
Vote NO ON S. 3407 Gun Ban

The lead sponsor of S. 3407 in the Senate is Elizabeth Warren trying to attack the 2nd Amendment again:

Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

In the House, Rep. Hank Johnson is leading this effort.

That’s no surprise; both Warren and Johnson are raging commies and violating their oath of office. The problem is that support for this bill is growing fast with 20 members of the House now on board and 3 additional Senators!

As you can see, this is no longer a statement bill.

Biden’s radicals are committed to destroying the Second Amendment before the 2024 elections. And if they get their way, that’s exactly what will happen!

That’s because this legislation:

>>> Creates a national permit to buy a gun
>>> Establishes a nationwide gun registry
>>> Institutes a national ‘Red Flag Gun Confiscation’ law
>>> Bans virtually every semi-automatic rifle in America
>>> Makes it a felony to buy a ‘high capacity’ magazine
>>> Taxes guns at 30% and ammo at 50%
>>> Puts you in jail for buying more than 1 gun a month
>>> Forces you to lock up your firearms at all times
>>> Criminalizes the sale of firearms to adults under 21
>>> Bans the sale of suppressors
>>> Makes it a crime to build a firearm in your own home

And that’s just the beginning. This bill is 247 pages of pure tyranny!

We need to make sure that every member of our Congressional delegation is hearing from gun owners, to make sure they don’t even think about supporting this bill.