
The unjust removal of children from recovering families

To the honorable leaders of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the President of the United States:
We are asking for a change with a huge issue in the state of Massachusetts. The Department of Child and Family Services is an organization made to protect children from abuse and neglect. This department as needed as they are, have been breaking federal laws, taking children from loving and caring families who not only provide for their children but do not abuse nor neglect their children. Knowing and willingly taking children even when parents have clean drug toxocologies, have continued to go to treatment on a weekly basis, and have provided their children with shelter, food, appropriate clothing, education, healthy emotional and developmental growth, stability and most importantly love. Addiction specialists have brought this issue up to the u.s attorney's office because they are concerned with the amount of children being taken on clear false allegations of substance abuse. I as a MOTHER and a victim to this unconstitutional and horribly bias act am petitioning that
1. That this be investigated and dealt with.
2. That dcf provides a copy of the warrant of custody.
3. To better avoid the common abuse of emergency removals by the agency, there be a judge in every district who operates on call 24 hours of the day 7days a week to sign off on the custodial warrant.
4. That dcf makes their action plans within the law, and cannot ask for protected information, but instead can ask for confirmation of treatment and mental health complaincy and progress.
5. That parents with a past of drug abuse who have moved to live in recovery can live without the bias of being a drug abuser in regard to this matter.
6. And that if the parents can prove that the allegations are false in front of a judge these cases be closed immediately.

Please consider these, as our children are being illegally taken from us and we are being discriminated against. Removal of children from good homes is CHILD ABUSE, as the trauma it instills causes psychological harm that even infants will never outgrow. Removal from parents who do not abuse or neglect their children causes ptsd, borderline personality disorder, anxiety, depression, major reactive detachment disorders and so much more. We are BEGGING AND PLEADING OUR OFFICIALS TO FIX THIS ISSUE. HELP US GET OUR KIDS HOME FROM DCF.