
we wont stop fighting for our Girls

family ripped apart and forced into adoption

A mothers love is unconditional and that's why I'm here Because I am a mother and my love for my daughters is unconditional. My daughters were taken from me by CPS I was accused of things was told I said things I never said just one big web of lies made about me and my husband, We fought and fought for our daughters never stopped Then the courts allowed them to come home after about 21months My daughters were ages 1 and 3 when they were taken when they were returned they were going on 3 and 5 that's along time for a mother to be without her daughters and for a father without his daughters they came home for 2 amazing months my husband thought we should get a divorce because we weren't happy with each other anymore and started to argue so we thought it would be beat for our girls if we separated but CPS did not and they took my daughters from me again and we fought for another 6 months and they said we had to sign over our rights or they would take them and any other children we wet to ever have if we did not we disagreed until we were forced to sign and their were no other options. My girls have been out of my home for a year now and I haven't seen then in 6months I found out the adoption was just finalized last week I want my daughters back home with me and their father please help me and my family because nobody else will.