
The Vote to De-Fund Obamacare

Requesting Senators vote to defund Obamacare

Dear ???????????????????????..

I am writing to you concerning your vote on the funding of Obamacare. As you know the American people have voiced our opinions and unless you have crawled under a rock I am certain you know our thoughts regarding the implementation of this Bill.

The future of America rests upon your shoulders. You must put aside Party ideology. You must disregard the propaganda and the politicization of this Bill and you must put aside ALL personal feelings.

This vote cannot and must not be looked upon as a political ploy where one side loses and one side wins. Because in truth and that is what this is about, the truth, America cannot afford this Bill.

Through the manipulation of taxation America?s middle class will be wiped out! America?s promise of ?The Dream? will become a nightmare, businesses will close and employees will become the permanently unemployed. No one wins and it appears many will indeed lose.

Of course there is no denying that America?s Health Care system needs an overhaul, everyone agrees on that. But how we go about reforming the system cannot and must not take the security away from millions of seniors who have already earned the right to these programs -they worked hard for them and were promised these benefits and they relied upon them being in place for their retirement.

The Bill now called ?Obamacare? feels more like ?Obama-doesn?t-care? as this Bill breaks promise after promise to the American People and especially seniors. Many of our sick, the weak, the poor and the elderly are already in fear- least I remind you of this fitting quote.

?When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.?

~Thomas Jefferson

Please be aware you will need my vote in your future.

With my signature, I beseech you; please let your conscience by your guide. Vote for the promise of a better tomorrow.


Sincerely your constituent,