
You have weak people as judges violating 34 usc 12601

You people are hypocrites to the vet Even Mark Milley retired because he did not think you People were worth fighting for. I see why Mao Ze Dong of China murdered 85 million of his own Chinese people. I see why Pol Pot killed 12 million of his own people in 1977. The Veterans affairs calls me a peace time vet . While they ran from Nam 1975 like cowards that could not afford war. They could mot even pay the soldiers big time money for being stars. Usa does not have useful idiots ,old john Kerry threw his medals on the white house lawn and said how do you ask a man to be the last to die for a mistake? Defending a country that does not put your safety over police and dirty judges. You will lose the next war because of low morale and pay. Lessons learned from Nam usa can not beat under ground cities tunnels hang up trying to stop Russia to bankrupt my country usa. Ukraine was lied to by rep Sam Nunn he had treaty to protect just like the P.I. you see Biden laughed at Ukraine when they were invaded and refused to help in direct opposition to treaty of Sam Nunn. Lessons from Nam, no parents want their sons and daughters dieing for a foreign country. Usa has to be attacked directly. As for veterans you have no reason to fight for usa they mistreat you at va hospitals and you can't get care. You will be homeless and abandoned by va and thr people you protect mainly courts. If you do fight for this country,you are a useful idiot like Jane fonda. Here as long as judges deprive constitution rights of veterans usa will look like Ukraine. You can not pay vets enough to have homes. When judges alter constitution and use illegal directives . Me as a vet would not fight for this country I would run like all the white people did during Nam like Trump out on a skirt with pink panties. Did you see how the usa army was ambushed and soldiers wiped out,from under ground surprise attacks. Walter Cronkite let thr people know usa is weak novice tac usaf could do nothing. Even with operation Christmas operation linebacker. Still usa left Nam losers.why do you think usa is strong when Korean war vets are refused care at va.