
The right to bear arms shall not be infringed

Remove the unconstitutional laws made by Congress on the people's right to bear arms. If the military has it to carry so should the people.

The right to bear arms shall not be infringed. What part of that does Congress not understand? If the military and law enforcement agencies can carry it. So should the people. The laws dealing with gun control are unconstitutional and need to be removed. I don't remember giving government permission to tell me what's best for me. The government is supposed to be working for the people, not the people working for the government. I'm asking Congress to remove all unconstitutional gun laws. The NFA of 1934, 1968, and 1986 are all unconstitutional. The Brady bill and all the rest are unconstitutional also. The gun free zones are a also a danger that needs removal also. Anything that would be unconstitutional on the other amendments must be considered unconstitutional on the Second Amendment.