
Transparency in the health care bill

I am opposed to the health care bill, and want to see the whole bill before any decisions are made!

The job of the President of the United States, as well as all U.S. Senators and all U.S. Representatives is to represent and work for the people. Their job is not to get re-elected. Their job is not to secure pork barrel projects for their home state. Their job is not to look out for themselves. They are supposed to answer to us, We the People. Their boss is We the People. Their loyalty is to We the People, not to any special interest groups, not to any political party, and not to any majority in the House or Senate! A recent CNN article states that, "According to the poll, 42 percent of Americans, based on what they've read or heard about the bill, support Senate Democrat's legislation. That's up from 36 percent in a poll conducted December 2-3. Nonetheless, a majority of people questioned in the survey, 56 percent, oppose the bill." (

When 56% of Americans are opposed to a bill, elected officials should ask We the People what we want instead of forcing votes and trying to make the bill happen. We elected you to serve us, forcing a bill that 56% of the people is not serving us, it is serving yourselves. You were elected to office by promising us change, by promising us transparency, by promising us no more insane pork barrel projects. Now is the time to stand behind your promises. Now is the time to do your job. Now is the time to work for We the People! Now is the time to listen to We the People. This is our government! This is our country! You work for us! This whole country is based on We the People, not We the Politicians.