
VA Medical Care

ATTN: Congressmen and Senators now required to receive their medical care at the nearest VA facility.

Mr.McDonald, Quite frankly, Washington is doing a poor job managing the VA. This link was aired on Nov 12, 2015. I watched it live. This clip belongs entirely to FOX News Channel but is available online for others to utilize and disseminate.

I also called and got the same mailbox is full message. An hour later, I called and was able to leave a message. My husband (the veteran) was called shortly thereafter for an appointment. Thank you. What you do not know is shortly after that, the appointment was cancelled. Some scheduling issue. I am still dealing with the VA (on behalf of my husband) but the headlines have moved on. This issue will not, however, just disappear. Veterans are everywhere.

I request that immediately our Congressmen and Senators - all 535 of you, should be mandated that you receive your medical care from your nearest VA facility. Now, I know you travel from your home state to DC and back again. You should be comfortable in the knowledge that you now have options that your constituents do not. You can choose several VA facilities in the country since you travel frequently.

You can not only receive your care from yours and your constituents local VA facility, but you have the luxury of also visiting the ones on the DC area. Since you travel so much, all the other state facilities are also available to you as you criss-cross our beloved United States.

Now, I know that is rough going back and forth but the VA facilities are all excellent and immediate in addressing concerns and scheduling appointments, as you have publicly declared. No more than a 4 day wait period for an appointment based on the type of visit you are requiring. You said so yourself. You should also be comfortable in the knowledge all VA centers are connected electronically and so your information from your home districts will also be available for you in the DC area, and any other states you visit in your terms. That should be comforting to know your medical records are available system-wide for any medical needs you require while traveling.

If you should decline this, I feel you should be penalized and take a pay cut because that tells every other veteran you do not trust the system that you insist every other veteran must use and it "works so well." Should you decline your medical care from the nearest VA facility (even as you travel), you should be required to publicly explain to your constituents and on the floor why you decline the medical care at these facilities.Then, you should immediately unlock all VA patients in your district and allow them to select their choice of physicians - not one from a list of your choosing that is currently the system. All fees assessed should most definitely be covered based on their separation or retirement entitlement.

But, back to you: Even as you may choose to select a private physician, you should on