
Reforming Marijuana Laws in the State of Indiana

Public Comments (731)
  • Sep 1st, 2015
    Someone from Madison, IN writes:
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    Every state should have medical have no idea how much better this would be for the people who really need it.....Research says so....wish this could be a trial just to prove how much good of a change this plant could bring....

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  • Aug 30th, 2015
    Someone from Nappanee, IN signed.
  • Aug 27th, 2015
    Someone from Michigan City, IN signed.
  • Aug 25th, 2015
    Someone from Michigan City, IN writes:
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    We need to have a vote. Can anyone say more jobs? Indiana is so disappointing. It's very sad the people we've voted into office.

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  • Aug 22nd, 2015
    Someone from Indianapolis, IN writes:
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    We should at least have a right to vote on it.

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  • Aug 22nd, 2015
    Someone from Frankfort, IN signed.
  • Aug 22nd, 2015
    Someone from Frankfort, IN signed.
  • Aug 21st, 2015
    Someone from Brazil, IN signed.
  • Aug 19th, 2015
    Someone from Indianapolis, IN writes:
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    If marijuana is legalize in Indiana we can afford more cops and it will reduce the crime rate in Indiana if it's legalize. We can make medical oils to help kids or adults with medical problems and help beat cancer. So legalize marijuana in Indiana

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  • Aug 19th, 2015
    Someone from Indianapolis, IN writes:
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    Legalize 💯🍁💨

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  • Aug 17th, 2015
    Someone from Fairland, IN writes:
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    Jobs,jobs,jobs Health,health,health No one deserves to live in pain Legalize asap

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  • Aug 14th, 2015
    Someone from Indianapolis, IN signed.
  • Aug 13th, 2015
    Someone from Anderson, IN signed.
  • Aug 12th, 2015
    Someone from Goshen, IN writes:
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    Marijuana needs to be legalized. It is proven that Marijuana is more safe than alcohol and much more safe than any drug. It has been proven to have health benefits as well.

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  • Aug 11th, 2015
    Someone from Tell City, IN writes:
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    Re-Legalize it!! Eli Lilly used to stock this miracle plant....why? Because it works! If it were legal, kids wouldn't be exposed to the harder drugs...end of story. The compounds in Cannabis Sativa have been PROVEN to kill cancer, re-grow damaged nerves be it from a stroke, brain damage from injury, MS, Bells Paulsy to name a few. It's been proven to be twice as effective anti-inflamatory as acetaminophen, five times as affective pain reliever, and the list goes on and on. Figure it out...we are an educated society and will be heard....if not by the current members, they WILL be replaced by someone who can get the job done. What kind of BS is it when people who are voted into office fail MISERABLY at giving the great citizens of our Hoosier state the respect we diserve by allowing us to medicate how we choose?????'s the deepest kind of BS, that's what!

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  • Aug 11th, 2015
    Someone from Peru, IN writes:
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    Please legalize MMJ soon for heavens sake!! I have a best friend who at this very moment is dying of cancer...if she had access to CBD Oil she most likely would have a good chance of it stands now she is on her death bed:( What will it take to make the legislature wake up for the state of Indiana?? More lives,to be lost as,they act as,God and keep a natural substance from the very ppl it is meant for?? Marijuana has already proven to be effective in so many ways...epilepsy PTSD depression cancer nausea chronic pain neuropathy just to name a few ...and is showing promise every day in so many more!! WAKE UP INDIANA!! Why are we having to beg to get what we the ppl want when the politicians are supposed to work for us the ppl...and aren't they elected officials??? C'mon INDIANA it's time to make the politicians do their jobs for us!!

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  • Aug 8th, 2015
    Someone from Hagerstown, IN writes:
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    Its not about the "harm" that this herb causes, rather, it's about control. There are more reasons to legalize cannabis, than there are to keep It illegal.

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  • Aug 6th, 2015
    Someone from Terre Haute, IN signed.
  • Jul 30th, 2015
    Someone from Eaton, IN writes:
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    37,485 people died from prescription drugs, a rate fueled by overdoses on prescription pain and anxiety medications, versus 36,284 from traffic accidents. 0 people have died throughout the history of cannabis use. It replaces all treatments that prescription drugs claim to effectively treat. The people are being denied medication and are dying and going to prison for treating their families. The suffering and struggles of cannabis prohibition are rising and the people see how inhumane and unconstitutional it is to keep such a universal medicine banned. A medicine that is such a laughable subject to the president surprisingly has no physical withdraw properties, non addictive propertities (especially compared to it's pharmaceutical counterpart) and given the fact that you can't overdose on marijuana in itself proves the non risk treatment it provides. This prohibition is not for the people. It is against the people and if the congress believes that the pharmaceutical pharmageddon that is killing thousands annually is better than ending the cannabis prohibition, then this country is truly at disarray and those running and deciding for us have failed yet again at saving the lives of their people.

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  • Jul 30th, 2015
    Someone from Eaton, IN writes:
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    Even as cannabis laws evolve in the United States, innumerable families risk legal repercussions for treating their children. In Kansas, cannabis activist Shona Banda faces 30 years in prison for treating her Crohn?s disease with cannabis oil and sharing her method of treatment with others. Her son was taken from her, and her home raided after he touted cannabis oil?s benefits for his mother at an anti-drug presentation. Convoluted regulations also make treatment difficult. One Des Moines mother is allowed to possess oil to treat her epileptic son but must take him outside to the parking lot of his care facility twice a day to administer treatment. A New Jersey family is suing their school district for their daughter?s right to administer cannabis treatment for epilepsy and autism at school. Other families are picking up and moving to states that do allow medical cannabis use. This is the case with Hillary Rayburn, who moved from Oklahoma to Colorado to obtain cannabis for her child?s epilepsy. Though individuals and families still face heart-wrenching restrictions, the trend toward cannabis legalization has already begun. Parents who engage in civil disobedience by treating their children not only help change the perception of the treatment but help chip away at the decaying infrastructure of prohibition. By standing up to unjust and inhumane laws in the face of increasing medical research on cannabis, parents are helping to change the landscape of the Drug War and medicine. Kids are hopping on the cannabis civil disobedience train, as well. Speaking at a recent symposium for medical cannabis research, 15-year-old Coltyn Turner explained that he?d ?rather be illegally alive [by using cannabis oil] than legally dead.?

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  • Jul 29th, 2015
    Someone from Claypool, IN writes:
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    Marajauna, pot, weed, whatever you want to call it is a natural harmless beneficial plant that should be legal across the board in Indiana and any other state in this great country! It has so many positive effects from medicinal to monetary! Tax revenue, PSTD, epilepsy, depression...etc! Please legalize this plant!!!

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  • Jul 18th, 2015
    Someone from North Vernon, IN signed.
  • Jul 18th, 2015
    Someone from North Vernon, IN writes:
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    I have ptsd and skitso effective and call it what you want but one should be allowed to medicate like everyone else with what helps best no pill comes with out bad side effects thank you

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  • Jul 18th, 2015
    Someone from North Vernon, IN signed.
  • Jul 17th, 2015
    Someone from Terre Haute, IN writes:
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    Very unconstitutional that in our state it is a crime to use the same medication and receive the same treatment as our neighboring states, I have family and friends the have died a slow and painful death from cancer and suffer from epilepsy and migraines and they are and were upstanding law abiding citizens and refuse and refused to use the treatment of cannabinoids because they are illegal, But on the other hand it's ok for Pharmaceutical Company to keep flooding the market with real dangerous that have a list of side effects longer than the illness they claim to help, and most of those side effects include death, Our government just needs to admit they are wrong so we can move on, I'm sure the money that will be saved and earned by the government will help make up for the money that is contributed by the pharmaceutical company's and we will see a lot less deaths of accidental overdose, I don't even use cannabinoids but I will when i feel i need to and it would be nice if it wasn't a crime when I decide to and I sure's the hell dont want to see anyone else suffer

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  • Jul 16th, 2015
    Someone from Crawfordsville, IN writes:
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    The job of congress is to protect human liberty and enforce Tort Law, not make statutes which are basically worthless opinions that are enforced by police. Marijuana among other natural plants should have never been illegal. It is not the governments job to define things. All things unto all people. You need to start doing right, or step down and get a real job... Im sorry I was born into this crappy world. Im glad I didnt have kids. Thats less tax revenue for our corrupt society. :}

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  • Jul 15th, 2015
    Someone from Wadesville, IN writes:
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    why does the gay pride, atheist and flag haters get what they want, many of us are retired and would just love to sit home and smoke some pot and chill out. all we are asking is to be able to enjoy what time we have left on this earth. so please legalize marijuana. please and thank you.

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  • Jul 1st, 2015
    Someone from Whiteland, IN writes:
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    Make this happen marijuana is a positive natural medication. I'm a vet and I have issues going to sleep at night this is a natural remedy that helps get me through. I've got a family to support and a full-time job I can't risk using it cause I could lose my job,but if it was legal for medical applications it would help out immensely. I'm a conservative republican and I vote yes to legalize marijuana it should not be a democratic or republican issue this choice should be given to the people of Indiana. Less government regulation more individual rights as a republican this is what I believe in and expect from the conservative republican leaders I have voted to elect. A boost for the economy is an additional positive.

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  • Jun 26th, 2015
    Someone from Lagrange, IN signed.
  • Jun 9th, 2015
    Someone from Spencer, IN writes:
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    Need this to be done so people can legally use pot for medical reasons. Pain, cancer and so forth.

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  • May 26th, 2015
    Someone from Evansville, IN signed.
  • May 21st, 2015
    Someone from Bedford, IN writes:
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    Legalizing marijuana in the State of Indiana.Would reduce the number of heroin and meth user.Would boost Indiana' s economy.and create jobs.Make more room in prisons for violent offenders. Stop putting people behind bars for weed.Give the people their right to vote.AND LEGALIZE. MARIJUANA! !!!!!!!

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  • May 21st, 2015
    Someone from Bedford, IN writes:
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    Give the people their right to vote. Legalizing marijuana would help the economy.Has many uses for medicinal. And stop putting innocent people in jail.

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  • Apr 29th, 2015
    Someone from Aurora, IN writes:
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    There is no reasonable reason why it shouldn't be legal. Personal liberties trump prison guards probation officers DEA officers jobs. Stop wrongly imprisoning good people for smoking weed.

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  • Apr 24th, 2015
    Someone from Garrett, IN signed.
  • Apr 22nd, 2015
    Someone from Evansville, IN writes:
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    The needs of the many have been voiced and we won't be ignored. Congress! Stop wasting time pursuing your own agenda and make pleas come to fruition. I ask, "What are you worried about?" Here are your pointless concerns! Lie #1) Marijuana is a gateway drug. It isn't! I know more than a few people who have been able to fight their metth, heroine, alcohol, gambling, tobacco, and every other addiction using the same plant you claim is a path to hard drug use. The only gateway marijuana opens in that to a healthy life, full of love, family, and care for your naighbor. Lie #2) Marijuana is bad for your health. Marijuana fights cancer, helping some achieve remission allowing radiation to be more effective and providing relive from crippling nausea. It replaces many prescriptions varying from pain killers to anti anxiety, which hold a very high possibility for abuse and negative side affects. Lie #3) Legalization will make it easier for children to get weed. Children already have weed and they are going to the south side of evansville to get it. The most dangerous part of town. If you legalized it would be just as hard for them to get as any other regulated substance. Lie #4) Marijuana impairs you. No. All things in moderation. Weed 3, by sonjay gupta debunks your fears in the last few minutes with the testimony of a neurosurgeon conducting a study of the brain using high tech medical facilities. Lie #5) Supporting this issue will kill your political career. FIGHTING THIS ISSUE IS KILLING YOUR CAREER. Lie #6) Marijuana is illegal because it is bad. No, marijuana is illegal because past presidents needed a scapegoat to remove the public eye from issues such as watergate and Iran-Contra. Marijuana is illegal because our law makers want to make money off imprisoning the masses, nothing more. Lie #7) Legalization wont hurt the drug cartels. Well keeping it illegal is what they privately lobby for so i doubt it. You give the money straight to mexico with your old style of thinking. Don't be a fool. Lie #8) Marijuana makes you dumb. No, believing the blatant lies of past administrations in the face of current scientific proof makes you dumb, but you stay in office somehow. Marijuana can potentially raise revenue for schools, public service, and even a police force which is currently demonized for pursuing such arrests. Lie #9) The police don't want to see it legalized. Our own superintendent said he would legalize and tax it. I hear police tell me all the time they don't like doing this. Lie #10) Marijuana is addictive. Once again, marijuana should be used as a tool for rehabilitation, rather than a cause to be rehabilitated. Would you rather have your masses smoking meth or weed? Lie #11) Marijuana kills motivation. I guess thats why over half of the service industry is using it to deal with the *******s who berate them everyday WHILE THEY GET THE JOB DONE. Lie #12) Marijua

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  • Apr 21st, 2015
    Someone from Monticello, IN writes:
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    I feel that legalization of recreational and medical use should be legalized. It will help our economy get out of debt and free up jail space that is needed for more serious crimes. I mean hello it is much safer than alcohol.

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  • Apr 16th, 2015
    Someone from Eaton, IN writes:
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    It is important that the prohibition of Marijuana end; starting with every state. The many uses and benefits for marijuana aside from recreational has been proven in various ways. There have been many medical break throughs with more to come. The people struggling for medicine when pharmacuticals do more damage than good, the same outcome is far greater when medicating with cannabis. Food, oil, housing, fuel, textiles, and body care products can all be produced by the same source: hemp. It takes many years to grow a tree. Replace that source with hemp and the nation has an unlimited amount of product that is grown in a fraction of the time. Not only would the legalization of marijuana benefit the people medically but it would also increase the quality and efficiency of our lifestyles.

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  • Apr 1st, 2015
    Someone from Fort Wayne, IN writes:
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    I shouldn't have to say anything. Do your research instead of egotistically defending your opinion.

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  • Mar 26th, 2015
    Someone from Montgomery, IN signed.