
CPS Transparency

CPS workers are able to lie under oath because there's no one to hold them accountable. It's their word against the public who is already being accused of abuse/neglect. Lets make it mandatory, as it should be, for ALL CPS workers to wear body cameras. This would protect those who are taking care of their children and it would be solid evidence for CPS in the event a child is being harmed.
Citizens should not have to call the police who work side by side on a daily basis to "protect" our families by being there with a camera so social workers cannot report FALSE claims and information. Also this give the court true eyes into the situation and it's not based on one social workers "perception".
Please sign this before you or any of your loved ones become a victim of our faulty system.
I say faulty because children are being ripped from homes where no abuse is occuring and put in a system where they are truly abused on some cases but if they are one of the lucky ones who are returned to their parents they are already so emotionally scarred that many live in fear of government officials who say "my name is... I am from the state and I'm here to help. Don't we need to establish 1st that someone actually needs help first and that the report is true before taking any actions to speak often times to children about abuse they have not encountered.