
War on The EPA: Republicans Would Erace Decades of Environmental Protections

This is one more very good example of where and how the leadership fails, and conributes to the breakdown of our society. Lack of judgement officials must ultimately be voted out of office. If positions are appointed, a deeper scrutiny must take p

"It single-handedly amends probably more laws of the United States than any law ever introduced in Congress," said John Walke, a lawyer with the Natural Resources Defense Council.

Taken together, the measures would so hamstring regulators that they would effectively return the nation to the 1880s era of the nation's first modern-style regulator, the Interstate Commerce Commission, advocates say.

"This is a departure not just from recent political thinking but literally would be a reversal," said NRDC's David Goldston. "The last time this was a situation that prevailed was the 1890s."

Click here: War On The EPA: Republican Bills Would Erase Decades Of Protection