
The usa is not worth fighting for or the veterans so you know Ukraine and national is not

Lessons from Nam usa can not use black veterans segregated military, or destruction of constitution protected activity into crimes all congress and senate is evil empire judiciary is filthy with scum that should be in prison under 18 title 241 242 1983 245 the citizens here in USA are mentally ill and the congress is too and the senate. Impermissible judicial conduct goes unpunished by bump up felonies by officials guilty of money laundering. Usa can not donate military aid or manpower whenit is borrowing from China. And thus is a sign of weakness . Congress and the judges must be removed I said it like Mark Milley we do not fight for tyrant judges or va .let all va go unemployed. Cancel assistance to Ukraine let Russia ??
Usa is a crime syndicate doing human rights abuses on veteran . Usa ?? does not have thr will to win in Nam or any war .pres must be removed before he gets under paid disabled vets in a fight they can not win like nam ,va and usa can not afford to pay disabled vets. All public officials are not able to administer government funds with out swiping them.