Free petitions that deliver messages to the U.S. Congress

Over 6.5 million messages delivered since 2009! Create your own petition now.

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Impeach Governor Mike Pence

Impeach Governor Mike Pence

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florida inmates

florida non violent offenders are serving to much time with the 85% law we should have it lowered to 65%

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Support the Kurds in the Fight Against ISIS & Provide Humanitarian Aid

To authorize the direct provision of defense articles, defense services, and related training to the Kurdistan Regional Government, and for other purposes.

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Support Surveillance State Repeal Act

This Act will repeal the Patriot Act and the FISA Amendments Act. Americans can then regain their right to privacy and no longer fear Government spying.

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Please stop dumping of foreign steel

Save American jobs and protect a core American Industry

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Why did I get my pay check garnish when the grandmother n daughter was getting public assistance at the same time?

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STOP HR 475 - Protect Veterans Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits

If passed, 1000s of Veterans immediately impacted by loss of Educational Benefits.

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1 Bill, 1 Issue - Stop Non-Related Addendums

Stop adding non-related addendums to bills. If your issue has validity then it can withstand the scrutiny of being on its own bill.