
Voters the problem

VA hospitals are below national average is care 7.5 times according to OIG reports at hospitals they investigated. I agree the VA has chief of staffs that can't cut the mustard based on OIG investigations. The leadership must be relieved of their duties. The usa is not superior, the VA is a example usa inferiority. Do not call out Russia or any country you can't beat Russia THE JOB IS TOK BIG . YOU CAN'T EVEN RUN A VA RIGHT THEY ATE A BUNCH OF FELONS STEALING RIGHTS OF WEAK PEOPLE THAT CAN NOT GET THEIR OWN BUSINESS RECORD OR MEDICAL RECORDS AND ARE ABUSED BY THE PEOPLE THEY PROTECT RHE COURT SYSTEM IS ANTI CONSTITUTIONAL, BAD JUDGES MOSTLY WOMEN .NOT ALL THOUGHT USA IS A CORRUPT COUNTRY IN STUPID POSITION TO ACT AS WORLD POLICE. LET RUSSIA WIPE OUT THE UKRAINIANS. USA GOT WIPED OUT IN NAM. WE HAVE WEAK MILITARY AND VA. THE VA HOSPITALS ARE NOT RATED IN THE TOP 50,000 HOSPITALS IN THE USA. THEY ARE STUPID AND NAKE MISTAKES,AND LEADERSHIP IS CRIMINAL INTENTIONALLY NEGLIGENT. THE LEADERS IN CONGRESS AND SENATE ARE GAY, LOOK AT VA COMMITTEE. THE LEADERS ARE PERVERTS. PROVEN LOOK AT ANDREW WEINER. Hillary is very gay Bill Clinton was a serial cheater Monica's blue dress proved how white people roll ,deceitful suborning perjury. Overthrowing constitution rights of veterans. Time bombs in government service