President and VP candidates do not have to go through any FBI background clearance or check. No govt. entity is legally responsible for ensuring they are legally eligible for office under The Constitution.
Tell your elected officials to pressure Mitt Romney to release his taxes!
Take action to urge Congress to protect Christians in Egypt
6,000 women raped, 20,000 people killed, 25,000 houses burned, and 100,000 in concentration camps
Mugshots are public record, but they should not be allowed to be made available on social media sites or for commercial purposes
Tell your elected officials THEY should go without not U.S. Postal Service retirees
The number of infants diagnosed with flat spots on the head (plagiocephaly) and tight neck muscles (torticollis) have been on the rise in America. Please help us is to educate America regarding the prevalence and seriousness of these conditions.
gun control is added in this bill also they want gun control by any means.
We Must save our Wildlife before they are gone forever
High-Skilled Immigration Restrictions Are Economically Senseless