
Turn Trump over to Iran for Prosecution

We urge you to turn President Trump over to Iran for prosecution IMMEDIATELY. We believe it will save American lives by preventing Iran to attack Americans on American soil in their quest to get Trump. There is no reason why we should not hand him over in the same way that Trump would demand that other foreign countries hand over criminals hiding out in other countries. No one is above the law not even the President. It's time to send the world a message that the USA is not their enemy and that we are here to work together with other nations on issues that involve the world as a whole. Trump has proven himself to be the biggest threat to world within the USA and the world as a whole. We believe that not handing Trump over could lead to war, terrorist attacks and more threats to the security of this country. Therefore we urge congress to act immediately and to remember that no one man is more important than the safety of the country as a whole.