

The U. N. does not have any business in messing with the U. S. Constitution.

There is a treaty in the U. N. that madam Secretary of State and the Obama administration is backing with a lot of vigor, and that treaty is called the U. N. Small Arms Treaty. This treaty is supposed to eliminate or greatly curtail the procuring of arms by KNOWN terrorist organizations, such as Al Queda and other terrorist organizations.

Ever since this administration has been in office, they have done nothing but attempt to infringe if not totally eliminate the Second Amemdment, which the Supreme Court of the United States has time and again ruled, that the Second Amendment is a fundamental right of every American Citizen.

Now, this administration sees an opportunity with the aid of the U. N. to totally eliminate the Second Amendment through their World Small Arms Treaty. Madam Secretary of State has time and again stated that she would like nothing more than to see the Second Amendment totally and completely eliminated from the Constitution, and that she is willing to back this treaty to the fullest extent.

This treaty and this administrations words and actions are nothing more than a slander against every citizen of this country, and every law abiding firearms owner in this country. I for one will NOT ALLOW this to continue, and I stand on my oath that I will defend the Second Amendment because the Second Amendment is part of the Constitution of the United States, which when I took that oath I swore to preserve, protect, and defend and that includes the Second Amendment.

I am therefore calling on the House of Representatives of the United States, to oppose this treaty in its entirety, and to stand on the very oath that each one of you took the day you were sworn in, to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL ENEMIES foreign and domestic, and as far as I am concerned ladies and gentlemen that INCLUDES THE UNITED NATIONS!