to be an easy way to get rid of these. For some people it takes a matter of weeks others months or even years. there are a lot of great websites you can go to- just Google bird mites or rat mites or both. is another good one. one of my favorites is earth clinic, there are many many many web sites but again you will have to do it by trial and error to figure out what works for you. when you do find something, make sure that you go back to the websites that you read and post what you're finding works for you! People have to help people here ! another good website is "what's that bug". Type in unknown biting skin parasite. about 300 people that have posted on that site talking about these bugs. Some of the post date back as far as 2002 but I'm sure this bug is been around for a long time l, prob the time of the dinosaurs. Other doctors will tell you this just isn't something that we see in this country but the way that we travel now being able to get anywhere within 24 hours bugs are coming along with us just like bedbugs only these are not bedbugs You can also Google biting lint bug. sounds strange but seems to be the same thing. these bugs are like chameleons they seem to go through several different stages while maturing or after maturing. nobody really knows!! Other people think that this is either a fairly new diagnosis. called more gallons or is related to morgellons. they are very similar but again most doctors don't treat or believe morgellons is REAL. If drs don't know about it, then as far as they are concerned Your crazy just like with rat mites as far as they're concerned if they can't see it and there's nothing there and you're crazy. but everyone here knows you're not crazy everyone here knows that you're suffering terribly! Just like you everyone here wants a cure Some people get good results using Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap from local health food store or sulpher soap sold at Walmart in the Hispanic soap/ cosmetic section. you really just have to read around and you'll have to do a trial and error most people don't get good results using permethrin or that type medicine. If you do want to keep using Permethrin or ivermectin, you can go to a farm supply store and get it without a prescription. but be careful of this type of treatment this is poison even though they sayis permethrin is organic and that it's derived from type of flower / chrysanthemums , it TOXIC. What you buy these days is a synthetic What the doctor will prescribe or what you could to feed and farm store is not natural anymore yes chrysanthemums do create permiethrin. That's why ants and other bugs don't eat them or live near them. but what we buy, what the person gets is now a synthetic form it is very toxic!! doctors will tell you that it isn't the manufactures will tell you that it isn't I have been made terribly sick from it early sick. As a result of using permethrin I have now become allergic to all sorts of things that I was never allergic to before I'm not allergic to perfumes laundry soaps colognes the smell of gasoline when I'm getting gas yes it makes people sick but it makes me shake and it's called multiple chemical sensitivity's often caused from over exposure to pesticides. So be careful please. I don't know if your house is dirty or messy or not I don't mean To be rude. but if it is cluttered or dirty that's one of the first things that you need to tackle. get yourself a good vacuum cleaner with brow filter and bag. make SURE you get one with the bag. you want to be able to remove that bag - wrap it up in another bag and throw it in the garbage or Burn it. DO NOT put the vac bag in your kitchen garbage can. Get it out side ASAP. Get yourself a spray bottle and do half-and-half water and rubbing alcohol you can even put a drop or two of Dawn dish soap in there. use that to spray your couch, your chairs, anywhere that you guys hang out anywhere that you sit. Spray the carpet and the walls too. these little miites get in cracks in the wooden floors also , right where the wall and floor join. When washing your clothes, just try and stick to a few outfits u wear all the time. Otherwise you will spread this to everything and it will make it even harder to get rid of these bugs. when you take your clothes off for the night bag them also. Keep bagged till you wash. Use disposable gloves. some people shower some bath. if you have these in your hair and not so many on your body, if you bathe don't get your head wet in the bathtub. they will spread to the rest of your body. You will also need to take care of your car and perhaps your office space if you work outside of the home otherwise you're just going to keep re-infecting yourself and possibly others. Yes this is probably one of the biggest challenges you will face in your life but you can get rid of these. it's a matter of diligence and simplifying your life by getting rid of STUFF. Reduce your clutter and clean what you keep. again I'm not saying your messy some of the cleanest people get this. some people think they picked it up from A motel room , some just a simple handshake from somebody infested. Others from working in their yard. There does seem to be a common thread of agrobacterium with these mites when scrapings r done. just have to keep reading and keep trying things until you find something that works for you. some people never get rid of them but are able to knock down the population to manageable level and they're able to sleep at night. I hope this information helps you at least gives you a starting place take care dear. Sorry this was so long but I get to talking about these crazy bugs and I was using my mike on my iPhone anyway there it is and I'm sticking to it ha ha

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  • Dec 4th, 2016
    Bob K. from Redmond, WA signed.
  • Dec 3rd, 2016
    Shelbi R. from Scottdale, PA writes:
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    Theres a lady that lives down stairs diagonal from me well everybody thought she was crazy for the last year we sadly me and my daughter found out she is not she was complaining that she was getting ate by this invisible bug but later to find out it is a mite she also has a dog so that's why it was easier for her to get them well when they moved in her dog did not have them and they only come here they don't go anywhere else in the property is covered in them and she proved this to me by showing me things well me and my daughter found out that we also have these in our house and all around us we found out five weeks ago we started itching I think a friend bring them in on their shoes so we are having trouble getting rid of them we took a cream called Permethrin cream well to find out I don't know if that's the right cream for this month because that is a scabies Mite in scabies lay on the top layer of the skin and these ones go down to the fatty tissue well I contacted the landlord and told her that this should have been taken care of almost a year ago and now me and my daughter are suffering she told me to get papers from my dr. So we did then she said that she would do an extermination what she doesn't even have the right exterminator anyways I told her I have the papers and she denied me and my daughter care I don't know what to do I am going crazy this is been 5 weeks we took the treatment 3 times which I found out that the cream can give us cancer I don't know what to do anymore I really need help it specially for my daughter these things sometimes don't even show but you have them they can stay dormant please if you can leave a comment maybe you can help us get rid of these or maybe you can help us get our house sprayed there is 8 families in one building they all need done in the landlord the owner will not do it which is on my lease I do not know legal rights so anything can help we need our house then

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