Free petitions that deliver messages to the U.S. Congress

Over 6.5 million messages delivered since 2009! Create your own petition now.

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Please Help Me To Pass "Apollo's Law"

To stop shelters and rescues from violating our Constitutional Rights to "Due Process" in regards to our pets!

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Requesting a Presidential pardon for Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards

Governor Edwin Edwards is a Louisiana Icon and has served his time. In recognition of all of the vast accomplishments that he has achieved for the people and the great state of Louisiana, we are requesting a full Presidential pardon.

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Stop Union-Busting at Verizon

Verizon, a public utility, has engaged in unfair labor practices, has threaten to end healthcare benefits for 45,000 union represented employees and is engaging in Wisconsin-style union busting tactics.

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Outdoor's Man/Woman Right To carry

This petition is for the right to carry a sidearm in the woods, here in N.J

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Please focus on Job Creation

Congress has taken up ZERO legislative action toward job creation in our country. To date their actions spell much deeper and troubling economic times ahead.

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Congress - Get To Work

There should be no vacation for Congress when failure to do your job has put our nation at risk.

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Manhattan Project Workers\' Memorial

Manhattan Project workers saved millions of lives because they brought a swift end to the war with Japan.

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Kelly Thomas Law for Banning the Use of Excessive Force by Law Enforcement.

Our law enforcement organizations in this country should have provisions in place to be held accountable.