Vote No On Universal Health Care Legislation Now
Help Stop Universal Health Care Legislation Now
Please Vote "No" on Universal Health Care Legislation
At a time when most of us are realizing that the government is out of control, "Health Care Reform" would establish a new very costly role for the the federal government and give it yet another regulatory tool for increasing the cost of living in America.
What makes you think government can do it better? Surely you are aware that England, Canada, and other countries that have socialized medicine are going broke trying to pay for system of care that is much worse than what we have now.
Your vote for this legislation will insure that:
1. Wait times for care will increase
2. Health Care will be rationed
3. Patient choice will be diminished
4. Overall Care will diminish
The system we have in place now is not perfect, in fact it needs to be reformed. But putting health care in the hands of the government with all of its inefficiencies is not the answer.
Please Vote "No" on Universal Health Care Legislation !!!
At a time when most of us are realizing that the government is out of control, "Health Care Reform" would establish a new very costly role for the the federal government and give it yet another regulatory tool for increasing the cost of living in America.
What makes you think government can do it better? Surely you are aware that England, Canada, and other countries that have socialized medicine are going broke trying to pay for system of care that is much worse than what we have now.
Your vote for this legislation will insure that:
1. Wait times for care will increase
2. Health Care will be rationed
3. Patient choice will be diminished
4. Overall Care will diminish
The system we have in place now is not perfect, in fact it needs to be reformed. But putting health care in the hands of the government with all of its inefficiencies is not the answer.
Please Vote "No" on Universal Health Care Legislation !!!
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