
Criminal Counts to hold State Social Workers/ Investigators Honest- Codes to Convict the Accusors who make Falsified Statements ,Allegations of Abuse ,Neglect and Failure to Show Cause For Child Removal by Truth and Evidence that is Undeniable witho

There are no Codes of Any Set to beable to penalize a Social Worker or For Authorized Actions by our State to Penalize and Convict Social Workers in The Court of Law and Justice.( Be it Juvenile Court Cases or All Court houses upheld by Constitutional Rights and Legal System. No more unwarranted Removal of Children without Proof , Cause or opinions alleged. They must be true without a doubt and able to stand on own if even only 1 then is found true that is reason enough. All accusers are to be held accountable and convicted if they are unlawfully ruining and incriminating innocent people and ruining lives , destroying families and illegally removing Children. We want every worker and word written, spoken to be without a doubt True with Viable not premeditated and deliberate planned and executed by failed workers to commit and allow timely in home services instead of implicating and opinionated to set goal and agenda for out of home.

This is a dysfunctional faulty incentive for social workers and all who are placed in legal, financial, and long term path to execute permanent child removal from Paternal Parents We need this petition to turn this incentive plan around to hold these officials for wrongfully claiming or alleging opinions are as facts and true. Make each worker accountable for false untruthful slander and defamation to Parents and families character and Identity which is Permanent and Locked in the Database FOREVER whether True or False .

Keep Social Workers Accountable for Illegally claiming neglect,abuse or unsafe allegations to not Protect Any Child in any State. Hold the accusors and accused accountable for the same penalties when found to be guilty as they are a crime and criminal if done by a paid program to help or worker for help. Or if done to a child or children for any reason and by anyone who is to be legally in care of or for safe care while in hard times and circumstances beyond a child's control or comprehension to handle. Have Fines and Convictions for lieing and premeditated case building with Character attack. No more unwarranted child removals that have no truth. There needs to be a Show of cause or factual papers as records or reason with set pattern history with factual evidence and put the wrong doers who create these lies where they belong. Convicted as many times as they are accountable for the Destruction of American Homes and Reputations and stop Paying Incentives that are without a doubt the Only Best Interest that Social Workers have been destroying Americas Families for.

This is not an accurate drawn fine line for Full funding and pay outs for State to give no bottom line to how much of an Incentive is Allowed and Paid. So far this is not healthy or safely being monitored or governed at all. This is an unstructured department with no points or authorized codes for any wrong doing by social worker and state employees in privately contracted positions to help clients , st