
Tivian's Law - Mandatory Testing for Dyslexia in all 50 states

Texas is the only state that dyslexia testing is required, the other children are called LAZY and fall, not slip through the cracks.

Texas is the only state that requires testing for dyslexia. The remaining 49 states have no such criteria and these children usually go undiagnosed and are just classified as being "dump, stupid, ignorant, retarded, lazy, etc." These children are far from any of these titles. If you talk to these children, they are extremely bright, but have difficulty putting their thoughts on paper. The medical insurance and medical field consider dyslexia a problem for educators and educators consider it a problem for the medical field. I believe it to be a problem for both to work mutually together, There are parents, grandparents, aunts, uncle, etc who believe that they have loved one who fit into this category known as dyslexia, but DYSLEXIA seems to be a catch all for any educational disability they cannot define. If the doctors and educators would work together to test these children, they would be correctly diagnosed and treated or ruled out. Additionally, learning disability costs should be covered by the medical insurance and the education system equally, not the parents. These children can be successful, given the proper treatment and/or training, but the diagnosis is necessary first. The schools worry about prayer and playgrounds and things that are not as important as the children's education. Focus on extremely educationally/mentally handicapped children is wonderful, but the education of children with dyslexia and ADD is equally as important. It is the request, no, it is the demand of every parent or loved one of a child with dyslexia to have mandatory dyslexia testing in every school in every state throughout the United States and adequate professionals to test and teach the children found to have dyslexia. At least let us see where our school tax dollars are going.