
You people are legally insane thinking you can beat the Russian s

As I speak ,nuclear satellite destroying weapons make space warfare a unacceptable risk for disabled vets . There's nothing wrong with russia killing all the Ukrainians if they lose ,they have to fight for their independence as a nation. Surrender or die I think the battle yell is. I worked with WW ll vets when I was in the military they are underpaid couch potatoes. They could not even make the government pay them so ends can meet. I can not get primary care and Biden does not intervene nor Mc Donough these are ham and Eggers weak playboys . You people are insane and should smack your self for thinking you can beat russia or China. LBJ went back to Austin a loser after nam ,he bit off more than he could chew . Walter Cronkiye exposed the Army did not have the situation under control because 400 miles of underground tunnels they would win without Russian and Chinese support. To date no branch of military goes underground. Boys in nam were ambushed at night from hidden tunnels . When I was in they surrendered. John Kerry threw his medals and stated how do you ask a man to be the last to die in a mistake . You people underestimated the poor Vietnamese people. When I was in after nam Pol pot killed 11million Cambodian s no one cared in usa , it did not make the news. Hitler did the same and it did make the news. Black veterans need statute s in valley forge or vegas I was a F-15 technician it's got to work right in flight. I seen a crash of a F-15 while nuclear test was going on. VA is a shithole and a dumping ground for ham and Eggers, couch potatoes, and underachieving wimps. You are Not a man until you been in the military and made these people pay what I am would. USAF advanced electronics are a thing of the past. The job is too big just to pay disabled vets and get them medical care IF YOU CANT DO THAT YOU CANT BEAT RUSSIA. YOU RAN LIKE FAIRIES FROM RED NECKS AT THE WHITE HOUSE. YOU SHOULD OF BEEN A MAN AND NOT RAN LIKE A COWARD. YOU PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE THE WILL TO WIN LIKE IN NAM. IF YOUR NOT READY TO PAY DISABLED YOUR PLAYING CATCH UP BALL. I WANT MY STIPENDS ONTIME IM THE PROPER MANNER AND TIMELY FASHION . I WAS USED ABUSED AND PAID SO MANY DUES FOR A HOOLIGAN COUNTRY FULL OF KLEPTOBEAUCRATS, NEVER WILLS ,LOSERS BASEMENT DWELLERS, useless deplorables .Hillary Clinton style. You people comes from Ross Perot. I point my finger you people are bad people cheating vets ,180 va executives burglary and money laundering . Kleptamaniacs they do armed robbery too.