
Stop False Allegations of Domestic Violence

Public Comments (14,604)
  • Nov 25th, 2016
    Someone from Willoughby, OH signed.
  • Nov 25th, 2016
    Kelley B. from Coloma, MI signed.
  • Nov 25th, 2016
    Someone from Coloma, MI writes:
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    I am in the nightmare of being falsely accused of domestic violence. I'm 55 and have never acted in a violent way in all those years. The "victim" who has a history of emotional problems wants to tell the truth. The prosecutors office won't even listen to him. I have lost one job already ( I was just released from jail the day before yesterday) and can't fully work at my second job because of the curfew the judge imposed. I am like most Americans trying to survive in hard economic times. The job of local and federal prosecutors is to seek justice for the people who pay them to do so. Our current system does nothing of the sort when dealing with false allegations in domestic violence cases. I would have been better off being falsely accused of robbery. The system MUST change. This has been the most devastating experience of my life. I suffer from heart disease and I.know this is effecting my health and probably will cause serious health problems. The problem of false allegations is all too real and growing. We need to change the laws to protect everybody. I am, as a US citizen and my basic right of life, liberty, and the pressure of happiness have been stripped from me.

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  • Nov 24th, 2016
    Kelley D. from Dallas, GA writes:
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    I am a living, caring father who was falsely accused of domestic violence. It has, so far, cost me my home, my income, and most importantly, my children have been forced into a broken home without a choice, as well as a healthy relationship with their father. These allegations were not taken through the proper legal channels, thus, no due process of law was applied. Yet, i was treated like a criminal, not allowed to see my children without supervision, and ultimately I found that the entire process was voluntary, yet the local dfcs lied to me and told me I had no choice. These family services should be required to prove their case in a court, just like any other charges. This entity has the unfounded ability to force a parent from their home, in violation of their human rights, in an effort to assist a mother in a divorce case, with NO EVIDENCE of abuse whatsoever. This is a violation of fundamental parental rights, as well as the mandatory laws requiring a father to work and pay spousal suppory and child support. This is legal slavery. I am required to work. I am required to make a certain amount of money. If I do not perform labor required by the state, I am imprisoned. This is slavery. I have broken no laws. My parental rights have been infringed and the only difference is that I am not living with my child's mother. We need our nation's constitution to protect our rights as fathers who care about their children.

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  • Nov 22nd, 2016
    Someone from Sweet Grass, MT writes:
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    I am a victim of False Allegations of Domestic Abuse. I fought hard to sponsor my wife to come to Canada. After appealing and successful with her Permanent Resident and she arrived in Canada. Her fake love for me disappeared and her affairs back home was discovered and admitted by her. The next day she went to Immigration and told them I abuse her so they gave her shelter and accused me as the abusing husband. I then received threats from her and her family to stop the fraud investigation or else they will charge me for abuse.

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  • Nov 21st, 2016
    Someone from Auburn, WA writes:
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    men do this too, btw. my ex husband wanted custody of our son. he was the abuser during our marriage i never reported it just divorced him and he gave me custody of our children. After my ex retired from the army he decided toolie munipulate our son into co-battering me and ended up using his mental health against him, and me causing our son too be hospitalized then accused me of abuse. UNfounded abuse but still it took a year to prove my innocence and my son was brainwashed in my ex husbands tempoary care for a year! So yes it is way to easy in WA st to do this and im sure many other states. Escpecially when children are involved.

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  • Nov 20th, 2016
    Monica M. from Burton, MI signed.
  • Nov 20th, 2016
    Dan P. from Louisville, KY signed.
  • Nov 20th, 2016
    Tyler C. from Cathlamet, WA signed.
  • Nov 19th, 2016
    Jonathan P. from Brooksville, FL signed.
  • Nov 18th, 2016
    Someone from Colorado Springs, CO writes:
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    Something needs to change with these orders. There is so many people who needs one cant get one. Then others spend time in jail due to false reporting. My boyfriend and his exwife are examples. He left her she puts him in jail. He never hit her but rejected her. She dreamed up isdues that the police believed. .. there was no abuse caused by him to her but abuse to him by her. But the courts wont believe the men only women. Even if the men gave proof.. these laws need to be addressed and changed.

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  • Nov 17th, 2016
    Ramon R. from lehigh acers, FL signed.
  • Nov 17th, 2016
    Someone from Fresno, CA writes:
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    The accused, Mr Trasoras, kept silent while the other party dispersed stories of Domestic Violence, adultery, child endangerment, and abandonment- to save face from an impending divorce as initiated by the accused, to ruin reputation, and to gain sympathy- to hundreds of individuals on social media, of which no such events ever took place. Now the time has come to clear the name. Please refrain from further circulating any hearsay, and suspend all judgements until all verdicts are reached as additional and new accusations are set to trial. Specifically, the Trasoras vs Trasoras Domestic Violence Case has been dismissed in Fresno County Civil Court by the sole Honorable Judge on the fateful day of November 4 2016, and a separate military investigation conducted also resulted in the accused failing to meet prerequisites for domestic violence on three counts in June 2016. The defendant, Mr Trasoras is found Not Guilty. All active Restraining Orders are dropped, and request for supplemental restraining order is denied. Long standing marital issues were ever present, which dismally, could not be alleviated by the birth of their children; however, in no period during their union had any form of violence and harm been inflicted from the hands of Mr Trasoras, as was proven in court. Your nonpartisanship is much appreciated. The truth will undoubtedly come to light to finally allow SSgt Trasoras to once again be with his three daughters. This is his only wish, barring any legal challenges. Psalm 46:1 Isaiah 12:2 Thank you very much for your time.

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  • Nov 16th, 2016
    Falsely A. from Roanoke, VA writes:
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    ATTENTION: If you CURRENTLY have a Protective Order or Restraining Order issued against you... PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE CHALLENGE the constitutionality of YOUR order in court, and take it all the way to the Supreme Court. You will need a good lawyer, not all of them will be willing to do it. Google: "Crespo vs Crespo" in New Jersey. Crespo WON! A Judge in New Jersey ruled that these orders are unconstitutional (duh!), but another Judge overruled it on appeal, to keep the status quo. We need people in their own respective states to CHALLENGE the constitutionality of their OWN order (this is rarely done, on a constitutional basis), and this bs WILL change! These orders issued with no trial, no due process, and no burden of proof whatsoever are CLEARLY unconstitutional, but it is rarely challenged. 2-3 million Protective Orders issued EVERY year in America... FACT! ZERO prosecutions for lying under oath to get one... FACT! Its Felony perjury, but NEVER prosecuted! EVER!... with regards to a Protective Order or Restraining Order.... NEVER in America! That's why Johnny Depp was recently forced to pay $7 million to his false accuser! Its called extortion, with the help of the local courts and police departments! If you are accused of domestic violence, you will be forced to prove you did NOT do what you're accused of. The accuser has NO burden of proof, and even if they ADMIT that they lied under oath, they won't prosecute her, because of "battered woman syndrome".. She may have emotional issues that "caused" her to lie. Yes, it REALLY is that simple! Unbelievable, how LONG this massive injustice has gone on. These orders are clearly unconstitutional. CHALLENGE THEM as such! It will take time and a very good lawyer, but it WILL be done! There are WAY TOO many innocent people being falsely accused... many of them are in jail RIGHT NOW! Absolutely sickening! I would suggest not even communicating with a female, until these orders are ruled unconstitutional, and it sticks. Literally, ANY female on this planet can put you in jail, make you homeless, or just threaten you with it. THAT'S ULTIMATE CONTROL!! Emotional and psychological control, with the POLICE and courts as her "muscle". Absolutely sick.

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  • Nov 16th, 2016
    Someone from Ridgewood, NY writes:
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    Stop False Allegations of Domestic Violence

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  • Nov 16th, 2016
    Darci N. from Andover, ME writes:
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    Going through this with our son right now. Makes me so mad how this works with no recourse for the false accuser. These laws were made for real victims and to be used for revenge is maddening.

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  • Nov 14th, 2016
    Beverly M. from Tioga, PA writes:
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    My friend is being accused of false accusations by a female that is very unstable and vindictive. They were at his home in Corning NY and he broke up with her, she went over to his desk where he was sitting and punched him in the face {which she has done numerous times before as she admitted in a letter that has been turned over to his Public Defender saying "she deserves every day in Jail that he does for all the times she's laid her hands on him!" She also told mutual friends of theirs that she "probably should have just left instead of punching him that night!" when she punched him he stood up and in defense he pushed her down on the bed and just held her there so she couldn't hit him anymore. She started screaming to the top of her lungs that he was trying to kill her and the neighbor came over and he got off her and the neighbor offered her a ride or her phone so she could call someone to pick her up, but she declined and spent the night! She got up the next day and they had sex and she wanted him to go do laundry with her and he said "No, you punched me!" she left and went to the Corning city Police Dept. and filed the false report on my friend. Claiming he was strangling her and holding a pillow over her head and she lost conciseness. She is claiming my friend damaged her throat, but her throat was damaged during a suicide attempt while she was at his place of residence she took a huge handful of his "Flexural" another attempt of breaking up with her. He advised her to go and try to get them up because they are a muscle relaxant she did and the ambulance came and took her to the emergency room and she apparently died at some point. while trying to revive her, her throat was damaged. Not by my friend at all! She has put a P.O. against him unjustly of course and she wont leave him alone she is constantly sending text after text and calling from different numbers and showing up at his home banging on his door all the time. She is still sending him letters while he is in Jail currently. He has broken the order of protection twice once because she wouldn't leave him alone {well both times actually} but when she is standing outside his door, mind you she's already got him on his last warning from his landlord. So he let her in, she was fine with him for 2 days but he did something to make her mad and she turned him in for breaking the protection order. My friend has begged the Judge to make it 2 ways and of course was told no! the Second time they arrested him for breaking the protection order she again would not stop the constant harassment he text her and asked her to stop that he didn't want anything to do with her and she was just trying to get him in trouble! which she replied "I know they are on the phone right now. Wasn't an hour later he was arrested that was September 16th and he's still in Jail. His public defender is not working to prove that he is innocent he is very rude and was not present at one of the hearings in her home town and the judged laughed at him and said next time maybe you will bring your lawyer. What kind of eudicot is that seriously especially when he is incarcerated and can't call a lawyer from there. He has had a hearing since and asked the Judge if he could have different representation and he explained why he wanted someone else and the Judge ruled that he has to keep his present Public Defender, denying his constitutional right to have fair representation! I have spoken to his Public Defender who has hung up on me for no reason and I did ask him what he thought the outcome was going to be and he said he was going to end up in Prison! That tells me that He is not going to fight for my friends freedom plus he's already got him found guilty which is totally not right! PLEASE help me I am trying so hard to get him fair help that he so desperately needs. He is not guilty of the crimes this unstable person has accused him of! I know him well I dated him almost 2 years and was dating him when he cheated on me with her! I am not saying all this in hopes to get him back at all!!! I just don't want to see an innocent man go to prison for something he did not too. Because of an unstable angry woman who has done nothing but tried to make him pay for seeing her for who she honestly is and not wanting any part of it!

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  • Nov 13th, 2016
    Sherry R. from Lancaster, PA writes:
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    A subject such as this will have long lasting EMOTIONAL EFFECTS on the CHILD as well as the FATHER! It is Detrimental that this issue be a Priority ASAP! I have a friend who is going through alot of HEARTACHE due to the coniving and manipulative actions of a Female who views this as a GAME! Meanwhile the Child involved is being traumatized Emotionally, due to the fact that"SHE" is living with her Mother...This little girl wants more than anything to live with her Daddy who is a Responsible, Caring and Loving Father! When it's time for her to go back with her Mom, she cries and says she doesn't wanna go back with her. She wants to stay with her DADDY!!! Now if that sort of behavior is evident... Does that seem like a HAPPY CHILD? . Or a CHILD who is forced to live with someone that She clearly FEARS... ONE THING I'VE LEARNED IS "CHILDREN DO NOT LIE"!!! She is being used as a PAWN in all because of false accusations from a person who is no more than a NARRICIST... And she is milking and manipulating the system for all it's worth! Everything is NOT "BLACK & WHITE in this World we live in. Lives are being ripped apart, Emotionally and Financially all because of a LAW that is in Desperate need of CHANGE! It's time to close the LOOPHOLES...This type of INJUSTICE needs to be curtailed, these are people's LIVES were talking about here!!! What about Innocent until proven Guilty?!! AT THE END OF THE DAY IT'S ABOUT THE KID'S AND THEIR HAPPINESS...To the Lawmakers, Judge's and Lawyer's.I hope you sleep well at night! What's right is right and what's WRONG is WRONG..It's time to do some serious REALITY CHECKS on the FACTS.Time is of the essence here!!!!

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  • Nov 13th, 2016
    Someone from Tyler, TX writes:
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    My wife used the so called "nuclear option" (false allegations of abuse) during our divorce to gain immediate custody of our children. It worked, she got full custody instantly, without so much as a trial, just her word alone. I never knew it could work like that. I always thought that there was something called due process, but apparently not. It's been 101 days since I've seen any of them, I miss my kids immensely. I feel so helpless and am shocked that it really can happen the way it has. I pray that God will work this all out for me and my family, but know that false allegations need to stop for everyone's sake in our society. False allegations goes against everything that is American. It creates a special class of people who's word is automatically considered superior to the accused without question. This is un-American. It's not what a country of laws should allow. No one should be allowed to manipulate our legal system for personal gain. There is no doubt, we all object to anyone being abused and our resources should be directed at people doing actual abuse, not wasted on false allegations and just because a particular crime seems unpalatable to us we shouldn't overlook a person's rights and assume guilt. Even people who steal and murder are granted a fair trial, but for some reason in the current mindset of our culture we have deemed domestic violence as more heinous than murder, kidnapping, theft, etc. and have made it to where no proof is required more than the accuser's word. It is true domestic violence should not have a place in our society, but the accused should be granted the same rights as the accused murderer, accused kidnapper, accused thief, or accused anything. It is because of this mindset that false allegations have become rampant in our culture. We don't follow due process where this one matter is concerned and we don't do anything to deter false allegations. It's a freebie for the accuser, if it works they get their heart's desires, if not, there's no penalty. Every American should be against this, other than the fact that it's just wrong, you never know when it could be you next. Most people think it will never happen to them. I thought the same thing once. It's like a car wreck, if you drive a car there's a possibility that you may get into a wreck, but everyone thinks it'll never be them until it happens. False allegations of any form is a crime and it's not new to the world. As people we have been dealing with it since we've had trials for people. In the Bible we find how they handled it in Deuteronomy 19:18-19 "The judges shall inquire diligently, and if the witness is a false witness and has accused his brother falsely, then you shall do to him as he had meant to do to his brother. So you shall purge the evil from your midst." Yes they called it evil because anyone who would lie to get what they want is truly evil and they found ways to deter people from doing such things. It's a shame that we have gotten so far away from a true sense of justice, that we not only allow, but promote false allegations. It is so like our government to punish one group of people to appease another. Again, violence of any form should be punished, it should have no place in our society. But isn't a false allegation that wrongly convicts another, or denies their rights a form of violence. They have used the system to commit their violence and have the added benefit of being celebrated by the same system for being strong and coming forward when in fact the false accuser is the actual perpetrator. Yes, false allegations have to stop and need to be recognized for the crime that it really is. Innocent people are being taken advantage of because no one does anything to stop it, ironically thinking they are protecting the innocent.

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  • Nov 13th, 2016
    Someone from Simpsonville, SC writes:
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    I can't agree more this has happened to me twice by my ex wife and even after 5 years still comes back to haunt me. Not only was she never abused. But I was the one injured and they still took her word

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  • Nov 12th, 2016
    Dave R. from Des Moines, IA writes:
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    I should of seen the signs when she would block me from picking up my son while she screamed and yelled. She would try and force contact and when we bumped into each other during an argument while I was reaching for Jack she called the police. We were at dinner after working in the yard all afternoon and started kicking with each other about having another child. She got up and walked out of the restaurant and then on the way home began the verbal assault on me and my son. She called the police and I was arrested and couldn't see my son for almost 2 months.

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  • Nov 11th, 2016
    Keith M. from Rockfield, KY signed.
  • Nov 11th, 2016
    Anthony F. from Yorktown Heights, NY signed.
  • Nov 11th, 2016
    Someone from Belmont, NC writes:
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    I am and was a great man to a bitter woman who filed against me. Fortunately, a judge saw thru the order and did not grant it. However, I was forced to surrender my firearms and endure numerous visits to the court house for something that was untrue. I want to be heard! I want to sue her and I don't want any money from her!

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  • Nov 11th, 2016
    Someone from Marana, AZ writes:
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    In July of 2016, my daughter in law falsely charged my son with domestic abuse and assault against his infant daughter in order to gain immediate custody as well as to give herself a custody advantage in divorce court. Since my son was arrested for these charges, a judge heard my daughter-in-law's testimony and found it to be unwarranted and frivolous and dismissed the Order of Protection she filed. The State has however, taken up the case and is charging my son with Domestic Abuse and Assault against an Infant and is seeking prosecution against him based on the term "recklessness." There should be penalties in place for the women who make these false claims. My son has lost access to his baby daughter based wholly on falsehood. Those lost moments and memories are moments and memories that can never be recaptured.

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  • Nov 10th, 2016
    Timothy M. from Jacksonville, NC writes:
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    I spent nearly a year on house arrest for being disabled. Accused of attacking my son, and they claimed that I make $800.00/week. All this on only her word. No evidence. They did to me whatever they wanted, as though it were social revenge.

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  • Nov 10th, 2016
    Someone from Templeton, MA signed.
  • Nov 9th, 2016
    from Chardon, OH writes:
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    This is so true... And I'm a woman being wrongfully accused of domestic boyfriend is a jealous controlling man who has told me on many occasions if he couldn't have me.. nobody could... And with that being said...after an argument one evening... I had asked him to leave so that the argument wouldn't esculate ...he left...but he wasn't happy about it... and a week later..he went to the police department and with a pre written statement in his hand.. told them that he was assaulted by me during that argument a week earlier..he apparently had a black eye..( I had no knowledge of this, he didn't have one when I had asked him to leave)..and based on his words and ONLY his words...the police came to my home and arrested me for Domestic Violence....I was in SHOCK...and when I asked them on what grounds..they told me they had probable cause..???(his statement and his black eye) ..Even though he had no supporting witness statements...and I was arrested a WEEK AFTER we had the argument and I had asked him to leave....He also mentioned in his statement that he felt that I was seeing another man (which I wasn't)..and he felt that was my reasons for asking him to leave...??? Now my take on this...I think he truly meant what he has always told me...If I cant have you ..nobody can...And if that meant 'adding more" to the real events that took place during the argument ...which ultimately resulted in me being arrested ..then he indeed meant what he said..... Because if I'm in jail...Nobody can have me...Right? ..What happened to being INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY ????

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  • Nov 9th, 2016
    Someone from San Jose, CA writes:
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    This is a disservice to the accused spouse, the alienated children and victims of real abuse. It is sad that a silver bullet TRO is now considered a normal unethical legal strategy to give one spouse an advantage over the other. It is very fast that our current legal system enables this type of terrorism against loving parents and their children.

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  • Nov 9th, 2016
    Sandra L. from Phoenix, AZ signed.
  • Nov 9th, 2016
    Sandra L. from phoenix, AZ writes:
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    So true!!!!

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  • Nov 9th, 2016
    Jeffrey T. from Cedar Lake, IN writes:
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    My children and I are all victims of false allegations. This system needs to be revisited.

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  • Nov 9th, 2016
    Morgan R. from Bay City, MI signed.
  • Nov 8th, 2016
    Someone from San Angelo, TX signed.
  • Nov 8th, 2016
    Rick r. from Midlothian, IL writes:
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    This system is a complete disaster. My life has been torn apart for almost a year. The mother of my 2 daughters filed a falsified petition against me. There was not one claim of truth in it but I have had no chance at all. I have not been able to say a single word or show any of the evidence I have to prove my innocence. I have spent easily over $5,000 on attorneys and find myself even worse off then when it started. I have lost my job, lost great life long friends, she has torn apart my family, completely and relentlessly destroyed my reputation and my family with lies outside of court and in court as well. I went from taking care of my children every single day, raising my 1st daughter working full-time at home and taking care of her full-time but now I am barely allowed to see my girls. I have to be supervised when I am with them, they are not allowed to spend the night with me. I was working full time and supporting every single aspect of their life until my ex started sabotaging my life and completely destroying my reputation with lies. She goes out of town, without my children, on many occasions in the last 2 months and I am still not allowed to see them while she is gone. Her claims against me can easily be proven false but no one cares to even try. I have been in a severe state of depression for too long. Can't eat, I have insomnia and can't sleep. Lost over 45 pounds in the last few months. My relationship with my children is being torn apart to the point they cry hysterically about it regularly, as do I. It has been about 6 months that I have been trying to get a hearing and she somehow keeps getting them pushed back, so we have yet to even have a hearing. I cut off all communication with her once the falsified petition was filed, until her lawyer tried to ask that i open the lines of communication for the sake of the kids. We were then put on a court monitored site to communicate. The accusations have progressively gotten worse, with no evidence at all. She compulsively lies and contradicts statements she has made on this court monitored website and there is no consequence for any of it. Outside of court is even worse and for over a year her close friends and family have been actively and aggressively spreading horrific lies about me and destroying my reputation. Unbelievable system this is and I feel completely helpless and hopeless at this point.

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  • Nov 8th, 2016
    Someone from Memphis, TN writes:
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    False allegations were used against me from domestic violence to child abuse. There was no evidence or proof. I had a child abuse against her with testimony and evidence. Judge threw it out. Her testimony to domestic violence was not even what she claimed.

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  • Nov 8th, 2016
    Hector T. from San Diego, CA signed.
  • Nov 8th, 2016
    Jose M. from Alexandria, VA writes:
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    My heart is broken, my child who knows. Even in Tijuana, Mexico where I have been deported after living 27 years in Los Angeles, California. I could not believe the numbers of man being affected and practically destroyed after false Domestic Violence accusations. Some cases the jury condemned the man no matter what. And because the way the law reads, categorical approaches federal USCIS laws and ends up deported. Both of my unfair cases were due to protecting my child. The first case I did nothing but protect myself and my child. The second case, my child had been pulled by the hand strongly several times. I ran to help and when I was going to be slap. I turn my face to opposite releasing 2 quick punches. By this I broke probation of the first unfair and false case. Jury did not found justifiable used of force. What I could not believe is that she lie several times under perjury. And the LAPD arresting officer on first case showed up to trial. Sworn that he read my rights. Judge asked him if he new them by heart. PO said " no, I always read it off my notebook". Judge asked " you always carrie it with yo". PO " yes, all the time". Judge " so you have it with you right now?" PO "no". And what a coincidence that the arresting officer in second case, was on a two week vacation right when trial days. This officer Flores from LAPD Rampart Div.could have state in trial that the suppossesly victim had lie to an on duty Police Officer and that she in fact looked intoxicated, that denied medical assistance and she took a drug test ordered by child services, three and a half weeks after. Which most likely confirmed she was under drugs or as I suspected crystal meth. I have no contact with my child. That is killing me alive. Please senators. Need to do changes to stop this cancer of woman making false accusations. My case started after neighbor hit herself and told cops husband did it. My excohabitant started to drinking too much with her every day. And her option to get a U visa by being a victim, was started there. This group of woman continue to spreading this practice to other woman that not legal in the country just to get a U Visa. I sworn to defend and protect America when I joined the Army in 1991, although am in Mexican soil does not mean I can't contribute. Tax payers are now supporting my child who I wish to at least hear from him soon May God Bless you all.

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  • Nov 7th, 2016
    Someone from Eunice, LA writes:
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    officer was called by a sister in law who wants to see my wife and marriage dissolved. cops comes to my wife and i being peaceful. arrest me becasue the sister in law said i hit wife. charges were eventually dropped due to lack of evidence. please end this

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  • Nov 6th, 2016
    John C. from New York, NY signed.