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Dump Duncan

Arne Duncan has illegally coerced 45 states to adopt a set of untetsed and unproven education standards along with the required use of federally funded exams, invalid teacher evaluation plans, and the improper use of student data to be used for corpo

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Limiting Government Assistance

Government assistance is an aid supposed to be used when people need help and never used as a way of life.

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Give Taco Bell a National Holiday

Tomorrow, March 27th, is the national rolling out of the Taco Bell breakfast menu. This is a historic event that should be recognized as a national holiday.

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Albuquerque Police Murder Homeless Man

6 officers unload on a homless man for 'illegallly camping', Will YOU be EXECUTED Next?

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Corporate Transparency

More corporate transparency and accountability is great taxpayers in such things as bailouts and overall.

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DEMAND Police Accountability For Using STINGRAY

Police Nationwide ILLEGALLY Violate The Privacy of Law Abiding Americans

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Taxable Income

ALL Child support payments received should be taxable income

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Put an end to The Pennsylvania Nurse Peer Assistance Program (PNAP)

PNAP assumes a healthcare professional is guilty without an investigation.

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Modify Child Support Laws

It's time to reconsider existing child support laws by requiring that both parents work to best support the children, and enacting a zero-tolerance policy for harassment and/or perjury pertaining to child custody issues.