
Please stop the unfair punishment of good fathers. We need child support reform now!

Public Comments (2,771)
  • Jun 9th, 2015
    Someone from Pearland, TX writes:
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    The system is screwed up, the mother should pay the taxes and a limit should be put per child. In Texas it doesn't cost $1100 a month to raise a child....more like pay mama's fashion bill

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  • Jun 8th, 2015
    Someone from Syracuse, UT signed.
  • Jun 8th, 2015
    Someone from East Saint Louis, IL writes:
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    Totally unfair system!!!!!!!!! I have my one son 50 percent of the time. I am a good father. I am very involved in his life. I pay his health insurance, buy the large majority of his clothes, pay for all his sports costs, do most of the driving for him. I'm not saying his mother doesn't do for him, but it is extremely unfair that she get's paid $430 a month from me. She works and lives basically rent free.

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  • Jun 7th, 2015
    Someone from Hahira, GA writes:
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    It's so sad that women use children as a paycheck. I've heard first hand a 20 year old mother of two children say, "I don't have to work, because my baby daddy pays me support". Society is filled with unwed parents who think it's fashionable to have a baby and play house, only to be split up by the time the child is born. It personally makes me angry and really disappointed in a government that that doesn't take action to change the current child support laws that hugely favor mothers. I think if both parents can provide a safe healthy environment then custody should be split 50 50, thus eliminating child support. If one parent refuses to take part in raising the child (spend time with, help with homework, sports, buy clothes, food and supplies) then and only then should child support be issued. What to do about fathers who make more income than mothers? Absolutely nothing! If that father has 50 50 custody and is doing everything he needs to be doing then the should not be punished. The mother will simply have to get a second job, live in lower income housing areas. Because let's face it, that's exactly what fathers face after paying these "baby mamas" child support! Wake up congress!!!

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  • Jun 6th, 2015
    Someone from Charlotte, NC writes:
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    I hope this makes a difference.

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  • Jun 4th, 2015
    Someone from Staten Island, NY signed.
  • Jun 3rd, 2015
    Someone from Smith Center, KS signed.
  • May 31st, 2015
    Someone from Converse, TX signed.
  • May 31st, 2015
    Someone from Pontiac, MI signed.
  • May 29th, 2015
    Someone from Albany, NY writes:
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    OK, it's obvious complaining alone or voicing our opinions is not gone to work or bring attention to the unfair laws. We as father's and some mothers need to start getting together and start to protest in front of family court in our country. It's time to get out voices heard.

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  • May 27th, 2015
    Someone from Tampa, FL writes:
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    family unit? That does not count for the father that has to pay the full 17% net , 13% gross to both mothers. Another words. Instead of 1 father paying 22% net and 18% gross for 2 children, I have to pay 34 % of my net & 26% of my Gross because I have 2 mothers. Can you imagine if I had 4 children with 4 mothers. Yes..88% net or 52 % gross! I pay $2,400 a month and my net base salary is $1,980 every two weeks. They don't even consider deduct the 10% I put towards my 401k. I will have no retirement available because I will have to cash it out to pay child support. Mother #1 divorced me for more money and took my house. She makes more money than me and I pay $820 a month. Mother # 2 does not work and I pay $1,316 a month!! Visitation is brutal. They control everything. And God forbid you say a negative thing, they call attorneys and put restraining orders on you if you ask for an extra day of visitation. I had to pay all lawyer fees, medical bills, etc. I will be financially ruined!

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  • May 27th, 2015
    Someone from Tampa, FL writes:
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    family unit? That does not count for the father that has to pay the full 17% net , 13% gross to both mothers. Another words. Instead of 1 father paying 22% net and 18% gross for 2 children, I have to pay 34 % of my net & 26% of my Gross because I have 2 mothers. Can you imagine if I had 4 children with 4 mothers. Yes..88% net or 52 % gross! I pay $2,400 a month and my net base salary is $1,980 every two weeks. They don't even consider deduct the 10% I put towards my 401k. I will have no retirement available because I will have to cash it out to pay child support. Mother #1 divorced me for more money and took my house. She makes more money than me and I pay $820 a month. Mother # 2 does not work and I pay $1,316 a month!! Visitation is brutal. They control everything. And God forbid you say a negative thing, they call attorneys and put restraining orders on you if you ask for an extra day of visitation. I had to pay all lawyer fees, medical bills, etc. I will be financially ruined!

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  • May 26th, 2015
    Someone from Gretna, LA signed.
  • May 24th, 2015
    Someone from Marietta, GA writes:
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    I was served with child support papers as i was bringing my son back from having him for 3 weeks. I have bought ALL his clothes, paid her rent and bills when she was fired for 6 months. She and my son lived with me for 2 years when she was pregnant and he was a baby without her working at all. My son is 4 years old and i have been heavely involved in all of his life. I will not give her money directly because it will not go to my son, so she has gone to the court to force a payment to her at the point of a gun. Child support is really baby momma welfare. And father marginilization as well as standardizing broken homes.

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  • May 22nd, 2015
    Someone from Delray Beach, FL writes:
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    The women who are receiving these checks are not putting the money for the children their spending on material objects they couldn't afford because its not in their budget...shouldn't there be some guidelines on these checks.

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  • May 21st, 2015
    Someone from Rockledge, FL signed.
  • May 17th, 2015
    Someone from New York, NY signed.
  • May 17th, 2015
    Someone from Dupo, IL writes:
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    It should be mandatory that the courts calculate support orders per the 1040a, and not projected future income. Also if it is found that support was miscalculated, the court should go back and correct the error instead of going after money the non custodial parent did not earn.

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  • May 17th, 2015
    Someone from Fort Mill, SC signed.
  • May 13th, 2015
    Someone from New Roads, LA signed.
  • May 13th, 2015
    Someone from Brownsville, TX writes:
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    I have three sons and each one has been put through a lot of frustration due to women that have children ONLY to collect a check. It is so sad that the law is so biased when it comes to men and women. My middle son took custody of his daughter because the mother would use the child support to feed her drug habit and NOT the child. He spend close to ten thousand dollars fighting the courts and be denied custody, but then the mother after many complaints child protective services took the child. Now the government was not wanting responsibility, so they turned her over her biological father. (my son). The laws are a mess . It is embarrassing!

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  • May 6th, 2015
    Someone from Whitesboro, NY writes:
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    Definitely agree with reform and equal fairness and parenting rights for Fathers. Im a suffering Father and destroyed by this system.

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  • May 6th, 2015
    Someone from Danvers, MA signed.
  • May 4th, 2015
    Someone from Cortland, OH signed.
  • May 2nd, 2015
    Someone from Decatur, GA signed.
  • Apr 28th, 2015
    Someone from Deltona, FL signed.
  • Apr 27th, 2015
    Someone from Creston, NC signed.
  • Apr 27th, 2015
    Someone from Wilmington, NC writes:
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    I would love to be able to provide for my children's future without going through the mother. Child support needs to account for the potential income of a party that is currently voluntarily unemployed as well (re-married stay at home moms, etc).

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  • Apr 25th, 2015
    Someone from Sacramento, CA signed.
  • Apr 24th, 2015
    Someone from Kansas City, MO writes:
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    I'm curious about the $10 a year processing fee for all paying or receiving child support, as well as the double standard of the person paying child support is held accountable to meet certain requirements, while the person receiving does not have to be compliant nor held accountable.

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  • Apr 21st, 2015
    Someone from Chicago, IL signed.
  • Apr 21st, 2015
    Someone from Westminster, VT writes:
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    The draconian child support/alimony laws need a thorough overhall. My spouse and I are living in poverty due to his ex-wife getting 65% of his pay. We are both hard working people who are reallt struggling financially. I am looking to do a documentary about this significant problem that affects many hard working fathers and their new families.

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  • Apr 17th, 2015
    Someone from Telephone, TX writes:
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    Something needs to change, i have always provided and loved my children now the Law has destroyed my relationship with them. they are just babies, 8 years old 6 years old and 4 years old. I care about their Education health and happiness. I am 30 years old and have worked since i was 14 years old, always earning my keep in this country. I was married for 10 years, during that time, the mother decided infidelity was more important then our family and even abandoned the children and I, so i raised them and filed for divorce, she came back in to our lives and as a good husband, i forgave her, then her ultimate plan was to motion on the divorce papers use a state appointed attorney, to remove me from her life take my money and start a life with her boyfriend, she stated that all i want is your money. this is corrupted and blackmail, since she has all the leverage and backing of the law and in a country she has paid no more then 2000$ worth of taxes in 10 years, and never worked except at wal mart for 3 MONTHS and got fired for missing to much work. I went to pick up my loving children that i support and always have provided and found a meth pipe and dope laying around, there are minors at her house always drunk and drinking on my dime. I am a firm believer in taking care of my children and their fiances, but to give money to the state of texas for them to return to the mother of the children that uses the money on her self pleasure and not for the benifit of the kids is UNJUST and uncalled for when I have worked and sacrificed everything to provide all of them with the best in life and the things i never had growing up. But the law protects her and the state will be a terrorist toward a man that did nothing wrong. but do his best. The kids dont focus in school, make terrible grades, live in a shack. The state looks at this like its the fathers fault, and continues to squeeze blood out of a tomato. When the father works works works works and pays pays pays, gets the children 2 weekends a month. The mother gets new boyfriend, fathers money and gets to sit at home and do absolutely nothing while kids are in school besides spend the fathers money on booze drugs and other self pleasure. I sure love this country and state but yall have got to monitor the spending on this money and hold MOTHERS accountable in some way. You will Lock up a father and hold them accountable, its time Texas gets some integrity and make this law full of quality so both the father and mother have pride in safety and well being of their children. I agree with drug testing the mother and father, i know thats way too much and not achievable. but please revisit the way this business is conducted, cause at this point, i strongly disagree with the ethics of this and whoever decided it was the right way and whoever thinks its accurate. its enough to make every one sick to think that marriage is now a game to protect yourself from child support and

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  • Apr 14th, 2015
    Someone from Verona, PA signed.
  • Apr 11th, 2015
    Someone from Topeka, KS signed.
  • Apr 11th, 2015
    Someone from York, PA signed.
  • Apr 10th, 2015
    Someone from North Las Vegas, NV writes:
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    CPS won't do anything even though they have been contacted several times. California Court won't do anything. Who is there to help the mentally, neglected and abused child? Why don't we just call it "Mother Support" and advertise: Don't like to work? Why not have a baby and secure a paycheck for the next 18 years or more. Mother's should not consider having children as earning a paycheck or a way to earn money, why are they not taxed on this income, they don't have to do anything but collect money. I have seen & lived this injustice and abuse for the past 17 years. I am a mother and the wife of a father who pays an outrageous amount of child support a month, because the California Court refuses to listen and acknowledge that he is a married man with three other children. He currently pays $1500 a month for one child, which is more like mother support, because we know by fact that the money is not spent on the child. He provides complete health benefits for his child. He is a non-custodial parent, not by his choice. The mother has refused him to have a relationship with his child, he has been robbed of being close to his child, his money, peace of mind & pride. California Court will not listen to him even though the mother and child live in Texas, we live in Nevada. This case should have transferred to Texas or Nevada years ago. California refuses to listen. The child has mental issues because the mother left the house 3 months ago with her new boyfriend. She has now left her husband, their two babies and my husband's daughter on their own. The husband says he knows that she can do that because she has the child support money security. No one knows how this is going to end, I do know that as long as these women continue to get a free ride things will not change for the better of the children, the fathers and the families being affected. Now we don't just have one child, but three children being affected and more likely this woman will have more children to secure her income for the next 18 years.

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  • Apr 10th, 2015
    Someone from North Las Vegas, NV writes:
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    Mother's should not consider having children as earning a pay check, why are they not taxed on this income, they don't have to do anything but collect money. I have seen & lived this abuse for the past 17 years. I am a mother and the wife of a father who pays an outrageous amount of child support a month, because the California Court refuses to listen and acknowledge that he is a married man with three other children. He currently pays $1500 a month for one child, which is more like mother support, because we know by fact that the money is not spent on the child. He provides complete health benefits for his child. He is a non-custodial parent, not by his choice. The mother has refused him to have a relationship with his child, he has been robbed of being close to his child, his money, peace of mind & pride. California Court will not listen to him even though the mother and child live in Texas, we live in Nevada. This case should have transferred to Texas or Nevada years ago. California refuses to listen. The child has mental issues because the mother left the house 3 months ago with her new boyfriend. She has now left her husband, their two babies and my husband's daughter on their own. The husband says he knows that she can do that because she has the child support money security. No one knows how this is going to end, I do know that as long as these women continue to get a free ride things will not change for the better of the children, the fathers and the families being affected.

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  • Apr 10th, 2015
    Someone from Rockford, IL signed.
  • Apr 10th, 2015
    Someone from Fairfield, CA signed.