

To whom it concerns,
I am a citizen of the United States. I am 46 years old and was born here. I am also a mixed race female who was adopted at 3 years old, and was given every opportunity to excel and thrive. I have been through my life both well off and poor, and have had to get help from social services at times as well. Now I am married and working a good job, own a home and pay my taxes. I am writing you to ask you to please get Donald Trump out of office as soon as possible. He is simply a showman, not a politician, who has been given top authority to do what he wants no matter what anyone else thinks, and he is a dangerous man. I am still shocked with all his corruption that he was even allowed to be the Pontiff. My point is that the USA was built and founded all by immigrants who were told to come to America where they would be free. All Trump seems to want to do is get rid of/kick out any immigrant, even those who are already citizens, and this simply cannot be. Also he is dangerously making decisions that could very well lead to WWIII. He is a bully, a dictator and a tyrant who rants via twitter about everything, not very Presidential like at all. So please find a way to get him out of office, it is in your hands and despite what our bully president says, you DO have the right and the authority to change this. Don't let him have any more to do with politics, please help us.
Thank you ,
MaryAnne L