
We\'ve Had Enough: Repeal the 2nd Amendment Now

Replace the Second Amendment with Universal Background Checks with Zero Loopholes

About 100 Americans are killed in firearm-related incidents every day, and piecemeal attempts to make it harder for criminals, those who suffer from mental illness, and those who have a history of threatening behavior toward others to LEGALLY acquire guns have not worked. Those who oppose these efforts rely on the Second Amendment - a poorly worded, easily misconstrued, 200+ year old relic that has no place in the constitution of a modern society - to justify their obstructionism.

It's time for the 2nd Amendment to go, and to be replaced with federal-level laws that allow gun ownership only after a comprehensive background check - with no loopholes to weed out those who should never have access to guns.

Do this now before any more of our children pay the price.