
THEUSAFUNDS.ORG Bill to Counter Congress Destroying 401K\'s etc.

Improve SSA plans and IRA's and eliminate USA Poverty-Debt with New Oil Production Normal Taxes-Fees

Petition Preamble: : US H.R. 4049: Automatic IRA Act of 2012 is reported to be a very bad bill, If true, it would destroy 401k's Roths etc. that EVERY American should be in. Read on.

Simple link to this petition for your friends:


The Oil Industry puts about $1 trillion/year into Social Security Should we destroy the Oil Industry? No, we should double the $ number.


All of us would become $millionaires if Congress would stop abusing businesses and abusing citizens with bad retirement plans.

More liquid fuel production means more tax-fee flows, with no increase in tax rates. So what to do with the money:

$40/week Alaskan oil dividends invested in the private economy at 8% gain per year, returns you over $77,000 at age 18, MSExcel =FV(0.08,18,-40*52) College anyone?

$40/week invested in the private economy at 8% gain per year, returns you over $1 million at retirement, MSExcel =FV(0.08,49,-40*52) Retirement anyone?

So where do we get the money and the 8%/yr gain? Increase energy production and all of us use companies like Bain Capital, like liberal college professors and unions do.. Read on.

Main Body of Petition:


Improve SSA plans and IRA's and eliminate USA Poverty-Debt with New Oil Production Normal Taxes-Fees

24 million Americans are looking for

..well paying jobs,

..better education,

..better healthcare and

..a better retirement.

Social Security plans promises were made to Baby Boomers and $716 Billion was removed from SSA.

Many other Americans are unhappy with government failures in these areas.

Therefore, we petition the Presidental and Congressional Candidates to implement a savings-retirement plan for each of the 310 million Americans, issued at birth plus make financing improvements to the existing SSA plans as fully funded backups-reinsurance to the plan.

This plan will help needed new businesses-jobs,

..personal financial growth to move all Americans out of poverty and

..reduce the National Debt which burdens our children.

Our current 401k, Roth and their federal worker counterparts IRAs, are too restrictive on what money can be put into these plans. The, with no taxes, is an improved 401k-Roth. Why would we tax an IRA which eliminates poverty, if everyone is in this Participatory Ethical Capitalist pool?

Chile South American workers, each have a successful saving-retirement account which invests in their private economy.

This copies and improves on the Chile planplus puts more money into Social Security Plans.

This petition has three basic parts to make this system work:

1. All Americans should retire with a $ million in their USAFund account via:

Were you taught in high school that $40/week invested in the private economy at 8% gain per year, yields you over a $1 million