Free petitions that deliver messages to the U.S. Congress

Over 6.5 million messages delivered since 2009! Create your own petition now.

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We the People: A Second Declaration

This is almost a second Declaration to oppose what is happening in the government

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Death with Dignity

Death with Dignity will allow terminally ill patients to decide when and how they want to die.

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Abolish The Federal Reserve System

These predatory bankers operate a monopoly charging interest and making profit on the public debt of the United States.

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The U. N. does not have any business in messing with the U. S. Constitution.

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Protect Our Animals

We Want You to Speak Out for the Innocent Animals that are Being Slaughtered Daily at the Hands of Humans

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Stop the FDA Practice of Withholding Material Medical Information From Mammogram Reports

Withholding this material medical information about breast density and its impact on mammogram effectiveness has created a national health crisis which denies women the opportunity to make informed medical decisions, and results in the preventable de

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This is to ask Congress to dissolve their Healthcare plans and to ask them not to spend more then the Government gets in Taxes

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Doctor Assisted Suicide

Doctor Assisted Suicide takes away clients rights to life, and we demand that Doctor Assisted Suicide be banned in all parts of the world.

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Friends of Syria International Coalition Demand the Ouster of Assad.

Friends of Syria International Coalition Take action no more words.

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Reject the global UN Small Arms Treaty.

The UN Small Arms Treaty is a GLOBAL gun control/confiscation program.