We need our $250 stimulus check, where is it?
I am writing to express the feelings of concern from the many Americans who are disabled and need to care for their families and themselves. The Americans that are on SS, SSI, SSDI and all the other disability payments do not agree with this NO COLA but we have no choice but to accept it. However the President PROMISED the Americans of this country that we would recieve a $250.00 Stimulus payment since there would be NO COLA this year, and we want to know where this payment is and when will we be recieving it. We all really need this money. Most of us find it very hard to pay our bills just on what we recieve each month, and despite the fact that we are told there was no rise in the cost of living we are all experiencing the prices of medication co pays and insurance premiums and several other things increasing from what we were originally paying. Americans are having a hard time trying to live on our very small budgets so we desperately need this $250.00 stimulus check "right away ASAP" to help us survive. The government is all about "helping other countries to survive" and asking Americans to pitch in, and we are all more than compationate to help, but we need our Government to be there for its own people too, because we ourselves are struggling to survive. WE NEED OUR $250.00 STIMULUS CHECK ASAP.
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